7-28-2012 Menopausal Mad Hatters Weekend Chatter



  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hello again my dear friends.

    So the meeting won't be today. I did get the phone number and I did call but got no answer. When she did return the call I had already started supper. I am still not sure how I feel about this.

    We did discuss meeting next weekend. So what I have decided is that during this next week I will find time to discuss with Madison why her grandmother don't really have a relationship at this point in time. I am not going to share all the details but do think its important that she understands to some what that grandma wasn't nice to me when I was a child and that is why we haven't visited. I won't be making this trip alone as my husband (the most unstressed person on Earth) will be with us.

    I am not saying we will have a relationship or that we won't only that we will visit this time and go from there.

    As for eating I saved lunch until I spoke with her so...........I am still on course with a healthy grilled chicken, barbqued beans, and light potato salad in the works. Now I need to find something yummy and comforting without blowing it.. I want something warm, gooey, and sweet hmmmm I want cake maybe a mug cake would work since it would fit the portion control problem !!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hon: I hitched a ride to Florida with a friend last year who was driving down.. I didn’t think to ask BEFORE leaving but found out he was also of the “no stopping” persuasion! Had I known of your method I would have used it.. I resorted to begging, pleading and then threatening! That saying is SO true about failing to plan; and I know it’s going to be something I really have to work at; one reason I quit my 2nd job was because I kept saying to myself I didn’t have time to look after myself as I’d go from one job to the other then eat on the run … and since that was in January… I have absolutely no excuse now – I will be needing a little encouragement along with TA in that area!

    I absolutely agree with you now about the importance of logging.. I never believed in it before to be honest.. but it not only helps me see exactly how much I’m eating, but I can punch in hypothetical foods to see what the count would be, and sometimes I think heck no.. I can eat way more of something else for those calories LOL! And thanks for pointing out the recipe feature here! I was using another one because I didn’t realize it would calculate a home recipe for you here! Yay! Sorry about the aches from the BP, but thrilled you went and played the tennis anyway!!

    TA: glad you're feeling better and have things settled about what you want to do :o)
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Oh TA, I can so relate to your situation. I haven't spoken to my own mother in 8 years. It is a long story of abuse that is for another day but just know that I understand.

    I would call and see if she is available tomorrow or even next weekend. That way you both have time to get used to the idea (or not) and you can come to terms with it. That is the biggest thing to do. It all comes down to what is right for you and your family. It is how you feel and how your daughter feels. What might be a good alternative is to get your sister to take your daughter if you feel like it just isn't the right time for a visit.

    The one thing I have learned, although late in life is that WE actually can control how things affect us. Yes, we all have moments...as I did yesterday, however, it is a choice to wallow in it or to figure out how we can make the best of it. Most of the time it works and occasionally we really fall off the cliff and have to climb back up. The climb up is where we make our changes so it doesn't happen again.

    I hope this gives you some help or even hope for a better day. I am here for you as are all of us. I know that after dumping my crap load yesterday that there isn't anything I wouldn't say to this group of wonderful women...and YOU are one of them!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Oh snap, you are better before I finished my post, I always was a day late and dollar short. thinking of you my dear.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    TA: WE mad hatters are yummy and comforting!!!! And you already have us .. AND we're calorie free!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :grumble: GRRRR.. i did it again.. I waited TOO long to eat and was suddenly starving... but since this week I had PLANNED ahead to not have to cook anything for a few days (knowing me I'd splatter grease in my eye or something!) so I had lots of pre made salad in the fridge and some leftover cold chicken, I dumped it all in a huge mixing bowl as it was the handiest and ate it right out of there...but I HAD great intial plans to roast some veggies to go with the chicken for more a substantial dinner.. but at least I had a backup plan and it kept me from dumpster diving (aka crap food). So IPOM for planning ... it does work! :tongue:
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Had an incredible time watching todays race & anxious for tomorrow. This is not a timed event, but all about the fun (many in costumes). Today was my rest & hydration day, had some friends over for a cook out, generally relaxing day. I want to thank you all for your support. Tomorrow should be fun. We are having a light rain now, but tomorrow should be nice in the morning (keeping my fingers crossed)

    Snooozie Great job on the salad tonight. It's incredible how healthy food can be so satisfying.

