
Hi everyone! My name is Kevin, and I just started watching what I eat. I was recommended this site by many people, and I can see why. The community seems to be really supportive and the tools provided are better than most of the sites out there.

For anyone interested, I'm doing a low carb diet while taking the Couch to 5K (C25K) challenge, and on top of that, I am cutting caffeine to an absolute minimum. I started C25K this week, and I started the low carb last week. I feel like I have more energy in the afternoon, whereas before I would need caffeine to get through just the morning, and I'd be lazy all night, while eating everything in sight.

I started at 202lbs, and my goal is set to 165lbs (current 184lbs), but the weight isn't a big deal to me, I'm more interested in lowering my body fat %. So if you're looking for people to cheer on, feel free to add me!


  • itsmarcel
    itsmarcel Posts: 52 Member
    Welcome, Kevin! You can reach your goals! In 2008, I was 220+ lbs and I have no idea what BF%. Today I'm 153 with 13% BF. You can do it. One of the hardest parts is just getting started. The next is to keep it going. The MyFitnessPal community is one of the best around.

    My goal is similar. I want to cut BF%. Friend me and we'll do it together!

    Btw, if anything, during my weight loss journey, I've learned to love caffeine. I'm pretty sure I'm tolerant of the stuff now but I don't think it hampers weight loss. At least for me anyway. YMMV.