I've Gained Yet *Another* Pound! Help!!

rjlkat Posts: 82 Member
(I'd originally posted in the 'Upping Calories...' but with no response, I thought I'd post here.)

Logically I understand all the theory and physiology behind EMTWL, and I totally agree and accept it. However, I must be getting lost somewhere in the technical aspect, because though I've been following the strategy for months now, I have not only lost a pound that I regained after several weeks on my Cut calories, but in the past two months have gained about 6-7 pounds. On someone only 5’1, that’s a LOT of weight!

Now I understand water weight and such, but the most it drops is about two pounds, and just goes back up again; water weight should - at some point - come off. And it's not. I am not close to goal, so it isn't that sort of difficulty - I still have about 30 lbs to go, and that's to a fairly healthy, athletic weight for my size, not 'thin' at all (in fact, it's a good 20 lbs more than the standard charts suggest). My inches – always difficult for me to consistently measure – don’t seem to have changed, though my clothes feel a bit tighter.

So, my questions are several, because I wonder if I am miscalculating or misestimating something somewhere.

Depending on which calculator I use:

- my BMR is 1391 - 1417
- using moderate activity level, my TDEE is 2196
- thus, my Cut Rate of TDEE - 15% is 1867

For at least 2-3 months, I have upped my calories to 1900, eating a bit more if my exercise drops me beneath 1450. But at first I maintained, then after three weeks dropped one pound (yea!), regained that pound a couple weeks later, then suddenly gained about 6 pounds in the last two months. My sodium is typically under 2300 mg/day, my macros aren't quite where I want them (40%, 30%, 30% - difficulty getting the protein up), but I'm working on it. I eat about every 2-3 hours until evening. I try to make sure I get at least 8 glasses of water daily, more if I work out in the heat. Getting plenty of fiber, too. My diet isn’t as ‘clean’ as it should be, either, but I’m having difficulty eating enough otherwise. (My diary isn’t open, but there’s nothing to see these past two weeks; out of frustration, I haven’t even bothered tracking but have been fairly consistent with routine meals.) One of you suggested in another thread the ‘How to Deal with Bloat…’ segment, and I’m going to follow it.

My question (as I'm getting soooooo frustrated and depressed!!!) is: have I estimated my exercise level correctly? The levels base their criteria on the very ambiguous "days" of working out. But not all "days" are created equal in terms of workout.

---- Every day I get in about 25 – 30 minutes of dog walking, because the dog needs the exercise and the socializing.

---- Up until about three weeks ago, I was "working out" 5 days a week, getting in ~25 minutes of moderate weight training at an 'endurance' level of a total of 100 reps of most weights. I also was averaging 20-25 minutes of cardio, moderate effort (200 calories). The weights were alternated so that upper body was one day, lower was the next, and cardio switched up between machines.

---- About three weeks ago, I decided to try to do the C25K program, because I never was a runner (overweight and questionably asthmatic as a child). Three days a week, continuing with 5 days strength training.

---- Then a week later I took up the NROLWFW training program, and decided to drop my exercise down to three days heavy lifting (with 15 minutes elliptical to warm up) with two days of the C25K running alternating between (add to this that I don't know if that will work optimally for the running, but I don't want to train 6 days a week, so if anyone has any suggestions there...).

Am I still "Moderate"? I don't think I train *that* hard, and now instead of 5 days at 50 minutes, I'm doing 5 days at 25-30, and a fair bit is warm-up.

I did very low fat for nearly a year a couple years back and dropped (and kept off all but these new 6-7 pounds) about 25 lbs. That was about 1300-1500 calories a day. It gradually rose here and there over the few months before I started the EMTWL philosophy, just because I didn't bother much with counting calories. But I have been eating much higher for months, and cannot get this weight to move down; now it’s gone up.

I don’t mean to be a lengthy ‘doom & gloom’ post, but I’ve given a lot of thought to possible causes, so I’m answering expected questions up front.

Help!!! Pleeeease... I’m feeling huge and heavy and getting so depressed. It’s making exercise difficult, especially the running. Thanks!


  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    I wish I had some wisdom to offer you, but to be honest I have not lost any weight yet since starting EMTWL. I gained about 7-8 lbs during my reset, and I have just finished my first week of cut. I can tell you, though, that the reset was an unbelievably healing process for me. I only weighed myself once during the entire 8-week reset, and when I saw my final weight at the end of the 8 weeks, I actually didn't care. For the first time EVER I didn't freak out about seeing higher numbers on the scale. During those 8 weeks I felt better and stronger and happier than I have in years. I had my "fat" days (but even at my lowest weight ever, I had "fat" days)...but I got through them and kept returning to this forum.

    From your description of your exercise routine, I think that your activity level sounds moderate. My routine is similar to yours: I walk my dog 5-6 days a week, lift heavy 2-3 days a week, and do HIIT once or twice a week, and I consider that moderate. You may want to consider adding another rest day into your routine (for me, a rest day still includes walking my dog, since this is usually pretty leisurely, but I don't do anything else).

    Have you tried a full metabolism reset? It might sound scary to you, because it usually does result in more scale weight, but I don't regret a minute of it. I truly believe it helped to heal my body and my relationship to the scale, and I feel so much healthier in so many ways.

    I hope some other folks chime in here...just please remember that you are doing a GOOD thing by fueling your body. This is not a quick process, but I believe it is 100% worthwhile. You are worth it.:flowerforyou:
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member

    I know, how frustrating it can be, if the scale goes up. I have been there too, and it feels like hitting a wall.

    But you have to have in mind, that you already have come that far, so just keep going, cause it will be working out for you as well.

    The moderate activity level sounds about right, I would say. If, however your exercises bring you below your BMR frequently, you should go to the next activity level and up your calories.

    Have you been on low calories before for a while? If so, your body might have accepted your cut level as your new TDEE. In that case a reset would be advisable.

    For me the reset was the best thing I could do, cause it was really liberating and changed my relationship to food fundamentally. Yes, I did gain 10lbs, but they are coming off now, that I am on cut. And even if they don't I don't bother, cause with lifting heavy I know I can transform the body the way I want it to look like. I no longer care about the darn number on the scale. I care about how I look like and how I feel.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I really don't have too much to add to what the others have already said which, BTW, I agree with.

    BUT, I DO sympathize with your distress over the weight gain. I am only 5'0" and have gained 16 pounds total (started at a Cut and am now completing Week 5 of Reset) and am VERY uncomfortable.

    I also believe in the science of EM2WL and will carry this through to the end. Like Junebug, I feel like I am not only healing myself physically, but emotionally as well. This is something that's been a "long time coming" for me since I am age 51 and have been overweight since around age 9 or 10.

    Through the years I have done a LOT of reading and research into "breaking free" from the hold that food has over me, so I believe that my "head" and maybe even my "heart" is in the right place.

    The last thing left to do was to actually "purge" my body of it's "dependence" on food and to also heal it's mechanics that I damaged over the years~ so maybe call it the "physical" work~ either way, I feel like like, for me, this is final thing I have left to do, the last leg of the journey......well, THIS PARTICULAR JOURNEY!!!

    I hope you will think about what I've said and maybe something will "touch" you.....don't be a stranger, OK? And for the record, don't give up, you really have come a long way already.....
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I am not sure which site that you are calculating your numbers from but I would suggest the scooby site:


    I would go with moderate activity still and if you don't want to do a full reset then at least take a 'diet break' by eating at TDEE for 2wks or more & then go back to your CUT amount of 10-15%...Also, a big reason for success with this process is making sure that you are consistent with your numbers (don't change them around) and make sure that you eat at your CUT amount or at TDEE - which ever one that you are doing at the time even on rest days....CONSISTENCY is key here....

    I wish you the best of luck....You CAN do this!!! :flowerforyou:
  • rjlkat
    rjlkat Posts: 82 Member
    Thank you all so much for your advice, ideas and encouragement!

    Junebug523 - It's not the numbers on the scale, per se, that bother me the most as it is that I am also 'feeling' this weight gain - tighter clothes, feeling heavy and bloated and just plain huge. The scale just gives a quantifiable measurement. I won't go back to the 1200 calorie suggestion of MFP, so no worries there! For the longest time I just maintained at the higher calories, and felt good about energy and fullness. I already have two rest days; I can't see dropping to four just because it would throw off both of my programs, and I am determined to do well with both. I'm already cutting back by limiting the runs to two days a week instead of three. But I have cut back on the overall amount. I'm glad to see someone with a similar routine :)

    Noor13 - Interestingly enough, before I switched to the 3 days only heavy lifting, 2 days only limited cardio (now 4 weeks ago), I *was* consistently netting near or below my BMR, having to eat some of those calories back. Now, with the cut in the workouts, if I am estimating calories burned correctly (no Fitbit or truly accurate estimate of running/lifting), I'm not burning quite as many calories so I don't generally have to eat back much, if any. I haven't been on the 1200 calories since probably about April. Then I went to 1700 for a couple of weeks, then by maybe mid-May up to 1900. So it's been at least 5 months or so since below-BMR numbers.

    Rosied915 - I'm only a half inch taller than you; it's seriously uncomfortable! It's made running even worse and more difficult, especially with the heat wave on top. Wow; I see what you mean about the journey. For me, I think right now the physical is the FIRST step for healing myself, something I may have some control over which I hope will spill over into the rest of my life's areas, the mind and heart to follow. Thank you - I may just take you up on that!

    AutumnK921 - I actually used the calculators on Fit2FatRadio, but have also checked some time back the one on Scooby, coming up with roughly the same numbers. I have been primarily using the F2FR as I regularly check my BF% at the gym with a handheld bodyfat analyzer. A full reset - besides being frightening and depressing a thought - is difficult because as it is, I have a hard time eating enough calories now (at Cut), if I'm eating fairly clean and trying to balance macros and keep sodium down. As it is, I am adding in extra chocolate or something here and there just to meet calories for the day. But I may try to do 2 weeks of reset if something doesn't give soon; it would hopefully satisfy what Noor13 said about my body accepting Cut as my new TDEE. My inconsistency with calories tends to be just from when I don't track them or if there is something special going on where I can't control my calories as well (work trips, et cetera) rather than changing goals. I was unable to workout much at all this week (only one run and a brief weight training), but still ate at my Cut level (estimatingly, as I've not tracked much the last two weeks).

    Again, thank you all for your encouragement and advice! If anything else comes to mind, please feel free to suggest. Some of what you all have said has got me thinking; hopefully it'll all work soon!
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I think you have to stay the course and try not to change up your workouts too much--this will cause some additional water weight. Remember this is for a lifetime so there is no rush.

    I also cannot stress enough to stop using the scale as your guide for success. If I did that I would be sitting here very depressed over the fact that I have not lost any weight for 3 months and I am still 10 lbs away from 'goal weight'. Instead I am considering calling it as 'I have finally reached my goal' because I was able to put on my size 8 dress in my closet I haven't worn for 6 years. And because I can do 10 standard push-ups. And bench 65 lbs more than I could 4 months ago. And run 3 miles without stopping. And wear a bikini. And lost 6% bodyfat.

    Take pictures every month. Measure BF%. Pick a dress size you want to be and aim for that. Don't just use the scale to determine your success.
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member

    Take pictures every month. Measure BF%. Pick a dress size you want to be and aim for that. Don't just use the scale to determine your success.

    ^^^^^^ love this, we can't hear it enough!! ^^^^^^
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    I've gained 6lb on em2wl. While it was an exciting time for me mentally being so high and full of energy, I didn't lose any weight and my shape remained the same compared to others the same size as me, cutting to 1500 net a day after 5-6 days of working out a week. So I got INSANELY discouraged. That was until tonight. I ran out of energy. I can't work out anymore. I have headaches and I am fatigued. So I am going back up to my tdee -15% and upping my weight lifting.
  • rjlkat
    rjlkat Posts: 82 Member
    I think you have to stay the course and try not to change up your workouts too much--this will cause some additional water weight. Remember this is for a lifetime so there is no rush.

    I also cannot stress enough to stop using the scale as your guide for success. If I did that I would be sitting here very depressed over the fact that I have not lost any weight for 3 months and I am still 10 lbs away from 'goal weight'. Instead I am considering calling it as 'I have finally reached my goal' because I was able to put on my size 8 dress in my closet I haven't worn for 6 years. And because I can do 10 standard push-ups. And bench 65 lbs more than I could 4 months ago. And run 3 miles without stopping. And wear a bikini. And lost 6% bodyfat.

    Take pictures every month. Measure BF%. Pick a dress size you want to be and aim for that. Don't just use the scale to determine your success.

    Thanks. The scale isn't my only gauge, however; my inches haven't moved (if at all, they've gone up), my clothes are actually *tighter*, and I feel like a blob. It's making my running much more difficult (I can feel the extra pounds very distinctly). My BF% - according to the analyzer at the gym, has gone up slightly because my weight has. I'm hoping it's just water.

    I don't change up my overall routine often. This was a big change over the course of about a week. I had been on the same routine with only slight changes (plus weights, times) to shake it up for about a year. Trust me, I'm all for happily basing progress on clothing fit and size, but when that's growing worse rather than better, the scale at least makes it quantifiable. :(
  • rjlkat
    rjlkat Posts: 82 Member
    I've gained 6lb on em2wl. While it was an exciting time for me mentally being so high and full of energy, I didn't lose any weight and my shape remained the same compared to others the same size as me, cutting to 1500 net a day after 5-6 days of working out a week. So I got INSANELY discouraged. That was until tonight. I ran out of energy. I can't work out anymore. I have headaches and I am fatigued. So I am going back up to my tdee -15% and upping my weight lifting.

    That was my intent with changing my routine to the heavy lifting. It's less time, but hopefully more effective. I don't foresee dropping to below BMR intake, though with this heat I was already feeling fatigued, just not enough energy to work out. I took most of last week off regarding workouts, and today went back to heavy lifting with more energy than I have had in a while. I just have to find a way to get this weight off - the gain and the rest of the initial goal of loss. I'm physically uncomfortable, and I'm willing to work to get it off; I'm just trying to do it the right way.
  • rjlkat
    rjlkat Posts: 82 Member

    Take pictures every month. Measure BF%. Pick a dress size you want to be and aim for that. Don't just use the scale to determine your success.

    ^^^^^^ love this, we can't hear it enough!! ^^^^^^

    I don't just use the scale - trust me, I know it's not the best measure! It was just a quantifiable way to measure after this gain that I 1.) feel, 2.) measure in inches, 3.) am squeezing into my clothes. I see it in the mirror, feel it trying to run, feel it in my face.... the scale just makes it easier to describe. Oh, I'd be happy to see BF% go down (as opposed to up as it has these last weeks), my clothes to fit better. It's just not happening right now.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I had to do some trial and error with my calories to find my sweet spot. I see the scale go up and feel overall bloated when I try to eat around 2600 calories, which according to the calculators should be my TDEE-15%. When I eat about 2400 calories I feel much better, still have energy and I'm able to maintain my weight but drop inches. According to the calculators I should be losing 1/lb a week at this caloric intake. I am going to slowly start tranistioning to a true maintenance soon to avoid losing any more inches so I'm sure I'll have to do some trial and error again.