    Tony good luck with your job search. In todays world it is tough. But women rock! When I was in a previous job I had a number of employees who worked under me. I never found a male who could multitask like a woman does just to get thru the day. How many men can do laundry, cook dinner and balance the check book all at the same time.

    TA Good luck with the Mom situation. My X had a similar situation with his Dad and had not seen him in a number of years. I suggest any visit be time limited. This is what his sister allways did. He was quite elderly at the end. She seemed to understand he was a nasty man, but still her father. She would visit on his birthday or what ever occasion for maybe a 1/2 hour. Make sure he had a meal and leave before it became to stressfull.

    Robi, Ahh Vermont. Do I see a trip to Ben & Jerry's in your future?

    Have a great evening all. I will post pictures tomorrow.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Awesome job Snooz...IPOU! I had grilled chicken and salad as well, the boys had rice and corn added to that. Haha it was what I had. We are leaving for vacation on Friday so I am eating everything in the house so I don't have to buy groceries. I should take a picture of my non perishable pile for the trip..you would lol! With almost teen boys though you can never have enough!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Bis, I am so proud of you for tomorrow. I hope that it is all that you want it to be. I know you will be amazing. Thanks for the words of encouragement they are much appreciated. I think that as we get older they mean so much more...at least for me. :smile:
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Whew, 10 and 11 year old's! Breakfast, lunch and dinner all cooked and dishes clean..check! 1/2 of the yard mowed and weeded..Check! Volleyball and sharks and minnows...check! One tired Tonya....Absodamnlutely, I will sleep good tonight only to do it again tomorrow but with more people and a smoked brisket. Would I trade it? NOPE...Have a great night everyone.
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    I will have to check in later, this grandma is tired and ready to head for bed. I got in a little bit of exercise but not much. I hope everyone had an awesome day.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Good for you Snoozie :happy: I kept it in check calorie wise but went over in sodium, fat, and carbs :huh: I should have left that barbque off the chicken, my rings are tight already. I will have to be super cool on sodium tomorrow with weight in Monday !!!

    That said I have stumbled across Crystal light appletini and while its not the same as having a drink it does help fill the bill of having a martini glass in my hand and not blow my diet. Also unlike the most of the CL drink mixes these do NOT have sodium :wink: So I am :drinker: drinking it up and watching the Olympics tonight.

    Tonya and Cheryl that's the best exercise, spending time with your family :heart:

    Bis timing the limit is a very good idea and one that I will remember.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    TA: hope you can flush out the extra sodium tomorrow! Ouch on the rings!!
    Excellent idea on the CL... lol I use the regular stuff in every other bottle of water (helps me try to drink more and its like my little reward if i down a plain water) but i never thot of the "tini" idea!!! I will have to look into that for my next patio time!!

    Cheryl: poor punkin!! Hope you have a great sleep tonight!!

    Bis: I can't waitttttt to hear how it goes tomorrow!!! I think you're amazing... I cannot even begin to fathom a time when I could try something like that.. you must be so proud of yourself!!!! Know that we'll be there along the route in spirit, cheering ya on!! (You'll see us wearing mad hats LOL!) Have a great time!

    Tonya - vacation Friday?? woooo hooooo!! WHO'S a happy camper!!! And I agree completely with Bis - I've always said a woman should rule the world.. because anyone who can work all day, come home and do more work, be the chief cook and bottle washer, social director, nurse, financial manager, etc.. AND feed a family of 4 on a single pound of hamburger.. well... nuff said LOL... I have no doubt you'll be scooped up as a huge asset by one of the smarter bosses out there!!

