7-26-2012 Thursday's Mad Hatter Chatter!



  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Wow Carol, what an awesome story. 20 years is a wonderful accomplishment. Glad your still here after the surgery as well.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Greetings and salutations fellow Hatters!!!!

    Anyone remember that old TV show where there was some robot and a kid and something to do with space... (yeah.. I know.. REALLY Snoozie... most of us can't remember what we did yesterday these days LOL...) anyway I just remember the robot waving it's arms and saying "DANGER WILL ROBINSON" or something to that effect... and since it's Friday and the weekend is coming... LOL.. I thought maybe the visual would help those of us who struggle sometimes with the OLD HABITUAL thinking of "yee hah the weekends here.. (which we all know translates to ooooo I get to eat something BAD"... well.. it used to in my head anyway... but now that our lives are not centered around that evil "D" word anymore... tomorrow.. is just another day. and Sunday.. is just another day. Days just like today where we have to make the choices we know will get us to our goal of losing this weight for the very last time. (Ducking in case a hatter throws something at me). But if we go into our days off celebrating that we ARE making changes every day... and the weekend is exciting.. because its another opportunity to be good to ourselves and keep thinking about where we're heading when we make our choices.

    TA said something in her post yesterday that is SO true.. we ARE changing.. our choices and our attitudes.. and I thought it was a perfect realization to take us into the weekend...

    "Yeah we have almost made it through another week and just remembering the post of this week it seems we have all been doing better or at least in much better spirits. It truly warms my heart seeing the revelations, changes, and results there of. TA

    Keep the faith, Mad Hatters!! We ARE moving forward, learning and growing, and we excel at HARD. We.. are awesome and we will reach our goals!! :flowerforyou:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Ladies, I am strong I am invincible I am a Mad Hatter!
    It is now 9:20, taking a minute from my work day to report-I did it!! I was at my Body Pump class at 6 am, the 59 year old fabulous teacher was so happy to see me. Losing these 45 pounds I have been walking and playing tennis and I am pretty strong, so I did ok with the weights, but the abdominals at the end were a killer. I now remember that when I did this years ago, I always wore underwear with slight support. After 3 kids, and 3 abdominal surgeries, I need a little help.
    I keep a journal and for months I have said that my goal was to return to body pump at 6am Tues and Fris. It was always "next week" but once I told all of you, when that alarm rang I could feel your support pushing me out of bed. Thank you.
    When I got home it was a beautiful morning but I knew the temperature was just going to creep up. So I convinced my husband to join me for an early morning hike on the nearby trail. It was beautiful and 10 degrees cooler on the wooded trail. Got home, took a shower and was checking in with the office at 9am. Based on past experience I know that if I force myself to get there in 5 weeks it will be so automatic that I won’t even think about it I will just be on autopilot. My goal is to be on autopilot before it starts getting dark in the morning.
    CAROL, happy anniversary, I hope you have a great celebration, 20 years through thick and thin is something to shout about it,
    Have a great day, more later….
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Hair---I am so happy you made it. You are strong and invincible! Have a marvelous rest of the day and good for you on the walk as well.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Have a marvelous day Snoozie!
  • 1slimlinda
    1slimlinda Posts: 44 Member
    Good Morning wonderful friends,

    Thank you Snoozie for the weekend warrior support. This is my main roadblock! I am going to try my best to log more than 5 days in a row, even though I have been doing MFP for over 3 months! I think I did 10 once. You have inspired me with your thoughts for today. Thanks, I needed that ! hmmm heard that before. And yes, Lost in Space was one of my favorite shows! I always wanted to knock Dr Smith out! Now , when Saturdays come, I will be hearing "Warning! Warning!" just to pull me in to focus.
    Hairsprayhon, that is great that you are up at the crack of dawn to go to Body Pump! I love Body Pump, the best way to see your body transform! Really happy for you!
    Carol. Happy early Anniversary and Happy Miracle! Your work is not done here! Happy health to All! Have a great day. Linda
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    The day is getting away from me, I cant believe its almost noon here so I better get this butt in gear and take care of a few chores that I can do… I can’t escape the upstairs hammering today lol… although I could go down and walk in the underground parking.. its dark there lol. Eye is doing very well but still super sensitive to light and its too bright and sunny outside and im not quite sure of my depth perception abilities yet so I’d rather not take a header off the sidewalk into traffic lol!! have to find somewhere to wander at least for a little while!

