Need Energy? Maybe you need to rest.

LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
Tuesday morning I felt flat, empty, out of energy, that kind of hollow feeling that tells me that I don't have much reserves in the tank.

I had exercised hard over the last few days. 1000 calorie workouts on Sat, Sun and Mon. I ate at or slightly above my non-workout calorie goal (set for 1 lb/ week loss) so I was probably running in the range of 1000 - 1500 calorie deficit under my TDEE.

So I took the day off, work-out wise. Ate exactly at my calorie goal (that was just luck) and nature cooperated by giving us a cool night for sleeping.

Today I'm re-invigorated ready to hit the courts after work. My opponents had better look out.

Anecdotal? You bet, but on the chance someone could benefit from it, there you go.