Not feeling hungry anymore after a month of eating 1800 cals

I have been eating at 1800 calories for the past month and now I am starting to not feel so hungry especially by the end of the day when I have calories to still eat. I am 5'8 and 160 pounds. The only workout I am doing now is the 30 day shred. Other than that, I am pretty sedentary outside of doing housework and interacting with my daughter. My BMI is around 1520. Is this abnormal? What can I do? I feel like I have to force myself to eat nuts or peanut butter by the end of the day sometimes to get in my calories.

My diary is open for any suggestions.



    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    are you mixing the protein drinks in the blender ? If so it might be from the extra air (higher volume).
    Also try tracking your fiber, more fiber= feeling full.
  • Settuccini
    Settuccini Posts: 44
    I'm having the same problem. I'm not hungry enough to eat everything, but I've only been doing the reset for three-ish weeks. I'm not sure when hunger is supposed to kick in, so this is kind of worrying.