    Hope everyone has a great day; will check in later .. I’m so proud of all the Mad Hatters!

    PS: I found a site where you can punch in your own recipes (like my potato salad) but say you make a casserole of some kind.. you can put everything in and it will give you the full nutrional value of each serving… from calories to carbs etc.. I find it a little time consuming to have to add a lot of ingreds for some things in my logging…so im putting some of my staple meals in there first to get the counts then I can create my own meal in MFP without having to do individual ingreds… so if anyone wants the link let me know!

    Linda..TY LOL.. that was it.. lost in space!! yep I’ll be seeing those arms waving and yelling “WARNING” all weekend too!! Awesome goal trying for the full 7 days of logging… you can do it!!! Sometimes the night before I’ll log in what Im’ planning to have the next day; that way even if it changes I only have to delete a thing here or there or add something else during the actual day.. doesn’t always work but sometimes if I know what’s planned it’s a bit of a time saver..

    Tonya back at ya LOL!! Enjoy every minute with the g/kids!! There should SO be a category in exercise for “running around after grandchildren!!”

    Hairspray!! Loved your post! We ARE invincible.. we may take a few kicks and a few jabs here and there, but we will WIN!! 45 Pounds gone… IPOU!! WOW. .you are such an inspiration for me just starting out again!! And how great did you feel walking in that class (your abs may have hurt going out lol) OH WOW.. just read that today you MADE YOUR GOAL OF GETTING TO THE CLASS!! I AM SO IPOU!!!!! Congrats! And way to lead by example.. thank you!!!!

    Huntress: know its frustrating wanting to see that scale move sooo bad… but absolutely the right attitude.. you’re heading in the right direction and the scales are just a little part of the whole package.. huge congrats and keep up the good work!!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Good morning all, hoping everyone is enjoying this Friday !!!

    Carol 20 years is awesome, congrats

    Huntress love how you were able to see the good in not gaining !!! Mind set is so important on this journey.

    Cheryl I have not ventured outside much for walking since 100 degrees with 98 % humidity I just can't do, but I am planning for when the weather cools down. I only hope to not see any of those creatures when I do. I know we have skunks since twice in the past year they have run under our house and sprayed their evil perfume :frown: The last one almost took us out it was sooo bad. My students could smell it on my clothes at school. It took some serious candle burning for close to a week to rid the house of the smell. So do be careful of them !!!

    Snoozie your post was so eye opening for me this morning. :noway:

    That translation is often so much bigger than the weekends, or at least it was for me. There was birthdays, graduations, baby showers, weddings, pretty much any and every occasion. Each of which had the potential come completely undo any progress made. For me finally accepting there are no off days on this journey only days that I have to really work on making the best choices from what is before me has helped me have the motivation to NOT FALL OFF the wagon. This journey doesn't have to be a all or nothing trip. That is what always hung me up before. If I had one thing that I should have I felt I had lost the WAR rather than just the battle. I read the message boards daily and I pull bits and pieces that can help and the rest I just leave. It all goes back to one of our original conversations as hatters and starting fresh if we happen to have a bad MOMENT. Most of all staying positive on this journey has the ability to keep us focused when our motivation may be weak.

    I don't know about the rest but I have to have my daily dose of Mad Hatters DAILY !!!

    Everyone go forth and slay this weekend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE CAN DO THIS
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    "finally accepting there are no off days on this journey only days that I have to really work on making the best choices from what is before me" (TA)

    So well said TA.. and i think most of us can totally relate to the whole cycle of "i ate one wrong thing and now I've screwed up my DIET". I for one am SO glad to be getting rid of that mentality now.. its almost freeing in a way... because I DONT have to worry about sabotaging myself.. my goal is to habitually make good choices for the rest of my life ... I WANT that to become a habit!! and I am restricting my calories until I lose this weight...., but there will never be another "i fell off my diet" sentence from me, ever again!!

