URGENT advice needed

waxon81 Posts: 198 Member
I have for a good many years suffered with a reoccuring rotator cuff problem.

I am currently starting to see great results from my current programme (hell raiser training), however, my dreaded injury has reared its ugly head once again.....

I am booked in to get a cortisone injection on friday morning.

My query is this. Obviously this sort of injury requires rest, (and hopefully the cortisone shot will speed recovery) I will still be training legs, i usually only train legs once a week. Would it be ok to go to twice a week, one heavy day, one light high rep day with 3or4 days rest inbetween? Also, Im currently bulking. As i wont be able to train as much should i minimise the bulk to avoid getting fat (eg-gain 1/2lb a week as opposed to 1lb), or as this is an unofficial rest week shall i continue to keep the cals high to aid in repair.

I would be grateful for any advice, and also open to friend requests from experienced lifters. Many thanks


  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I dealt with a shoulder injury back in January and couldn't do much benching for 6-8 weeks. I took the time to work on my squats and deadlifts. Both of those made decent progress in that time.

    You'd be fine with 2 leg days per week. I squat 3x per week right now.
    You've got 2 decent options as far as the leg days go:
    1 heavy for strength (max effort singles, triples, etc) and 1 day geared towards hypertrophy.
    Or you could have 1 day for the squat, and 1 for the deadlift.

    Pick one and roll with it. I think deads are definitely a must right now, because it's hard to get back work in if you can't move your shoulder, but deads kind of work around that.

    Not sure what equipment you have at your gym, but I'd try my best to hit these hard:
    Box Squats
    Good Mornings
    Sled Drags

    It sucks not being able to bench, but I was able to get over it when I realized I might lose 10 pounds on my bench, but gained 20+ a piece on squats and deads. Just my opinion/ how I'd do it if I got injured again.
  • waxon81
    waxon81 Posts: 198 Member
    i workout at home, so its all freeweights and benchwork.

    my usual leg day would consist of

    BB back squats 3x8
    straight leg deadlift 3x8
    Leg extentions 3x8 (+4 forced negatives at the end of a set)
    BB front squats 3x8

    so would i be able to do

    MONDAY (Heavy day)
    BB back squats 5x3
    BB deadlift 5x3
    BB front squats 5x3

    THURSDAY (hypertrophy day)
    BB back squats 3x12
    Straight legged deadlift 3x12
    Leg extentions 3x8 (+4 forced negatives at the end of a set)
    BB front squats 3x12

    hows this look?
    (that being said, i will look into perhaps incorporating some of what you recommend into my routine)