To reset or not to reset?

katnohat Posts: 43 Member
That is the question.

I was never really on a VLCD...The lowest I netted was 1400 when I started out, only about 100 cal below my BMR. I ate that way for 3 months, and saw modest weight loss. Then I found out about EM2WL and I started that in May. I went directly into the 15% cut and my weight went up three pounds and then down two pounds and now it has stalled out completely. (Also, I haven't really had any non-scale victories other than my exercise-induced headaches going away. No change in measurements or anything).

I started paying more attention to my macros and not going too much over on carbs, but that made no difference.

Should I do the reset or not? I feel like since I wasn't eating below BMR for very long, I don't need to do the fill eight weeks if I do it. But what do you all think?


  • katnohat
    katnohat Posts: 43 Member
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    You could try a diet break instead of a full reset. That is where you eat at TDEE for 1-2 weeks, instead of 4-12 that you would on a reset. It might be just enough to remind your body you arent starving it and it can go ahead and drop the weight..
  • katnohat
    katnohat Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for the input! I think I decided to do just a 4-week reset, and re-evaluate where I am after that.