    I know there will always be days when I will always CHOOSE to eat some empty calories, I'm human (mostly!) and I truly believe there's nothing wrong with that choice, as long as I do it KNOWINGLY and for the RIGHT reason: I will choose it because I want to enjoy something just because it tastes good to me! But I want those choices to be ONLY for that reason - not the reasons I do it now....when I turn to food to cure something I am FEELING.

    But I know until I can get to that point; (which I know I will as I work through my issues with food, and learn from everyone's else s stories about their own failures and success) that I will have to be very aware of every single thing I put in my mouth. and log it all. And exercise to burn off the fat, and improve my overall health. . And I know it will take time and hard work to get there, and that I will fail from time to time..,. but failure at something.. shows you're DOING SOMETHING.. !! The only way to NOT FAIL .. is to do nothing!!

    and we're women.. and menopausal..... we simply aren't hard wired to do nothing!! ROCK ONNNNNN HATTERS!!:bigsmile:

    (sorry if you all heard the scream.. I was near the end and the screen started to leave before I could hit post... :embarassed:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    good grief... I totally forgot what I actually came to write then got distracted with the great posts lol..

    Plan A: put on hat and ugly dark glasses to go to the park across the street and just walk around it.. but was too windy and got worried about dust and dirt getting in eye.. hmmmm..

    Plan B came back, took the elevator up to the 22nd floor.. and walked across each hallway (86 strides..about 300 feet i think) and then down each set of stairs to the next floor.. and across it.. repeat ad nauseum from floor #22 to floor #1.. not a huge workout but got me 1/2 way to my goal of moving for 30 min every day... even if slowly. Will do another round tonite after dinner so that's my IPOM for today! :o)
  • 1slimlinda
    1slimlinda Posts: 44 Member
    Did not go to zumba this morning.............but I was about to make my bed and a great song came on and I started bustin a move that turned into a private Zumba session with good ole ME! Hmmmmmmm dont know how many calories I burned but it was AWESOME! Dance like noone is watching.....my poor dogs.LOL Happy Friday WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    way to rock yer world!!!! and you KNOW there was a total calorie burn in there, but more importantly.. you moved and had a BLAST doing it!!! :laugh:
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    First of all I have to say that the women here ROCK! I know I can leave my troubles at the door and you won't pick them apart.

    I have never felt the way I do today. My feelings are hurt, bashed and I am pretty much slayed. (not from tequila) lol.
    The "Bimbo" has managed to treat me worse than the rapist or abusive ex-husband ever did. . Maybe not really, but after dealing with both of those issues I never really expected this from another woman.

    I got a reprimand today for not effectively communicating. WTF? How is this not clear? The check hasn't been cashed, we need to verify the address before we issue another one?

    I am so sorry to dump it here but I can't anywhere else. My husband has a bounty on her head and isn't much help because he loves me.

    thank you all for letting me leave this here,
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Dump away, darlin'.... your situation completely SUCKS. It's totally unfair, and just plain WRONG... and we feel your pain (cause as women.. we also do pain as well as hard.. did i mention that??) Very glad you felt comfy enough to vent to us, and anytime you need us to listen, we're here for ya (if I forgot to say that in the message!) Know you've got the grandkids this weekend, hope you can lose yourself in the joy of being with them and not give whatshername another thought while you play with the munchkins!! :flowerforyou:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    OMGoodness I think the husband has the right idea !!! It is women like her that not only make women look bad but make me ashamed to be one also.

    Hope and trust that the rest of your night and weekend will be much better !!!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Ok, Grandsons -2 / Poppy and Tonya - 0 zippo nada! they wore us out. Volleyball and capture the flag against an 11 & 10 year old boy is so good cardio. I feel wonderful at the moment. I will however be dusting off the resume this weekend and putting it out asap.

    I hope each of you had a wonderful day and are having a great night. thanks again for letting me blow off steam and vent. I appreciate so very much.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL @ the water games.... I cant even imagine how many calories you would have burned off with the kids in the pool!! and excellent cardio.... but I bet ya you and Poppy take em in round 2! Have a blast!! Remember.. age + sneaky beats youth and enthusiasm every time (mwaaa ha ha)

    Off to start a new page for the weekend.. :smile: