New here

AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
Ive been eating at 1600 calories for 5 weeks and exercising approxamitely 300-700 a day 6 days a week. My period which is ALWAYS right on time is now 6 days late. I am tired. And no I am not preggers. My friend suggested upping my calories to above my bmr whih is 1960 so that's what I shall try but I will admit I am scared. As a recovering binge eater l, eating more just Brits back old memories. I've lost 13 lbs in 5 weeks and I'm scared to gain it back. Anyone else start eating more and scared at the beginning?


  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I understand where you are coming from as I know many others will as well....It sounds to me like you are only Netting 900-1300 cals/day and your BMR is 1960...Can you give me your stats - Age, Height, Weight, activity level (or tell me what you do for exercise) and I can check out the numbers for you just to see what might be a good range for you...

    It is really scary upping calories when most of us have always believed in the eat less, move more philosophy but it is so unhealthy and we have finally figured that out...Remember this is a lifestyle change and the process will be slow going but you will become a healthier you for life and isn't that what we all strive to be?? We are all right here along side you anytime you have any doubts or happy times to share with us....We CAN do this together!!! :)
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Its is Scary upping the calories, but the rewards of pushing through the fear are well worth it :)

    Welcome to the group!
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I am 30 years old. 5'8. 216 lbs. I am currently on week 3
    Of the couch to 5k program which I do 3 days a week and then I walk 1 hour 4 days a week and do
    Aqua aerobics 20 mins roughly twice a week

    I am also on anxiety meds which fortunately make me sane, but unfortunately made me pack on 70 lbs so losing weight is a bit more difficult with these meds. But I was in a very dark spot per-medication so I'm not ready to stop them yet
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    And I'm striving for health, not to be thin so I believe I am on the right place. Been on this weight loss train
    Long enough. I am ready to get Off at my destination and never have to get back on that train.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Welcome to the group! You will find this spot to be an amazing source of support and encouragement!

    It is scary in the beginning but trust me when I say there will come a point where you can't imagine ever eating less!!

    I'm also on an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med which does it make it a little more difficult to lose weight but when I really focus, I've been able to do it. Just takes lots of motivation and extra will power but you can do this!!!
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Tenar13
    Tenar13 Posts: 49 Member
    I have run your numbers through Scooby and they come out as
    BMR 1751
    TDEE 2715
    15% cut 2307

    This is based on moderate activitiy which based on what you have posted is the minimum that I think you are. With these numbers clearly you do not eat your exercise calories back unless you net below your BMR number. When I did this the numbers were really scary but I can say it does work - particulary if you can hit the protein macro (circa 30%). I have visibly lost fat and improved the way I eat, and my health. Good luck on the journey - everyone here is happy to help :-)
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    I started this on Friday having watched the group & read the stickies and other threads for the past few weeks.

    I dont eat much and exercise quite a bit, my weekly avg net was under 1000, but I have a small appetite. Like I said I've been reading with interest but scared to believe in it until a guy I work with, a keen and fit cyclist who also said pretty much exactly what is said on here about eating more to feed your body and with that comes a more efficient metabolism and he is also really lean.

    So with trepidation I decided after WI on Friday to give it a go. My appetite has started already to grow this morning for the first time I can ever remember I woke up hungry I did a little run with the dogs, had some food then cycled to work, got here and I was really hungry, so I had some toast and bacon at my mid morning break. From what I’m understanding this is perfectly normal.

    I got scared yesterday as my weight had gone up but I am trying to fight the flight response to go back to low calories as I do believe my body is appreciating this extra fuel. I am determined to stick with it, ultimately we all want to lose weight to feel better/look better but what can be better than your body working the way its meant too? I cant believe in only 4 days my attitude is changing. No doubt there will be days where I wobble but I am going to do my utmost to stick to this and to hopefully come out the other side a healthier me.

    The support on here is fantastic so thank you to all of you helping us newbies on our way.

    And good luck I hope you also feel the benefits real soon.
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    Adding you as a friend! We can cheer each other along in our new journeys!
    I started this on Friday having watched the group & read the stickies and other threads for the past few weeks.