    Heading for bed shortly; wishing all the Mad Hatters a restful night (specially T2 LOL.. lets aim for a dreamless sleep for ya tonite after that one yesterday!) See ya'll tomorrow... (on the sidelines of Bis' race LOL)

    nite nite Hatters
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Hi Hatters

    I must apologise for being such an infrequent poster....i do love the group but I just find it consumes so much time reading and posting (I'm not a big user of facebook or anything either for the same reason)....but I am WITH you all and do love having the outlet for an occasional rant or rave....so thankyou to all of you :flowerforyou:

    Snoozie - hope you managed to keep yourself busy to curtail the snacking over the weekend....this will always be a challenge for me too. And I must be the only other woman in the world who hates shopping....both my sons and my husband have all the shopping genes in this family....my oldest son also has the only tidy genes as well :laugh: ....and I have a whole washing basket FULL of single socks....where have their partners all gone???:bigsmile: and I often put the washing machine on....but then forget to put any clothes in and it washes away with nothing in it!

    Bis - hope you had a blast in the race....so much fun!! I have only ever done one 5km fun run and I loved it...but i'm signing up for a 13km pub to pub run locally next month and a 9km bridge run over the Sydney Harbour bridge in september....I must be mad!! I too don't like crowds but I found that after the start it all thinned out and was fine. Run girl run!

    T2 - love your stair walking...you are very good to get up and do that at work...its all about finding something that fits in with your lifestyle so you are doing great!

    Tonya - good luck with the job application...they'd be mad not to hire someone with your experience....and I agree that older women are so much more reliable, loyal, and hardworking than our younger sisters ... and won't need to take maternity leave!!

    T - thanks for sharing your story....I so hope things have gone well and you have been able reconcile with your mother if that's what you want...family history is so complicated isn't it....while I don't have your background of being abused I have had a very dysfunctional relationship with my father and haven't seen him for years...until just a few weeks ago...I wrote him a letter...and now we have started seeing each other...he is my only parent alive now and my kids only grandparent....while i will never forget that he was a pretty crap dad I have found it inside me to put that behind me and am now enjoying seeing him....and it feels great...I really feel like I have my dad now...a bit late...but he has changed with age along with me...so better late than never I guess.....I hope you are able to get something positive out of seeing your mum....my thoughts are with you :flowerforyou: as I know how hard it is.... my approach was to go with NO expectations...to not let myself get disappointed... to just see what happens...and to not try to attack him or to make him "pay".... as Tonya said, I am in control of how I let things affect me now....and I truly believe this has a lot to do with eating issues as well .... I can trace my comfort eating back to my childhood issues (unfortunately its taken me 52 years to figure this out!)

    IPOM for me..... I have had a good couple of days....been running the last 2 evenings and feeling a lot more in control than a week ago when I kept finding any excuse not to exercise! I weighed myself this morning and the scales have finally started to move down...I've been hovering for the past 2 months at the same weight give or take a kilo....I don't have a regular weigh in day and I don't log every time I weigh...the strategy which works for me is to weigh myself all the time (I know I know) but only log when I have a new low...and even then I wait till I have the low over a couple of days to confirm it....it works for me...but that's why I haven't changed my weight in ages.

    I've had a really busy weekend working on my computer (at home though)...with the olympics on in the background....who knew I loved dressage...or beach volleyball....or fencing!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Love to all.....so for the loooooong post....but now you won'y hear from me for ages.....but I'll be here in the background :heart:
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    ...I meant to add the other reason I don't post very often is because all the action seems to be when I'm asleep....and then when I come on and post everything is very quiet....I think I am actually talking to no one....when a hatter posts and no one reads has she really posted at all?? :ohwell:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    Just wanted to let you know your Mad Hatters cheering section is up and on the sidelines ready to ROCK YOU on your way this morning Bis!! You're gonna do SUPER!!!!!! We'll try not to scream and yell too loud to distract you but know all that noise is coming from us as we cheer you on!

    GO GO GO :bigsmile: BIS!!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Lisa!!

    Yay – so good to know there’s another female without the shopping gene!! No worries on the posting…. Cept we miss you!! I understand what you mean though…and that very reason is why we try to start a new page every day or 2; so it’s easier to see what’s happening…I personally find topics that run for more than a couple of pages way too cumbersome to navigate.. I hate having to sift thru 20 pages to find where I last read!

    I’m sending you my single socks.. maybe we could start a dating service for all the single socks in the world?? www.matchsock.com?:blushing:

    Awesome goal you’ve set for yourself with the runs this year too! And I found myself flipping to all the channels carrying the olympics here, just so I could catch all the different sports.. one good thing about being up during the night now.. there’s something awesome to watch 24/7!

    Congrats on the scales moving again.. woo hoo IPOU!! :smile:

    PS: Yep.. .. because no Mad Hatter post ever goes unread LOL!:bigsmile: We love seeing ya whenever you can get time to pop in, and realize it's a little hard from where you are when everyone's gone to bed just when you're getting ready to post. On the plus side, once Im back on my regular shifts?? I'll absolutely be around at all hours of the day and night for ya! :)

    i DID giggle a little when I read that line tho... I was just thinking last night... it says on our group that there are 48 members of the Mad Hatters...but I think either my math or MFP's must be off LOL..
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good Morning Hatters,

    First and foremost, GOOD LUCK today BIS! I know you can do it and I am beside Snoozie in the Hatters cheering section.

    Now, how is my day.....I got up and attempted to make the coffee. We have had a grind-n-brew for years, you pour the beans in add water and go. 5 or 10 minutes later you have wonderful fresh coffee. Love it :love:
    Well, that changed about 2 weeks ago when the heating plate crapped out. So, not wanting to spend money before vacation I pulled out our trusty plastic $8 coffee pot out of the camping supplies. Now, I grind the coffee in the gnb and make it in the ol' reliable one. Except for this morning, I ground the beans and added water but forgot to add the grinds. I came back to a pot of hot water! No big deal right? I got the grinds added them to put the water back in and left. Came back to coffee and grinds all over the cabinet. The spring to let the coffee out wasn't seated just right,,,ugggg. So had to wash everything with sprayer hose, regrind the beans and add water again. I promise this is the BEST cup of coffee ever! Wonder how many calories I burned telling myself what a dumbass I am:bigsmile:
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member

    Just post when you can. I certainly agree with the attitude toward your Dad and hope that it becomes everything you want it to be. It sounds like it is going well already.

    Have a great day/night!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Tonya!! OMG I almost cried reading your post lol.. my coffee is the only thing that keeps me human in the morning; without it I'm just a pitbull with lipstick... but I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with an emergency backup coffee maker LOL.. Hope you finally got that first awesome cup in.. and I KNOW you had to have burned several hundred calories just in frustration (let alone all that grinding and washing!) :bigsmile:

    I brought lawn chairs for us all to watch Bis's run.... figured we could do the "wave" as she goes by!!:laugh:

    Went down to the lake for my walk this morning; but kept it to a leisurely stroll.. there was actually a community walk going on there and busloads of people started arriving but its a huge park so i was able to keep strolling enjoying the peace and serenity of the water and avoid the masses. Have to go out later to get some groceries as I'm back to work tomorrow... admit I'm a little freaked out because although I can see distance fine with my eye, i cant see up close at all with either one yet.. I've tried a few different combinations of stuff and dug out an old pair of reading glasses I had from years ago, so I think I'll be able to manage..til I have to put my drops in during the day LOL.. 5 diff drops, 10 min apart = about an hour of blurry and fuzzy... perhaps i won't process timesheets for the people I like during that hour.... (but there's a few I could do mwaaa ha ha)... Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday; will pop in later to see what everyone's up to and find out how Bis rocked it!!! :laugh: