Depression - Tell me About It!


I would like to go taboo and talk about depression. Weight issues 'walk' in my family, and it is taboo to discuss the psychological factors [depression]. We recognize it in anorexics but it seems for those who have life long battle of excess weight, any suggestion of sadness is taboo. Tell me of your truth, failures, and your successes.



  • Depression can lead to weight loss or weight gain, depending on what the situation is.

    I've been visiting with my GP about my binging episodes and he feels it's anxiety and depression related. He prescribed Fluoxetine and it seems to be helping. There is no miracle pill, but I feel less uptight since taking it, and as time passes my urges to binge have been less.

    He told me that when our seratonin levels decrease it can cause strange or compulsive behavior. This is where the medication comes in to raise those levels, so that the behavior lessens. The one thing I don't like about the medication is that it makes me drowsy. I've been taking it before bedtime so I don't feel as lethargic during the day.

    I sought food as a comfort to my anxiety, which many of us do, but not in the frequency or volumes that I was consuming. I urge anyone with binging issues to speak with a healthy care provider about options or cognative behavior therapy. They can run tests to rule out any other health issues as well.
  • My depression has actually led me down a terrible path. My psychaitrist says that my depression is linked to my other disorders (bulimia, general anxiety disorder, parnoid schizophrenia). For me, my depression is not one bit relieved by pills or medication. That's when I came to resort into self harm. Cutting, bruising, occasional burning, anything to give me control. It's not that cutting makes me feel happier, but it gives me a sense of security? (I'm not sure if I'm using the right words to describe, words can't just simply explain the full story) When I don't cut, I either starve or binge and purge. I am pretty much just made up of failure.
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    i've seen a psychologist but i dont think she was helpful to me. i stopped seeing her. i feel depressed from time to time, mainly because i feel anxious, lonely, bored.. i feel that life sucks, counting calories sucks, family sucks.. ok i complain too much so sorry but just feel crap today! :(
  • stacylperry
    stacylperry Posts: 66 Member
    D-pression.... I know it sucks really bad. I know I feel bad to begin with, (maybe worthless or lonely or sad) then I binge on a bunch of random foods quietly so I don't wake the family.... then I feel worse for the binge eating!
    horrible cycle - terrible monster! The frozen waffles call out to me reminding me they are there to fill any gaps I have inside.
    The cereal and milk are also calling out like cheerleaders as if to help me through anything.
    But the wicked truth is, once the waffles and the cereal are consumed in large quantities I feel like a giant fat tub barely able to move off the couch. Unless there's ice cream.
    D-pression, yes, I know it well. In the morning I cant stand to look at myself in the mirror, my clothes don't fit and I've become to big and lazy to get motivated to go exercise. So I go back to bed. I try getting up in time to see my family come home from school and work, but I'm just exhausted and don't feel worthy.
    I promise I'll try again tomorrow, but it never comes... I'm too tired. Yes, I'm Dpressed .