Wk 10 still exhausted, no energy surge

Back Ground:
I hv been eating about 15-30 net carbs per day..the first week I felt great, however w ea wk I am getting more and more exhausted. I hv no physical or ex endurance and I can think, literally. For example, if u ask me where something is, it is faster to get up go get it then try to think and verbalize it. These 'symptoms' i hv had for years, but the low carbing has spun it out of control. I am working w my nutritionist and I am increasing my net carb allowance. She was never big on Atkins anyway ;)

All my labs are good
No diabetes, no high blood pressure, no thyroid
All electrolytes, minerals, vit levels normal
I drink 9-12 class of water w a pinch of salt in each to keep hydrated

Has anyone experienced this?
Do some people require higher carbs?
Has any diagnosised w MS done low carbs?

Just had an MRI and going to see a neurologist, because the low carb'ing made all my symptoms so bad that my dr finally is taking me serious! I hv had a heck of a lot for help and success from my nutrionist! Ok, done w my ranting...well maybe not :P


  • Anniel88
    Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
    I think that every person is different and that you need to follow the advice of your physicians (nutritionists, PCP, and neurologist) that are trained to handle your situation. I think you should focus on the symptoms at hand. If they are interfering with your lifestyle that means something is up. Speaking from experience, sometimes it takes many, many doctors and years to finally receive a diagnosis or a doctor listen to you that helps you think you're not crazy, but if that is something that if it is bothering you, you should pursue it. The fact that you say your symptoms have been going on for years, I definitely don't think this forum is the place to seek out advice on nutrition, especially if you're under the care of a nutritionist.

    My personal take - I lower my carbs for health reasons. If eating low carb made me feel sick for 10 weeks, I wouldn't continue it. Listen to your body. Let me reiterate that everyone is different, and you may need to do what works for you, but you should do that with the care of a physician. :flowerforyou:
  • bcmlam1001
    bcmlam1001 Posts: 118 Member
    Just don't do Atkins, but lower your carb intake. I keep mine around 80 a day before fiber is subtracted and that leaves me with a net of about 55-60 and I feel GREAT. Listen to your body and tweak your lower carb diet and see what works for you best. I can't do 20 a day myself because I have low blood sugar and I would pass out. Just cut most of your sugars, I eat no more that 25g a day. Cut out alot of your starches but still get in some good and healthy carbs. I eat alot of nuts, veggies, meat and protien drinks and atkins bars. I did this from the beggining. I never did "phase 1" I started at basically phase 3. You don't have to kill yourself to be healthy =)
    Play around with your carbs and up your intake a little at a time, and I would probably automatically up them to 50 and go from there. You will feel LOTS better and STILL lose weight trust me!

    Feel free to check out my diary and see what I do and get some ideas. I lost 7 pounds my first week doing just this so it doesn't take such a low carb abount if you canot handle it.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    are you in ketosis? it is an easy check with ketosticks. if you're not, then you're probably still suffering through carb flu. some people need to lower their intake of certain things while getting in ketosis. (or even lower carbs to 10 grams a day)
    avoid nuts, dairy and artificial sugars. eat clean (veggies, meat) for 2 weeks to see if it helps. (ie: no frankenfoods like 'atkins' products)
    your diary is closed so we can't really evaluate what you eat.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member

    If eating low carb made me feel sick for 10 weeks, I wouldn't continue it. Listen to your body. Let me reiterate that everyone is different, and you may need to do what works for you, but you should do that with the care of a physician. :flowerforyou:

    Extremely sound advice right there and I will back this up.

    You should be directing this to the physicians and specialists who are overseeing your care. This is definitely not the appropriate place to address this situation under the current circumstances you originally brought up in your initial post.

    If they had you go through an MRI, I am definitely going to say, please do not seek any information here. This is not a medical website that has access to your medical records and health history....

  • kimmbird
    kimmbird Posts: 55
    You guys are great and I thank you for reading between the lines of what I was asking...I never meant to seek medical advice, rather net carb consumption was more of what I was getting at. :flowerforyou:

    Dear Moderater, I think I got away from what I wanted to know, by giving my history which has been so frustrating..just because I didn't know exactly how to ask :blushing:
  • hi kimmbird,

    i think that the calorie/nutrition counters online are not suitable for us low-carbers. there is a big difference between glycemic index figures and the glycemic load of a meal eaten in balance. i'm still fuzzy on it, and don't think there is a way to calculate what we're doing when we carefully have a snack of, say a, peach and a stick of string cheese. we are mitigating some of the insulin spike with the addition of a fat/protein. (this also doesn't take into consideration the food combiner folks who tell you to eat fruit alone, for digestive reasons, etc., but i won't even go there. makes my head spin.)

    i just think that when you look at your carbs for the day - net or gross - and see eighty, you really don't get a true reading of the effect of those nutrients on your insulin levels, because the glycemic load isn't being considered.

    lol too much protein for breakfast, i have flying fingers this morning.

  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    I had a similar problem when I stopped low crbing about 2 months ago. I was worried I would crash my car my mind was so out of it. I always felt like fainting and I wasn't llosing weight anymore. It was horrible. All my stats were fine too, carbs 20-30 net g for months. so I gave up. And honestly, eating clean and eating natural sugars, I felt like a new person. But my sugar cravings got out of control so I am starting low carb again. But I will eat fruit when I feel faint. I plan to keep my carbs higher at 50-70 this week and see how I go. My body did feel better on low carb, and my skin was great, but my brain and muscles were not. I hope by trying this it will be a sucess for me this time. I think everyone is different, and with my physical lifestyle, I can't manage on that low carb. Maybe you need to adjust a few things, it could be that simple. Its just... where to start, right?
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    There's an article at Paleo For Women that talks about some times it might be more beneficial to raise your carbs. If you're not responding well to low carb -- and are getting enough salt, eating enough fat, gave it enough time, etc. -- it might be worth considering.

  • mstorvik
    mstorvik Posts: 356 Member
    I know what you mean. I really felt so tired and could not workout like I used to once I went low carb. I sleep more, I am more "tired." But then again, I was on the high-normal end of my fasting blood sugar, so I am a hyped up person anyway. A hyper hypo, lol! With low carb, I am NOT. I get some of the things you have stated. On week three my body finally started to rebound. It was great! I wasn't back to my hyper hypo state, but I felt better.

    It sounds like you're still low carb flu-ing. Which SUCKS. But if you have MS and feel this terrible - try something else. Don't continue doing what you're doing no matter what. I'd listen to the Doc or a medical professional for sure. :)

    Hang in there! :( You gotta feel like poop. I feel for you!