help need low sodium food!

ralena Posts: 29 Member
I'm beginning to think pure water has SODIUM in it!!! Anyone have some suggestions for low-no sodium foods? I'm trying to UP my calories but not my sodium. between carbs and sodium I'm fighting a losing battle. I work out and have to eat more, but it puts me over my macro's all the time. It's easy to stay under my calorie count, but sodium and carbs are killing me. I watch fat/fiber/carbs/sodium. I always go over in fiber... which I aim for. But sodium and carbs are evil!


  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    HA, i hear ya sister!

    almost everything has a no salt or low sodium version - keep on the look out for those.

    I started by taking a look at my diary and pinpointing the top sodium offenders: canned soups at lunch, deli meat, dinner sausages, and tried to brainstorm less salty versions. Last week i crock potted some chicken to sub for deli meat and I'm working towards preparing a big soup each week for lunch leftovers. Its still a work in progress...but what else is new!?
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    fruits and raw veggies are low in sodium but your right everything seems to have it. I try real hard to watch mine too so if I eat something high in sodium at noon I try not to eat something high in sodium in the evening but some days I go over like today will be one of them since I am trying to gain some weight back since I went under my goal weight
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    basically it comes down to eating a lot of fresh, natural foods. Stay away from anything packaged and tinned and pre-seasoned as much as possible and if you can't, try your best to choose the low sodium options. It takes very little packaged food to sky rocket your sodium.
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    I was just struggling with this so I am glad you posted. Isn't it amazing? I ate all my meals at home yesterday and was still way over. Can't blame restaurant food. I find that the 2500mg cap works great for those on the standard MFP model way of eating or on VCLDs! But for me, at 1900 cals, I struggle. Packaged egg whites, veggie sausage and salsa is such a filling breakfast but not sodium friendly at all so I try to limit this.

    My best sodium days utilize greek yogurt with some nuts, grilled meats, baked fish, and cottage cheese shakes. It IS possible, but not feasible every single day. Luckily I don't go over on carbs, just sodium and fats! The way I do it is to plug in all my protein first, then build around it with fats and carbs.
  • ralena
    ralena Posts: 29 Member
    yeah and it stinks that when you work out, all your macro's go UP except sodium! I rarely go over on fat. My biggest struggle is with protein and sodium. to much of one.. not enough of the other. I'm sure if I would just add some lean meats.. but I'm not a big meat eater.