trainer told me to do 1700 cals

jerber160 Posts: 2,607 Member
so i did for 2 weeks then for a week , just went for it.... ate anything.. including marshmallows... I'm up about 4 pounds, not feeling comfortable from all the food,, but it's been about 3 weeks, maybe a little more.. can I stop now????


  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    What were you trying to accomplish here?

    Are you saying that you normally eat LESS than 1700 cals?

    You might need to give us more information (a LOT more) for us to respond properly~ perhaps your stats: Ht; Wt; TDEE and what your Goals are.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    What were you trying to accomplish here?

    Are you saying that you normally eat LESS than 1700 cals?

    You might need to give us more information (a LOT more) for us to respond properly~ perhaps your stats: Ht; Wt; TDEE and what your Goals are.

    I agree. Stats and background information please so that we can help you?
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,607 Member
    sorry forgot youns don't intimately know me physically!!!! I'm still adjusting as to why not!!!

    lost about 35 lbs since last july... now, PLATEAU. at 157ish pounds for about 4 months. started working out thinking that would shock my system-joined gym at middle/end of May...elliptical.. swimming..have gotten a lot more aerobically fit, able to do stuff for longer periods of time... but weight loss stopped. I'm feeling terrific..

    was thinking of doing reset for about 10-15 more pounds... still squishy around middle and legs.... I'd been at 1380 calories as per mfp for a while... discussed with trainer...he suggested 1700 cals for 2 weeks.. i did that plus another week of not really counting closely.. gained a few..163lb today...after a HUGE food day....still I'm getting in some exercise.. kayaking!!! good lord.. In a boat!

    5'4". 52 yo.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    I'm afraid I can't offer any technical advise but 1380 seems VERY low for a guy, my MFP cals gave me 1250.

    Hopefully someone who can help properly will be along soon
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    1700 isn't far off if you aren't exercising much in a week, but you may even need to eat a little more if you have a pretty intense workout schedule. I recommend going to this website and entering all your stats in:

    Also you may want to consider lifting to wittle away inches rather than staying focused on the scale. I really, really thought I needed to be at 165 to reach goal, but I float between 176-179 and I'm at goal size. The scale is probably the worst indicator of success in my opinon.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,607 Member
    1700 isn't far off if you aren't exercising much in a week, but you may even need to eat a little more if you have a pretty intense workout schedule. I recommend going to this website and entering all your stats in:

    Also you may want to consider lifting to wittle away inches rather than staying focused on the scale. I really, really thought I needed to be at 165 to reach goal, but I float between 176-179 and I'm at goal size. The scale is probably the worst indicator of success in my opinon.
    there is still fat here. I'm sure some of it is loose skin, but there's fat there...
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    1700 isn't far off if you aren't exercising much in a week, but you may even need to eat a little more if you have a pretty intense workout schedule. I recommend going to this website and entering all your stats in:

    Also you may want to consider lifting to wittle away inches rather than staying focused on the scale. I really, really thought I needed to be at 165 to reach goal, but I float between 176-179 and I'm at goal size. The scale is probably the worst indicator of success in my opinon.
    there is still fat here. I'm sure some of it is loose skin, but there's fat there...

    Measuring BF% might be the way to go. Losing weight on the scale doesn't tell you if you are losing fat. Lifting will add some muscle (if you are eating enough) and help you burn the fat, but you may not see any change at all on the scale.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,607 Member
    Measuring BF% might be the way to go. Losing weight on the scale doesn't tell you if you are losing fat. Lifting will add some muscle (if you are eating enough) and help you burn the fat, but you may not see any change at all on the scale.
    i do measure my body fat.. by the handful.... i don't need an exact number...
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    From what you've said, I think we can conclude that your metabolism has been damaged by the VLCD (Very Low Calorie Dieting) that you've been doing.

    By eating that way, you have lost WEIGHT, but it's not just fat that you lost. You lost LEAN MUSCLE TISSUE as well which now makes it impossible for you to lose any more weight.

    You must: Eat more, GAIN more muscle by lifting weights, reduce the cardio a little bit. The muscle will WEIGH MORE but be MUCH SMALLER on your body. Get it?

    That's the short version........but Dude, you gotta EAT!
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 638 Member
    Marshmellows are full of sugar, how did you think that would help your weight loss?
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,607 Member
    Marshmellows are full of sugar, how did you think that would help your weight loss?
    i was just hungry for them so I ate em.. and they were yummy... like I said I'm in that 'reset' eating thing...
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I feel like you are being willfully obtuse. I don't understand why you asked for advice if you really aren't interested. Maybe I'm just mis-reading because it's a message board?
  • meggyh20
    meggyh20 Posts: 116
    I feel like you are being willfully obtuse. I don't understand why you asked for advice if you really aren't interested. Maybe I'm just mis-reading because it's a message board?

    That was a polite way of putting it.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    We are more than willing to help you out, but there has to come something from your side as well.
    Did you read through all the stickies?
    There is a lot of information out there.
    If you are serious about it, we will help you out.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,607 Member
    [i was just hungry for them so I ate em.. and they were yummy... like I said I'm in that 'reset' eating thing...]
    Measuring BF% might be the way to go. Losing weight on the scale doesn't tell you if you are losing fat. Lifting will add some muscle (if you are eating enough) and help you burn the fat, but you may not see any change at all on the scale.
    i do measure my body fat.. by the handful.... i don't need an exact number...

    sorry if flippant comments annoy you but really.. I can tell I have a little more weight to lose without calculating body fat.. Really.. You can just tell!!!! and as to the marshmallows.. I bought a bag what's the big deal? I haven't denied myself anything over the past year, which is why I think I had weight loss as I never did in the past. It's not obtuse, it's a need to step back for a time....