    Consider dropping your calories or increasing your calories by 200 for 3-4 weeks and see how your body responds. I am sorry you haven't found the solution yet!! It sounds very, very frustrating.
  • Jfitgirl32
    Jfitgirl32 Posts: 4 Member
    I went from eating 1600 kcals to 2250-2300/day I did this for 3 months I even got a heart rate monitor etc.. and tracked how much I burned in the run of a day. I tracked everything that went into my mouth every day! I keep gaining weight week after week and it was FAT! Yes, I gained muscle as well but the fat was starting to take over. I didn't only go by scale weight because my goal is to gain muscle I took measurements and skin fold tests.. I didn't work in my favor! I eat clean 98% of the time and have for years. Increasing my cals to reset just wasn't for me. It was mentally draining... nothing fit, I ended up with celulite in places I've never had it before, I won't even wear shorts now =( I had to start to cut back

    So this is my third week of eating 15% TDEE. This is working for me (it's a slow process but I'm noticing tiny changes) I don't feel so "fat" I've noticed that clothes are fitting a tiny bit better and mentally it's not as exhusting. For me reset just didn't work.. sorry probably not what you want to hear but trail by error. Keep at it and if you find after a few months that you keep gaining fat .. not scale weight ... true body fat, decrease your cals. Don't go crazy with the reduction... remember you still have to fuel your body!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Your post is exactly what I'm experiencing right now. I have only been gaining weight or staying where I'm at. Since eating more and lifting weights I've gained 10 lbs. When I did mainly cardio classes at the YMCA I was down to 162. I think I ate around 1500 calories a day. Sometimes I would be hungry sometimes I wouldn't be. When I started in 2010 on Weight Watchers I ate pretty much whatever I wanted but watched my portions and had things like burgers/fries in moderation and lost 40 lbs no problem. Now for the most part I eat really well like protein, veggies, etc and I'm getting no where. I'm trying to stay with the heavy lifting because I realize in the long run muscle burns more fat but going up on the scale and having some of my clothes feel tighter is not fun. I can tell I've put on the 10 lbs and being 5'2 as you stated it's a lot for a short person. I swear it is all in my stomach.

    I did a 24 hr HRM test which came out to 2365. I've done my BMR (1570) and my TDEE (2286) so I know my numbers. When I workout I burn an average for 450-800 cals depending on the weights/cardio I do. I've been doing this for at least 4 days a week - sometimes 5 days. My HRM has an average burn of 2400-2600 for the week. I eat no less than my BMR and sometimes I eat as much as 2200 a day.

    With 62 lbs of actual body fat and working out and eating the way I am I shouldn't be gaining. I do have some new back muscles and shoulder muscles that are coming out but I should still be losing weight. I'm thinking of cutting my lfiting down to 3-4 days a week and adding in some running and kickboxing. I'm going on my 7th week of a 12 wk lifting program and I'm so fraustrated with the results. I know everyone says clean up the diet and eat better but how can 1 cheat meal a week keep you from losing?
  • rjlkat
    rjlkat Posts: 82 Member
    I had to do some trial and error with my calories to find my sweet spot. I see the scale go up and feel overall bloated when I try to eat around 2600 calories, which according to the calculators should be my TDEE-15%. When I eat about 2400 calories I feel much better, still have energy and I'm able to maintain my weight but drop inches. According to the calculators I should be losing 1/lb a week at this caloric intake. I am going to slowly start tranistioning to a true maintenance soon to avoid losing any more inches so I'm sure I'll have to do some trial and error again.

    Consider dropping your calories or increasing your calories by 200 for 3-4 weeks and see how your body responds. I am sorry you haven't found the solution yet!! It sounds very, very frustrating.

