My far



  • kels136
    hi all,

    I know its not December yet but I just wanted to update you on my journey.

    Basically I took a diet break week from 22 October to 28 October eating at full TDEE. Since then however, I have not been very consistent – some days eating at CUT, some days over and some days not counting at all!!!!

    I decided not to weigh or measure in November so now my next Weigh/Measure will be on 22 December. I will also email Lucia and Kiki with photos to put on the EM2WL website so you can all check out my progress in real life.

    I hope all of your journeys are going well? xxx
  • kels136
    Hi guys just to update you again. My eating has been okay but I've been slacking on my workouts so today I've made a decision, to quit working out until 21January 2013. That is when I will start insanity and my exams wil be over so I won't have anymore revision which is currently taking up a lot of my time.

    I still walk 40 minutes 5 days a week on my journey to and from work and will be eating clean. I will update you on 21 December as to my weigh/measurement update.

    I hope you are all doing amazing in your journey so far? I know this has well and truly changed my life!!! X