W1 D1 completed

Hurley1203 Posts: 40 Member
Well, I am trying this program again. I did it a few months ago and then had a lot of family stuff come up, so I slacked off. Now I am back at it. I have already registered for 2 5ks so I have something to remain committed to it. One is at the end of Oct and the other is in Nov. I hope I'm ready!

My question is: what are the rest days? Should I be running every other day? I know the last time I did this I was sore the following day after a run. I am also doing zumba a couple times a week. Is it better to do that or some other aerobic class on the rest days, or am I not supposed to work out at all??? So many questions.... thanks in advance!


  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member

    Glad to hear you're giving this another shot! And wow, you're signed up for TWO 5Ks -- you know how to build in some good motivation. Good for you!     :)

    The rest days are really important for giving your running muscles a chance to recover and grow. On the rest days, you should either do no exercise, or do strength- or resistance-training to work other muscles. For me, this meant I would do push-ups or burpees three days a week, C25K three days a week, and have one full rest day where I did no workouts. If you run every day, you greatly increase the odds that you'll suffer an injury.

    Just out of curiosity -- which C25K program are you using? There are so many now!

    Best wishes!
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    Great job on beginning the program again...it is such a wonderful program.

    I do the C25K session on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. Today I did W5 D1.

    I have been jogging in the morning then Mon Tue Thur & Fri in the evening I do about 30 to 40 mins of cardio and strength training. The lower body strength training has allowed me to do longer runs without the soreness.

    Happy running to ya.