Is eating at BMR + exercise same as cut?

ji225 Posts: 89 Member
I do love eating more, and I'm now just trying to simplify my life a bit and can't be doing with too many calculations, I think my BMR is about 1350 (according to an average of all sites I have tried) so I am thinking I set my BMR plus a bit (1450) as my low limit on MFP and then eat all exercise cals back so I never go below 1450 net. I seem to be averaging at 2000-2100 cals per day anyway like this, which I think is about my 10% cut. I'm 36, 5ft 8 and 143 pounds now after a bit of a reset. (Started out at 138).

Does this sound good? I only do this because I find it soo hard to tell what my activity levels are - some days high, some days low, some days nothing, and there is no regular day for me really! as long as I never ever go below BMR anymore, I should be OK right?

Just some words of advice and to know from experiences if this is not the right way to go please :) thanks!



  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    One of the things we really stress here is consistency so your body gets a chance to get used to being fueled. A lot of people have difficulty losing this way because they have come from very low calorie and then to jump up in calorie without having consistency the body still isn't getting the message that your going to fuel it and thus hangs onto the weight (this happened with me). I didn't start losing until I actually upped it to me 15% cut and ate that every day. Since activity level is calculated by hours per week you must be able to figure out a basic average of how many hours your exercise. It doesn't have to be exact.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I would also be careful with using MFP website estimations for calorie burn, unless you have a device thats telling you how much you are actually burning try not to take the numbers they give you as an exact number.. sometimes they can be way over on your calories burned per exercise.
  • ji225
    ji225 Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks for your replies:)

    I probabably do about 9-10 hours a week of non strenuous activity which is where i feel a bit lost, as scooby only has either 5-6 hrs of strenuous, or 7-20 hour of strenuous, which I think is a large range! also 4.5 of those hours are my bike ride commute to work, which I have been doing for years, so my body is well used to it. My HRM says I burn about 300 so that is what I adjust the time for on MFP burn amount, as I know it is usually a bit high. The other exercise is mainly yoga and pilates, walking and swimming, which I would not say are strenuous, which is I guess why I aim for around 2050- 2100 per day, (with about 1 day in 10 going under (1800-1900) and the same going way over, which I figure evens out).

    I dont seem to be making any prgress though.

    I absolutely won't go back to eating silly small amounts, but I don't want to get bigger and bigger....mainly as I can't afford a new wardrobe!
    I can't really train with weights much as I have a ongoing back issue, and any heavy resistance work is off the menu till that gets stronger.

  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Jenny, Sounds like I'm in the same boat as u. Ive gained 10lbs from reset, (8wks tomorrow). I backed off cardio during reset but did NROLFW - hoping to strengthen my bad neck. Backfired, my back/ neck is worse& I'm 10lbs fatter! So like you I have days where I'm really active & days where I'm flared up(couch days) I thought instead of cutting cals & dealing with calculations.I'd like to try exercising my cut#. So I was hoping to not change much calorie wise just UP the cardio. I miss it anyways(stress relief) and I could exercise my cut #.... Sound like a plan??????? I even have a bodybugg to give me my TDEE but the range is so up & down it doesn't help. There's no consistancy in my days activity wise. The only thing consistant is I'm getting bigger :sad: