pregnant and supersized...

pichild Posts: 72 Member
3 years ago I found myself pregnant and unsure of how being supervised would affect my know when would I feel the baby kick and all that...I wanted to let you all know that there is support out there...I joined is a group for supersized women there... you can get support before during and after your pregnancy from actually people who know what it's like to be heavy and pregnant or even just heavy and trying to get pregnant.


  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    Thanks for this post. It will be usefull I'm sure.
  • smalleyez06
    smalleyez06 Posts: 132 Member
    I am not sure if there is a board on www. but I was on there with my son's pregnancy and I am still very close with some of my March moms. One of the important things is to make sure you find a doctor you are comfortable with and does not talk down to you. I was 275 when I got pregnant with my son and 300 when I got pregnant with my daughter ending at 325. I luckily had no problems getting pregnant and had very uneventful pregnancies but it is not easy being large and pregnant.
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    Having a good doctor is a big one. The feritility doctor I am seeing is great and isn't condecending aobut our weight. My personal doctor, I'm not too happy with, but it is hard to find a doctor in my city. I will see what I can do in the mean time.

    As a question, being all ready large, what did you use for maternity wear? I have a couple pairs of pants that MIGHT work, but I"m a little worried.
  • pichild
    pichild Posts: 72 Member
    I just got a couple of bigger shirts...when I got pregnant I weighed 330 and the day I delivered I weighed 330... I lost down to 310 during my of the great things about being big and pregnant you will probably loose weight. I'm sure you have heard of the HCG diet... while you are pregnant your body will be producing the HCG naturally... toward the end it will all come back but it will be all baby....once I gave birth and list all the water weight I was down to 280...
  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member

    I used the above site. I had my daughter 3.5 yrs ago, starting weight was 389 lbs:mad: , topped off around 400; was down to 374 after i had my daughter.

    I met so many nasty doctors, ultrasound techs but my ob/gyn was amazing. I had zero complications, altough i had frequent ultrasounds becuase my babies heartrate couldnt be detected with doppler.

    I ended up having a csection, only becuase i had a previous one with my first. I did have a stitch open on my incision which was VERY painful but nothing had to be done and it healed up on its own.

    Being big and pregnant was very scary and very hard on the body. I was tired just having a shower, but it can be done and there is support from others who understand.