Just Read The Book & Have A Couple Of ?'s Please

Hi Everyone,

I've just finished reading the book and was hoping someone could put my mind at rest.

I'm just coming to the end of a second found of a hybrid P90X program and am finding it hard to get my head round that in NROLFW there aren't any bicep curls at all or any specific tricep moves. I understand what the book is saying completely but I guess it's just learning to think so differently to the way I have been for years when it comes to lifting.

I'm a little nervous that the progress I've made on my arms/back will be lost and hope somebody can just put my mind to rest that the program does work.

I am looking forward to challenging myself with lifting heavy as it's not something i've done before - I've lifted weights just not really heavy ones!

Thanks for reading my post and look foward to hearing anybody's experiences.


  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    You just answered your question kinda on your own..if you havent really done heavier weights...this set up will challenge you.

    What I would suggest to put your mind at ease..is do a search on all the exercises in the first stage and find out what muscles it works.. :) You would be surprised..dumbbell shoulder press...wide grip lat pull down..its all arms and back on those.. :)

    Just give it a try..
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    It is a change of philosophy, but the New Rules method uses compound moves that work several muscles at the same time versus bicep curls, etc, that work on isolated muscles. Part of the method is also fat burning, paired with the nutrition, which the isolated muscle exercises won't get you. Give it a try. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I did p90x before, and.. granted, my results had all faded (back injury) by the time I got to NROL - but I can say that I think the majority of my muscle gains came from pullups and pushups. The isolations were nice, but I do think they were lip service now - and just there to create a nice muscle pump to make you feel good in the mirror post workout. Everytime I took time off from doing it I was like, "Aw, man, where did those muscles go?".. but with nrol, I've taken ... like 3 weeks off, almost, and I'm like, "Check you out, strong woman!"

    I'd just say give it a try and see how you like it. Try to resist adding those isolations in! :)
  • roodledoodle
    roodledoodle Posts: 183
    Thanks for taking the time to reply to me everyone, it's much appreciated. What you have all said makes sense, it is just changing my mind set from years of doing the same thing and you're right Mommiered if I haven't tried really heavy weights before I guess I need to try to find out.

    TheFunBun (love your user name by the way!) I completely agree with what you're saying about the muscle pump, which is a temporary boost.

    I am going to give it a try - a good try as it sounds hard work! x
  • Rikasue
    Rikasue Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I've just finished reading the book and was hoping someone could put my mind at rest.

    I'm just coming to the end of a second found of a hybrid P90X program and am finding it hard to get my head round that in NROLFW there aren't any bicep curls at all or any specific tricep moves. I understand what the book is saying completely but I guess it's just learning to think so differently to the way I have been for years when it comes to lifting.

    I'm a little nervous that the progress I've made on my arms/back will be lost and hope somebody can just put my mind to rest that the program does work.

    I am looking forward to challenging myself with lifting heavy as it's not something i've done before - I've lifted weights just not really heavy ones!

    Thanks for reading my post and look foward to hearing anybody's experiences.
  • Rikasue
    Rikasue Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I've just finished reading the book and was hoping someone could put my mind at rest.

    I'm just coming to the end of a second found of a hybrid P90X program and am finding it hard to get my head round that in NROLFW there aren't any bicep curls at all or any specific tricep moves. I understand what the book is saying completely but I guess it's just learning to think so differently to the way I have been for years when it comes to lifting.

    I'm a little nervous that the progress I've made on my arms/back will be lost and hope somebody can just put my mind to rest that the program does work.

    I am looking forward to challenging myself with lifting heavy as it's not something i've done before - I've lifted weights just not really heavy ones!

    Thanks for reading my post and look foward to hearing anybody's experiences.

    I thought the same thing- worried about my chest and triceps that I've worked so hard for. But I really did neglect the back of my body - back, hamstrings etc. Since I have been doing NROL4W, I have noticed that my shoulders have more definintion, and I have a nice "triangle" shape" to my back - shoulders narrowing down to the waist. I see less flabbieness (translate cellulite, I guess) in my hamstrings and glutes. I was complemented by a woman at a pool party how great my arms and back looked. I also discovered my posture had improved. doing all those chest exercises, i was more folded over in front. I now stand up straighter with my shoulders back. It is definately an improvement.