A little confirmation please

MrsAFR Posts: 103 Member
Ok so ive been trying to get my head round all these numbers my bmr is around 1700 and my cut 20% comes out close to 1900. But in mfp if I put in to lose half a pound a week it gives me 1850 per day which means I can use the net feature with exersise?

Although im confused.because I think my cut is based on lightly active. But in mfp its sedentary so I can add exercise

Just want to make sure I will be ok eating 1850 and some exercise. Will have a fit but soon so will be accurate

Im 5ft 7 202lbs 28 and 38.9% body fat


  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Hi there!! I just need a little more info so that I can run your numbers just to check...What is your current workout like for the week so I can see if you are at light activity or not....Thanks & I will get back with you then... :smile:
  • MrsAFR
    MrsAFR Posts: 103 Member
    Its a bit hit and miss because my husband works shifts but I usually do 2 30DS workouts and 2 runs possibily a 40 DVD as well.
    I try and walk as much as I can
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Just from what I read (not running numbers or anything), I would go with 1900 (or 1850.. 50 isn't going to be a big deal) and not eating back any exercise calories... See how that goes for a few weeks and if your losing stick with it, if not (or gaining) you may need to adjust that number. My 2 cents.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Okay, I went to the scooby site to get these numbers: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    Also, it sounds like you are in the middle of light and moderate to me (like I was) - Sometimes we don't fit neatly into one category and we can take an average of the two to get our numbers...

    BMR: 1711

    Avg of light and moderate activity:

    TDEE: 2502
    15% CUT: 2127 (15% is the recommended starting point and I would definitely start with that for now)

    The easiest way to do this for me is to set your calories per day to 2127 on MFP and just eat that amount every day - even on rest days b/c this is an average for the whole week so rest days need the same calories...

    The other way to do it would be to set yourself at sedentary and just add in exercise calories as you go but only if you have an HRM to get the correct calculations on your burn b/c most people say that MFPs calculations for the burn is too high and this could cause you to eat too much...I would suggest until you get your fit bit and get an accurate number each day to go with the first option for now...

    Also, check out the scooby site to play with the numbers on there and see what you think as well...

    I hope this helps you out!! :flowerforyou: