Period MIA due to restricted calories

AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
Sorry men....this is a post about periods. Be forewarned. Lol

For 5 weeks I have been doing 1600 calories and roughly 300-500 exercise calories a day at least 6 days a week. My period is always on time. Like clock work. Now it's a week late. I
Have pms like mad, bloated, cramps but no flow. Hehe. I am not pregnant. Hubby is snipped and I did a test. Anyways do yesterday was my first day upping my calories after I had an afternoon doctors appointment and she encouraged me to up my calories to at least bmr. I was still a bit shy in calories bu not bad. Anyways did anyone else have issues with their period while restricting calories? Did it eventually just come?

Also, I am in week 3 of the couch to 5 k program and I am really loving it. I used I be a cross country runner. I also strongly desire starting p90x which I plan to do today. Can I do both? But instead of doing p90x every day I do it every 2nd day with running in between and a rest day every Sunday?


  • Rambo313
    Rambo313 Posts: 179 Member
    Yes I also had this problem, and it did come back but very light. I also have an underactive thyroid that decided to do a 360 and now is over active and my period has been MIA for like 2months and no I am not pregnant. I have all the symptoms as well, very annoying but intensity of my workouts have increased and I feel that might have something to do with it as well.