Week 1 - 7/30-8/5



  • Week one here we go!!! let's do this people!!!! Have a great day everyone!
  • kehuizenga
    kehuizenga Posts: 151
    Good luck everyone! I got up at 5:15 and completed my first day--and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I loved it! Watching the sunrise during my walk/run was great. It wasn't as painful as I thought it might be.

    What apps are you all using? I am using active.com's C25k on the iPhone 4s, which I really liked except for that it randomly stopped while I was running. I think I hit a button on accident or maybe it's because I was running Nike+ (with shoe sensor) in the background. I just started it over and skipped ahead to where I had been, then kept going. Also, C25k said I only went .5 miles, while Nike+ said I went 2.7 miles. So basically I have no idea how far I ran/walked. Any advice?
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Good luck everyone! I got up at 5:15 and completed my first day--and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I loved it! Watching the sunrise during my walk/run was great. It wasn't as painful as I thought it might be.

    What apps are you all using? I am using active.com's C25k on the iPhone 4s, which I really liked except for that it randomly stopped while I was running. I think I hit a button on accident or maybe it's because I was running Nike+ (with shoe sensor) in the background. I just started it over and skipped ahead to where I had been, then kept going. Also, C25k said I only went .5 miles, while Nike+ said I went 2.7 miles. So basically I have no idea how far I ran/walked. Any advice?

    I use http://c25kfree.com - love it -

    For the distance I use this site http://www.activetrainer.com/ - log in, create a route wherever you run. It is very accurate. So you can create a trail that is appropriate for the distance.

    Finally - the app assumes you are running a 10 minute mile - I absolutely am not close to that - my BEST pace is 11 1/2 minute mile but usually at about a 12 minute to 13 minutes.

    Good luck
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Going to start week 6 this week. I need this group for the motivation to finish. I have a very difficult time with the last few weeks so anticipate I will need to repeat often.

    Good luck to everyone. This is just what i need!

    My advice:

    Download an app that tells you when to start running and walking - Follow it - dont look down, dont look at app, dont look at watch - go until the apps say otherwise : )

    Dont worry about speed.

    If one day or one week seems too hard - repeat it - its not a race to finish -- its a race to healthy overall exercise.

    Like many, I was not (and still would say I'm not) a runner. But the accomplishment I felt getting to week six was amazing - and the month off only set me back a week or two. : ) Even the 20 minute run on week 5, thought daunting, still felt awesome. I could hardly run 20 seconds when i started : ) .

    GOOD LUCK:smile:
  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    Loving all the tips and reports!! I finished week 1, day 2 today. It was harder than day 1, I think because today is a Monday. :-/ I was definately slower today!!
  • triskele
    triskele Posts: 26 Member
    I know this is a day early, but I started C25K today, before finding this group.

    it was a LOT easier this time around than it was when hubby and I started C25K the first time earlier this year. The fact that we've become regular walkers I think is what really has made the difference. There is a road right across from my driveway that is exactly 1 mile long. We walk it several times a week. This is also where I will be doing my C25K, at least for the next week or so until hubby gets back from his trip to Sturgis. He doesn't like running outside yet and will want to go back to the treadmills at the gym. I prefer running outside but as long as I'm at the gym I can also get some weight training in as well I suppose.

    Just a word of advice to you all; Do NOT be concerned with how fast or slow you "run". My jog is a fast walk for a lot of people, but I dont care. It is fast than MY walk. I think on the treadmill I'm running between 3.6 and 4.1. My walk is 2.5-2.8. I have short legs and a short stride. I am not concerned with speed. My concern is completing the workout. This should be your thoughts too.

    If you are really struggling with a run segment then perhaps you need to slow down. If you are having major problems breathing, then you need to slow down. You are not running a race, you are learning to run. Gotta crawl before you can walk. Speed will come later, just take it one day at a time, one workout at a time.

    And above all else, KEEP MOVING!!

    Thanks for this - it's stuff I needed to hear. :flowerforyou:
  • Hey guys,

    I initially started last week and got in the first 2 runs before getting a head cold and missing my last run of the week. Going to start over at week 1 this week. My plan is Tu/Th/Sat C25K workouts with walking on my off days. I have to get my workouts in first thing in the morning or they don't happen so I'll be out run/walking at 5:30 AM.