    Thanks; like you, I think maybe the calculators (the mere estimators they are) just aren't quite accurate for me. I'm allegedly eating at my 15% Cut, but I'm putting on too much weight and feel it. I may try that, I was totally maintaining (not even dropping inches) at about 1700 calories. Plus, now I'm doing less cardio, burning less calories overall each week. Maybe a 200 additional calorie deficit with this new drop in burned calories may be the right combination. I'll try that for the next week or two at first just to see if I continue to gain or if I start finally losing. I'm thinking a HRM for a week would be great just to see what I actually burn.
  • rjlkat
    rjlkat Posts: 82 Member
    So this is my third week of eating 15% TDEE. This is working for me (it's a slow process but I'm noticing tiny changes) I don't feel so "fat" I've noticed that clothes are fitting a tiny bit better and mentally it's not as exhusting. For me reset just didn't work.. sorry probably not what you want to hear but trail by error. Keep at it and if you find after a few months that you keep gaining fat .. not scale weight ... true body fat, decrease your cals. Don't go crazy with the reduction... remember you still have to fuel your body!

    I'm not even doing Reset; I've been eating at my 15% Cut, and even at *that* I'm gaining weight - and unless something suddenly gives, it's looking to be fat and not water weight, and it's too much too fast to be muscle. You're right; trying to eat significantly more than you're used to doing, and trying to make it primarily clean, is exhausting. I can't wait another few months to see if I keep gaining; it's crazy and beyond depressing. I won't go crazy, but I am thinking of cutting back a couple hundred calories for a week or two, see how my body reacts.
  • rjlkat
    rjlkat Posts: 82 Member
    Your post is exactly what I'm experiencing right now. I have only been gaining weight or staying where I'm at. Since eating more and lifting weights I've gained 10 lbs. When I did mainly cardio classes at the YMCA I was down to 162. I think I ate around 1500 calories a day. Sometimes I would be hungry sometimes I wouldn't be. When I started in 2010 on Weight Watchers I ate pretty much whatever I wanted but watched my portions and had things like burgers/fries in moderation and lost 40 lbs no problem. Now for the most part I eat really well like protein, veggies, etc and I'm getting no where. I'm trying to stay with the heavy lifting because I realize in the long run muscle burns more fat but going up on the scale and having some of my clothes feel tighter is not fun. I can tell I've put on the 10 lbs and being 5'2 as you stated it's a lot for a short person. I swear it is all in my stomach.

    I did a 24 hr HRM test which came out to 2365. I've done my BMR (1570) and my TDEE (2286) so I know my numbers. When I workout I burn an average for 450-800 cals depending on the weights/cardio I do. I've been doing this for at least 4 days a week - sometimes 5 days. My HRM has an average burn of 2400-2600 for the week. I eat no less than my BMR and sometimes I eat as much as 2200 a day.

    With 62 lbs of actual body fat and working out and eating the way I am I shouldn't be gaining. I do have some new back muscles and shoulder muscles that are coming out but I should still be losing weight. I'm thinking of cutting my lfiting down to 3-4 days a week and adding in some running and kickboxing. I'm going on my 7th week of a 12 wk lifting program and I'm so fraustrated with the results. I know everyone says clean up the diet and eat better but how can 1 cheat meal a week keep you from losing?

    All in your stomach? Me, too! Well, primarily in my belly, with some in my face. I don't work out nearly as much as you do, especially with the change in my programs. I used to continuously burn below my BMR so I had to eat some back; this new routine doesn't take me as far down. You may actually not be eating enough for the amount of burn you do (one cheat meal a week - within reason - wouldn't break you), but I'm by far not the best qualified to say so! I understand the theory, though my body isn't cooperating. You may also be over lifting; I think everything I've read suggests heavy lifting at 3 days a week.

