Hi, new here!

I keep reading other posts about this group and thought I would look into this. I am 51 years old and 5 ft. 1 inch tall and weigh 127.6 pounds. I've been trying to keep my calories to 1200. I've lost about 8 pounds since the beginning of May doing it this way. However, I've noticed that I look really bad. Dark circles, always tired and never feel rested. I've stopped exercising because I just have no energy. My hair and skin look bad. Maybe it's the ole "menopause" thing? Not sure since that happened 3 years ago but maybe it's just catching up with me. Moreso I'm thinking that I'm not eating enough calories and I'm definitely eating the wrong kinds of calories. It seems the last couple of weeks I binge on bad food. For the first few weeks I did very well at 1200 calories but not so much anymore. I just don't feel well most of the time. I may try this emtwl. I'm afraid. Very, very afraid!


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I keep reading other posts about this group and thought I would look into this. I am 51 years old and 5 ft. 1 inch tall and weigh 127.6 pounds. I've been trying to keep my calories to 1200. I've lost about 8 pounds since the beginning of May doing it this way. However, I've noticed that I look really bad. Dark circles, always tired and never feel rested. I've stopped exercising because I just have no energy. My hair and skin look bad. Maybe it's the ole "menopause" thing? Not sure since that happened 3 years ago but maybe it's just catching up with me. Moreso I'm thinking that I'm not eating enough calories and I'm definitely eating the wrong kinds of calories. It seems the last couple of weeks I binge on bad food. For the first few weeks I did very well at 1200 calories but not so much anymore. I just don't feel well most of the time. I may try this emtwl. I'm afraid. Very, very afraid!

    HI there, and welcome to the group! I think all of us were afraid at first so that is pretty normal.

    I started feeling better immediately after upping my calories and changing my macronutrient settings to 40/30/30 carbs/protein/fat. I have found that the more protein I get, the less "wrong" kind of food I eat. I feel way less snacky and I'm not sneaking to the cupboard to graze on handfuls of cereal.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hello, and Welcome!

    No wonder, you are tired-I would be too eating only 1200 kcal.
    Did you run your numbers on the scooby calculator?
    If you have done, you can go from there. Depending on how long you ate the 1200 kcal you can either go the route of eating your cut value, which is TDEE-10 or 15%, or you do a full reset of eating TDEE for 8 weeks, and then go to your cut.

    Gaining some weight is normal and part of the game. But it does not mean, that it has to happen.
    But you will feel your energy coming back and you will be looking better when eating more.
    As Heidi said-try to put your macros right 40/30/30 with a main focus on protein first. When you got your proteins right, the other macros will usually fall into place.
    If you have any questions, don't be shy to ask :)
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    welcome, I'm also new, well a whole 6 days in, and like you was eating far too little, I had no energy and couldnt sleep. I've always thought menopause (medically induced 4 years ago) but 6 days in I can see a difference, I'm sleeping better (apart from my daft knee wakes me up but I can get back to sleep) and I have more energy.

    I've just posted a message titled proof it works, 6 day update, so I wont type it again but it has been a wake up moment today and I wont be going back to minimum calories again. I have a long way to go to get the my cut figure let alone anything else but I'm going to be trying very hard now.

    I expect it'll take a while for us to get there but looking at the results others have had on here I'm ready for the pain :smile:
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member

    I'm pretty sure the feeling/looking tired you have been suffering is because you've been eating so little. I've only been doing this a couple of months and it's definitely worth it. My energy levels are much higher and I never let myself get hungry now. It does involve dedication, planning meals and snacks but it means I'm finally feeding my body as I should be. I'm getting a lot more protein and trying to make sure nearly everything I eat has nutritional value and I usually eat six times a day. Because my body is getting everything it needs I no longer have cravings for sugary and fatty foods. I also no longer binge as I'm not starving myself. I can happily eat a couple of biscuits or a piece of cake which I still very much enjoy, but will then feel satisfied and do not then go on to eat the whole pack like I might have done when trying to stick to do very low cal diets.

    I can enjoy a meal out with friends or a takeaway once in a while and not panic about having to starve myself the day before or the day after to make up for it as it fits within my calorie allowance, even if it makes my macros not quite right for the day. It's so nice not have that guilty feeling about eating.

    You've come to the right place and you'll get all the support/advice you need here.
  • fattofit20
    fattofit20 Posts: 86
    Thank you all so much for your responses. I've been eating nothing but junk. Fast food, sugar. I crave sugar for some reason! I've upped my calories to a little over 1300. I'm really not sure how many calories I should be eating but I know I've been going over 1200 most days the last couple of weeks. I've pretty much given up until now. I'm sure I'll be posting a lot and asking a lot of questions.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Welcome to the group! I agree with what everyone else has already posted. 1200 calories is way too low!!

    I think once you increase your calories and start eating healthier, cleaner foods, you'll feel so much better. I've been menopausal for 3 years now and since beginning this lifestyle back in March, I have so much more energy....I'm losing less hair, my skin looks fantastic and I'm sleeping so much better at night.