    I'm using the Get Running app. Love it because it works well with my audio books.
  • amitybs
    amitybs Posts: 35
    So excited to start today! Downloaded the app this weekend on my Droid, I'm doing M/W/F after work...not sure but I will probably do my weights afterwards and use this as my "warm up". T/Th will still be my full on cardio days. May have to start using the weekends to rest!
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    I guess I'm a week ahead, but that's ok. Just day Day 2 of week 1. Was such a great run despite it being 32*C. Everytime we switched to walking within seconds I was wanting it to be running time again, I'm be doing M/W/F as of next week... possibly an extra day or two just cause I love it so much haha.

    I am a little ahead too, I just finished Week 2 Day 1 this afternoon. Like you I was ready for more running...LOL...I wonder of we will still feel that way when we get into weeks 4 or 5. :laugh:
  • gemwit
    gemwit Posts: 6
    I did it, I did it! :bigsmile:

    I missed just one 60 second running interval (the second, weirdly?) but pushed through and did the rest. My legs and abs aren't sore, just my right shoulder and breathing. Any tips for pacing my breathing to my steps?
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    I completed w1d1 this morning! I got up at 4 to go to the gym before work so I wouldn't talk myself out of it. I love it! :D I'm going to do Tues/Thurs/Sat :)
  • dsengel01
    dsengel01 Posts: 88 Member
    Was planning on getting my 2nd run in this morning but we had some thunderstorms so I guess it will happen tonight. Hoping it goes as well as my first run did!!
  • artsykris
    artsykris Posts: 26
    I got up early and completed wk1 day 1 today. I actually did a 5k distance this morning but used the training intervals of c25k. My goal was to get done in 45 min. I finished in 43:30. I have been running, walking, biking off and on for most of the month. But having this group keeps me pushing even when I don't want to. My schedule is T/Th/Sat. I do zumba and zumba aquatic also during the week. I haven't started weight training yet but plan to in the near future.

    I'm using endomondo to keep track of my running. I like it cuz it will also track cycling.
  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    This group is great! I am a little farther along than most of you. I just finished week five. I am using the cool runnings c25 k app which is free. Definitely on your runs try to pace yourself. I agree that it is not a race...yet. Also, don't be embarrassed or discouraged if you need to repeat a day or even a week. I always try to push myself to the next level, but I occasionally feel that I am not ready for the next leap. This week was a tough one for me, so I did repeat. But moving on to week 6 on Friday. Looking forward to some cooler weather.

    On my off days I have been swimming, or walking, or pilates.

    Good luck to all! It is such a great feeling of accomplishment when you see your stamina increasing and you begin to run for longer than you could have imagined just weeks before!
  • lepow
    lepow Posts: 92 Member
    I have the C25K app for my phone as well and have started it probably 3 times in the past 2 years. My plan is T/Th/Sat for C25K and strength training with some warmup walking on M/W/F. I'm excited to get going tonight! I love that there's a group for this to keep me focused and motivated!
  • Steph7x
    Steph7x Posts: 115 Member
    Just finished day 1, will do it again Thursday and then Saturday. Think im going to do Pilates or Zumba twice a week as well and have Sunday completely off.
  • Did W1D1 this morning at 5:30 AM. Repeating the first week because I missed one of the workouts last week. Feeling great!
  • mandafay923
    mandafay923 Posts: 11 Member
    Did W1D1 last night :) Decided to start at the beginning because the program I had previously been doing (had just started) was different and I figured I wanted to do this right! Going to do C25K MWF with some strength training on the off days.
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    week 6 day 1 complete -

    So - I always think i'm not going to make the longer runs and then when i get to them they seem "not so bad".

    I would have bet 10 bucks I wasnt going to make it through today and i did it plus and extra 20 minutes of walk/running at my interval.

    Another thing that hit me today --- how important breathing is.

    BREATH - - I tend to breath in more shallow than I breath out, if that makes sens. I really need to think about breathing -

    Everyone is doing so well - keep it up -
  • lepow
    lepow Posts: 92 Member
    Well, I did it! I completed W1D1, and I didn't walk any of the runs. I've started this program twice in the past, but this is the best first session I've had yet! I'm glad there's you all to keep me motivated!