    I dont eat much and exercise quite a bit, my weekly avg net was under 1000, but I have a small appetite. Like I said I've been reading with interest but scared to believe in it until a guy I work with, a keen and fit cyclist who also said pretty much exactly what is said on here about eating more to feed your body and with that comes a more efficient metabolism and he is also really lean.

    So with trepidation I decided after WI on Friday to give it a go. My appetite has started already to grow this morning for the first time I can ever remember I woke up hungry I did a little run with the dogs, had some food then cycled to work, got here and I was really hungry, so I had some toast and bacon at my mid morning break. From what I’m understanding this is perfectly normal.

    I got scared yesterday as my weight had gone up but I am trying to fight the flight response to go back to low calories as I do believe my body is appreciating this extra fuel. I am determined to stick with it, ultimately we all want to lose weight to feel better/look better but what can be better than your body working the way its meant too? I cant believe in only 4 days my attitude is changing. No doubt there will be days where I wobble but I am going to do my utmost to stick to this and to hopefully come out the other side a healthier me.

    The support on here is fantastic so thank you to all of you helping us newbies on our way.

    And good luck I hope you also feel the benefits real soon.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Adding you as a friend! We can cheer each other along in our new journeys!
    I started this on Friday having watched the group & read the stickies and other threads for the past few weeks.

    I dont eat much and exercise quite a bit, my weekly avg net was under 1000, but I have a small appetite. Like I said I've been reading with interest but scared to believe in it until a guy I work with, a keen and fit cyclist who also said pretty much exactly what is said on here about eating more to feed your body and with that comes a more efficient metabolism and he is also really lean.

    So with trepidation I decided after WI on Friday to give it a go. My appetite has started already to grow this morning for the first time I can ever remember I woke up hungry I did a little run with the dogs, had some food then cycled to work, got here and I was really hungry, so I had some toast and bacon at my mid morning break. From what I’m understanding this is perfectly normal.

    I got scared yesterday as my weight had gone up but I am trying to fight the flight response to go back to low calories as I do believe my body is appreciating this extra fuel. I am determined to stick with it, ultimately we all want to lose weight to feel better/look better but what can be better than your body working the way its meant too? I cant believe in only 4 days my attitude is changing. No doubt there will be days where I wobble but I am going to do my utmost to stick to this and to hopefully come out the other side a healthier me.

    The support on here is fantastic so thank you to all of you helping us newbies on our way.

    And good luck I hope you also feel the benefits real soon.

    hi bud, sure we can all support each other :-) good luck
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I think the gaining weight part is, where most of us really struggle.
    But if you see it the way, that it will be only for a short period of time, until your body trusts you, that you will keep eating and not starve yourself. Once your body has realized that, it will let go willingly of the extra pounds.
    I came myself from a VERY low calorie diet, and I did it for over a decade. So I know where you are coming from. I was really scared to start this journey, but at some point I just said to myself, that this was the only way to ever achieve a healthy relationship to food.

    I started to eat at my cut level for three weeks, but realized, that I needed a full reset. I did that for 8 weeks, and I had to up my calories half way through reset, cause I got a FitBit and saw that I was still under eating.
    I gained 10 lbs. I did exercise A LOT, but I cut down on the Cardio and started to lift heavy, which I love.
    Now I am in my first week of cut and I lost 2 pounds already.

    Te mental part is really hard, but once you overcome it, you will feel so liberated.
    I love my life, love that I can go and have ice cream with my girls, without guilt.

    Keep going, it is well worth it :)
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Welcome to the group!! I also came from low cal eating anywhere from 700-1000. Somedays I just never ate at all, cause I didn't feel like it. I upped my cals gradually from March to mid-June because it was a struggle to fit that much food in my day and still get anything else done. I found myself eating constantly and everywhere I went. I'm presently at 2100 cals (maintenance) and just now starting to get settled in with eating so many cals. Yes it can be extremely over-whelming for a while, but in the end, knowing it's the best thing for your body is what wins out. Happy logging and happy eating while watching your body learn to thrive!!! :flowerforyou: