*Waves* Hi there! I'm new to MFP and EM2WL

3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
Hi everyone!

I'm a recent convert to MFP and am really liking the site so far. Here's my story:

I figure I've been on a "diet" for about 6 years. I that time, I've gained and lost the same 10 pounds in a depressing cycle. Recently, 2 of my girlfriends started the HCG diet where they are eating 500 calories a day. I gave it a try, lost some weight, then went on vacation and gained it all back. Started again last week, and then yesterday I had an epiphany.....

I'm hungry! I'm so sick of starving myself and not only not seeing results, but seeing my body get plumper, even if the numbers on the scale are going down. As of yesterday, I've declared a war on dieting!

I realized that the only time I ever had sustained weight loss was when I was working with a personal trainer, lifting weights, and eating tons of protein and calories. So I did all my numbers and I am starting my reset today:

Age: 30
Height: 5' 4"
CW: 136
GW: I don't care! I just want to lose some inches and firm up!
BMR: 1399
TEED: 1924

I'm excited! But I'm also a little worried about being able to fit in all my calories. I'm heading to the grocery store tomorrow to stock up and start enjoying food again.

Any advice for a newbie? Also, I'd love some friends on here that are going through their EM2WL journeys. I've been reading through the forum and everyone is so inspiring with their results. Way to go everyone!


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Welcome! So glad you've joined us!

    It's totally understandable to feel like there's no way you'll be able to eat over 1900 calories but you'll figure it out! There's no way I could ever go back to eating at 1200-1400 calories ever again! I love being able to eat and not feel guilty!

    As far as tips, I rely on protein shakes, nuts, beans and healthy oils to get my calorie number up!! If I need extra calories, I'll either saute my veggies in EVOO or grapeseed oil. Or I'll have a salad with homemade dressing with sunflower seeds sprinkled on top.
    If you like popcorn, pop your kernels in the microwave with a little bit of canola oil. Spread peanut butter on some whole grain bread. Throw beans on your salad or use hummus in place of mayo on sandwiches. There are a ton of ways to increase your calories and still stay within your macros!!!

    Feel free to friend me here if you like!
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    Welcome and feel free to add me! Some common foods I eat:

    avocado, sunny cranberry trail mix (Archer Farms brand from Target), apples + peanut butter, celery + PB, carrots + hummus, chicken breast, chobani greek yogurt, lots of salads and fresh veggies

    I also use Jay Robb egg white protein powder for my protein shakes and then use Optimum Nutrition Whey protein powder to make banana nut protein muffins, pumpkin spice protein muffins, chocolate peanut butter oatmeal bites, carrot cake protein bars, and lemon protein bars.
  • gjriddle
    gjriddle Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome!!! :-D

    I've been with EM2WL since beginning of June, prior to that I was a VLC (very low calorie) dieter for years, including 3 years on weight watchers. I love, love, love EM2WL! In the past 2 months I've gone from 1200 cals/day + high cardio (usually netting around 500-600 cals/day) to eating 2000-2200 cals/day and very LITTLE cardio! I'm weight lifting with a trainer and doing 20 minutes of HIIT cardio just 2 days each week.

    Feel free to add me! I love having friends who have the same goals and lifestyles as I do, and you're actually a similar build to me -- I'm 5'5" and around 130 lbs.. I think. ;-)

    Some crucial items for me are greek yogurt, natural granola, raw nuts and lean protein. I also use a ton of protein powder for quick breakfast shakes and post-workout recovery shakes.