Just a lil help from my friends :)

Hi everyone,
I'm new to MPF, EM2LW, and calorie counting (semi-new to that). My brain is literally going "does this really work?" as well as "Wow *insert huge smile :D* I can eat to really lose weight?" with that said I'm soooo confused right now with what calories I should be eating. I use to be a devoted Weight Watcher, and kept going back and forth on it (starving is an understatement on it) especially on this "new" ww plan (if I calculated it all right I was getting maybe 1500 calories)...anyway - I went on Scooby's site and didn't know what to put in for "exercise" -- I'm walking 10,000 steps a day right now (5 miles a day) and on Aug. 1st going to start the exercise in full bloom, but right now I'm thinking the walking is light exercise, not too sure. Ironically I have found online that walking 10,000 steps a day is equal to a 500 calorie burn...so here's the deal do I put the bmr calories for "light exercise" or "no exercise" in mfp or the tdee cut and not worry about putting the exercise cals in? So, that's where I'm confused right now :), I'm hoping this makes sense - kind of in the Overwhelmed phase of all this.

Thank you in advance for your help :)


  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    10,000 steps is about 5 miles. Good work! You are probably more active than me because I have a desk job and go to the gym for my exercise. I would say consider yourself a moderate exerciser for now, get your numbers and reassess your weight/measurements in 4 weeks.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi and Welcome :)

    Isn't it fab, that you can eat and lose weight?
    And yes it does work :)
    Your body might need some time to adapt, but it will be alright. This is not a quick fix or a fad, so it will take some determination and will power, cause it can be sometimes hard to overcome especially the mental hurdles coming with it.
    Please read through the stickies, so you know what to expect :)
    There might be some weight gain going along with it :)
    I would put your activity level as moderate.
    If you need more help-we are here
  • Thank you so much for your help :)
    Moderate huh? Wow - more food :)....I'm so worried about the gain (even at a tdee - 15%?) because I'm big enough (female, 255, 5'3") and to gain just makes me worried - do you lose eventually?!??!
    I am definitely going to read those stickies BIG TIME!!!!! :)

    Thank you again for all your help :)
  • gjriddle
    gjriddle Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, and welcome!! I just wanted to jump in and say DON'T WORRY about gaining! Even if you gain a teensy bit at the beginning, it will absolutely come off. At the beginning many people do have a brief "bloat" period, simply because your body is used to not getting any food and your metabolism reflects that. But stay consistent and after a couple of weeks you'll start to notice your size trending down.

    I'm also a huge believer in the mantra "The Scale Lies." The scale hasn't budged for me, but I've lost 3 inches off my waist and 2 off my hips in just a month. I'm lifting weights instead of doing tons of cardio and it shows! I'm slimmer, leaner and stronger than before, even though my weight is essentially the same. So, I stopped weighing myself and sold my scale! :-)

    I was a WWer for 3 years, too. I lost, I was small and still super soft and hungry all the time. I had low energy and high stress. Then I found EM2WL, and all that turned around. I eat more, I'm getting fitter and smaller, and I have energy like WHOA! Trust in the program, it does work. And we're all here for support and encouragement!! Feel free to friend me, I love having friends that are living the same lifestyle!
  • Thank you so Much :)

    I was looking at my stats for moderately active, and sooooo nervous about eating 2496 calories a day while just walking 10,000 steps a day, just nervous that I'll keep gaining weight :(....but I told myself I will give myself time, and trust the process. I am also reading about doing a cut for 4-6 weeks and then going full tdee? is that something we all should do? I think I may not have read a stickie somewhere LOL!!! So was wondering what that was all about? :)

    Thank you all so much again for your help - means worlds to me :)
  • gjriddle
    gjriddle Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you so Much :)

    I was looking at my stats for moderately active, and sooooo nervous about eating 2496 calories a day while just walking 10,000 steps a day, just nervous that I'll keep gaining weight :(....but I told myself I will give myself time, and trust the process. I am also reading about doing a cut for 4-6 weeks and then going full tdee? is that something we all should do? I think I may not have read a stickie somewhere LOL!!! So was wondering what that was all about? :)

    Thank you all so much again for your help - means worlds to me :)

    Some people do a metabolism reset, where you eat at your full TDEE for 6-8 weeks, and then you cut to 10% or 15% below TDEE. The reset pretty much always means initial weight gain, but once you cut the fat goes. I personally didn't do it quite like that... I went first to my 15% cut (1800/day) and then my trainer told me to start eating 2000-2200/day, which is more like 5% cut to TDEE. That's what I do, along with heavy lifting 4 days/wk and HIIT cardio 2 days/wk. I know there are some folks on EM2WL who have done the reset and then cut with great results.. ready the stickies on it and I'm sure one of them would be happy to help you out!