Anyone experience an increase in waist measurement?

WhiteCloud9 Posts: 113 Member
Hi all,

Did any of you experience an increase in your waist measurement, specifically around your belly button or the top of your hip bone area? (I guess it's really the abdomen area, no so much your natural waistline.) What stage did you have an increase, and what did you start from and increase to in inches?

Here's why I am asking this question: I am in the Air National Guard and have to take my fitness test in September. My abdomen measurement can not be over 35.5 inches and currently I'm at 36 to 37 inches, depending on the day. I have started stage 1 and would love to lift heavy but I'm afraid I'm going to gain an inch in my abdomen, rather than lose. My career is on the line with this test and I absolutely can not fail. I also can't afford to let the heavy lifting affect my running so I am holding back on how heavy I probably can lift.

My stats so far:
Workout A (completed today)
Squats - 40lb dumbbells (I can squat with the oly but last time my legs were so tired that it did affect my run.)
Pushups - all 30 in correct military form on the floor (yes, I have to do these in the test)
Seated Row - 48lbs
Step-ups - 15lb dumbbells in each hand on 12 inch step (can do more)
Jackknives - 10 reps each set in good form

Workout B (last done on Monday)
Deadlifts - 45 bar oly bar
Bench press - 45 lb oly bar (no dumbbells at home and these are better help for my pushups)
Lat pull down - 50lbs
Lunges - 20lbs (for some reason my balance on these gets really bad towards the end)
Swiss ball crunch - 10lbs (I always strain my neck with crunches so I started easy with these)

I love how everyone has such great results and I am really enjoying the workouts but I'm afraid that if I hold back too much it may also have an adverse effect. I'm good on pushups and situps right now, it's just running and abdomen that are the problems. What do you all think?


  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I've experienced the opposite. I follow the 40/30/30 plan and eat at 300 cal deficit. I started with a 35" waist. I initially lost around 1.5" in the first few weeks (probably just from better eating and less bloat). Now I've gone down another 1" or so, I think. I'm taking my end of stage 1 measurements tomorrow morning.
    Best wishes on the test!
  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    Google Jillian Micheal cleanse. It really it just water, straight cranberry, lemon juice and dandelion root tea. It will help you lose the tummy bloat before your measurements. I do it when I am feeling extra poochy. Good luck!

    Strength training will only help you to loose the fat in the abdomen. I think it is really rare to see an increase in the waist. Diet is the BIGGEST piece of stomach size. My mother stopped eating wheat and lost 10+ pounds, mostly in her waist.
  • WhiteCloud9
    WhiteCloud9 Posts: 113 Member
    I forgot to also add that I would like to have more pals that are heavy lifters and EM2WL. I have some good pals already but they are eating very little and exercising a lot, thus netting very low. We all have the same goal but it would be great to have more pals that want to reach their goals in the same way that I do.

    I'm thinking about giving up wheat for the next couple of weeks to see if that helps with my stomach issues. It's going to suck to do all of this work then the day of the test I don't pass because I'm bloated from the food I eat. It's happening everyday again even though I haven't changed anything in my diet.

    I'm so ready to be done with this darn test!!!!