    Your idea of testing your BMR for 24 hours is a good idea; that may be next on my list if I can do so without spending a lot of money.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I went from eating 1600 kcals to 2250-2300/day I did this for 3 months I even got a heart rate monitor etc.. and tracked how much I burned in the run of a day. I tracked everything that went into my mouth every day! I keep gaining weight week after week and it was FAT! Yes, I gained muscle as well but the fat was starting to take over. I didn't only go by scale weight because my goal is to gain muscle I took measurements and skin fold tests.. I didn't work in my favor! I eat clean 98% of the time and have for years. Increasing my cals to reset just wasn't for me. It was mentally draining... nothing fit, I ended up with celulite in places I've never had it before, I won't even wear shorts now =( I had to start to cut back

    So this is my third week of eating 15% TDEE. This is working for me (it's a slow process but I'm noticing tiny changes) I don't feel so "fat" I've noticed that clothes are fitting a tiny bit better and mentally it's not as exhusting. For me reset just didn't work.. sorry probably not what you want to hear but trail by error. Keep at it and if you find after a few months that you keep gaining fat .. not scale weight ... true body fat, decrease your cals. Don't go crazy with the reduction... remember you still have to fuel your body!
    Well said. Love your attitude. Slow and steady!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Your post is exactly what I'm experiencing right now. I have only been gaining weight or staying where I'm at. Since eating more and lifting weights I've gained 10 lbs. When I did mainly cardio classes at the YMCA I was down to 162. I think I ate around 1500 calories a day. Sometimes I would be hungry sometimes I wouldn't be. When I started in 2010 on Weight Watchers I ate pretty much whatever I wanted but watched my portions and had things like burgers/fries in moderation and lost 40 lbs no problem. Now for the most part I eat really well like protein, veggies, etc and I'm getting no where. I'm trying to stay with the heavy lifting because I realize in the long run muscle burns more fat but going up on the scale and having some of my clothes feel tighter is not fun. I can tell I've put on the 10 lbs and being 5'2 as you stated it's a lot for a short person. I swear it is all in my stomach.

    I did a 24 hr HRM test which came out to 2365. I've done my BMR (1570) and my TDEE (2286) so I know my numbers. When I workout I burn an average for 450-800 cals depending on the weights/cardio I do. I've been doing this for at least 4 days a week - sometimes 5 days. My HRM has an average burn of 2400-2600 for the week. I eat no less than my BMR and sometimes I eat as much as 2200 a day.

    With 62 lbs of actual body fat and working out and eating the way I am I shouldn't be gaining. I do have some new back muscles and shoulder muscles that are coming out but I should still be losing weight. I'm thinking of cutting my lfiting down to 3-4 days a week and adding in some running and kickboxing. I'm going on my 7th week of a 12 wk lifting program and I'm so fraustrated with the results. I know everyone says clean up the diet and eat better but how can 1 cheat meal a week keep you from losing?

    All in your stomach? Me, too! Well, primarily in my belly, with some in my face. I don't work out nearly as much as you do, especially with the change in my programs. I used to continuously burn below my BMR so I had to eat some back; this new routine doesn't take me as far down. You may actually not be eating enough for the amount of burn you do (one cheat meal a week - within reason - wouldn't break you), but I'm by far not the best qualified to say so! I understand the theory, though my body isn't cooperating. You may also be over lifting; I think everything I've read suggests heavy lifting at 3 days a week.

    Your idea of testing your BMR for 24 hours is a good idea; that may be next on my list if I can do so without spending a lot of money.

    Thanks. Yeah I showed the guy who's program I'm doing a few sample menus and he said everything looked fine and told me to cut down back a little to see if that helped. The only other thing I can think of is I'm drinking 1-2 energy drinks a week and they either have 0 cals/0 surgar or they have 40 cals and 6g of sugar. That and not as much cardio. It is so so so frustrating!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I've gained 6lb on em2wl. While it was an exciting time for me mentally being so high and full of energy, I didn't lose any weight and my shape remained the same compared to others the same size as me, cutting to 1500 net a day after 5-6 days of working out a week. So I got INSANELY discouraged. That was until tonight. I ran out of energy. I can't work out anymore. I have headaches and I am fatigued. So I am going back up to my tdee -15% and upping my weight lifting.

    Great choice Brad!