changing numbers

juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
First, my stats:
TDEE 2150 (according to a month with fitbit)
15% less: 1850 (my daily goal)

workouts: 1-2x week boot camp/2x week zumba/2x week stronglifts (usually 2 rest days/week)

In May, I upped my calories from around 1200-1400 calories a day (w/o eating back exercise calories) to 2150 (TDEE). I started at my lowest on MFP of 138lbs, then I gained 6 lbs during the 6 weeks I was doing my reset.

i started my cut eating at a 300 calorie deficit (1850 calories) on July 1 weighing in at 144. Since then, my weight has stayed around 143-146. I thought I might be underestimating my calorie intake so I started making all home cooked meals and creating recipes on MFP. I've stayed pretty close to my macros on most days and my sodium levels have pretty much been under 2500mg (minus yesterday hehe). still hovering at the same 2lbs.

so after crunching some numbers and going through some ups and downs of frustrations, i've come to the conclusion that 2150 isn't actually my TDEE despite what scooby and fitbit say. i consistently gained a pound a week during reset and i've been what looks like maintaining at 1850-1900, so i feel like 1850-1900 is where my body actually wants to maintain.

so, i've decided to cut down another 200 cals and make my goal 1650. i know this is a bigger deficit (500 less than sccoby TDEE) than recommended on EM2WL, but i feel like this is where my body's gonna be happy.

i'm totally afraid that people are gonna start jumping all over me for cutting further, but it just makes sense to me. please be nice. :)

we'll see what happens! if i feel like i'm losing strength in the weight room and if i'm feeling weak, i'll reassess again.

i hope i have your support!! i need it!!!


  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    I am 100% with you. I am doing the same thing essentially. I just went back to MFP settings and I am going to let my Fitbit do the updating unless I do something that has strength training in it, then I will add more calories. I will eat back my exercise cals as well. Im stuck after months of following scooby nothing his happening. Good Luck to you...I will be here to cheer you on! :flowerforyou:
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    It is ultimately your decision which way to go.
    Nobody here has the right to jump on you.
    See how it goes for you, and then you can either stick with it, or change things.
  • bossymomd
    bossymomd Posts: 38 Member
    i could be wrong but I think it has A LOT to do with how heavy we are or are not lifting......I just did the same thing......good luck!
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I think it makes perfect sense to find what works for you. Finding the right calorie intake is about trial and error. Also remember that the scale isn't everything when it comes to measuring success. I highly recommend taking pictures, paying attention to how your clothes fit, taking measurements, measuring BF%, tracking changes in resting HR. All of those things may say you are still making progress even though the scale stays the same.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    No one will jump on you.. its all trial and error in here:)

    You have to do what you think is best. Give it a shot. what is the worst that can happen? You are a few weeks later and nothing has changed..

    If you can, Maybe invest in a fitbit or bodyfit media so you have a more accurate portrayal of what your TDEE actually is. The websites are all guesses... normally quite good for most people, but you may not fall into the "most" category.

    Give it a shot.. cant hurt:)
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    i love how supportive everyone is on here! :)

    after eating at 2150 then 1900 then 1850, eating at 1650 will be a challenge, but i'm up for it.

    @ raynn1 - that's the funny thing, i do have a fitbit and i've had a BMF. they both gave me a TDEE of 2150-2250 which is exactly what scooby calculated for me. no idea what's up with that.

    @ ladyace2078 - thanks for the tips. i definitely try to measure progress in other ways, also. i've been taking pictures but can't really see much of a change. clothes is fitting about the same and body fat has stayed the same also. only thing i haven't done is take measurements since 7/1, but if clothes are fitting the same, then i'm sure my measurements will reflect the same. i'm definitely going to keep taking measurements, taking pictures and measuring body fat during this process. :)