Zombocalpse Contingency Plans

phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
Hey..so this is my first post on the geek squid boards...please comment so it doesn't fall too flat :embarassed:

It has been brought to my attention that my current Zombocalpse Contingency Plan falls flat based on a new bit of information. I had not seen the film in which they can walk along river beds. Makes sense as I guess they don't need air.

Unfortunately, my current plan is:

Get to my work, stock up on stretcher bars (big pieces of wood), use the nail guns to create many nail bats using these. Get the word out to friends and family to meet and set up a convoy.

Get to a friends work utilising said nail bats as necessary on the way - she sells guns! Upgrade nail bats for guns and grenades.

Get to the nearest cash and carry warehouse. Do some looting for supplies.

Drive to Penzance, hijack the ferry to the Scilly Isles.

Set up new self-sustaining lifestyle until such a time as the mainland is clear of zombies, in the meantime get the word out that the Scillys are safe for habitation having destroyed any zombies there and started new life surrounded by a body of water. As we hijacked the ferry, we can still make foraging and rescue trips to the mainland as and when.

So now I need a new plan, if the zombies can just wander across the water bed to the island??

This is what I think about when walking to work in the mornings or performing other such mundane tasks. It got me thinking...what are others' plans for Z-Day?


  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    ohhhh-ho-ho-ho i am so bumping this to insert chocolatey zombie goodness later
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    Lol, good...I apparently need help with my planning! Also must watch more zombie films so I can be better informed in future :wink:
  • jmjm55077
    jmjm55077 Posts: 43
    I've been keeping an eye on Bob (my neighbor). Bob is retired and likes to plan a lot. He is also a prepper for all disasters.

    My plan is to take Bob out and loot all his goods.

    Naturally Bob doesn't know. He gives me updates on all the new supplies and resources he has in place. I think my plan is a good one but I will miss Bob!!:-)
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I've been keeping an eye on Bob (my neighbor). Bob is retired and likes to plan a lot. He is also a prepper for all disasters.

    My plan is to take Bob out and loot all his goods.

    Naturally Bob doesn't know. He gives me updates on all the new supplies and resources he has in place. I think my plan is a good one but I will miss Bob!!:-)

    Stone cold
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    I've been keeping an eye on Bob (my neighbor). Bob is retired and likes to plan a lot. He is also a prepper for all disasters.

    My plan is to take Bob out and loot all his goods.

    Naturally Bob doesn't know. He gives me updates on all the new supplies and resources he has in place. I think my plan is a good one but I will miss Bob!!:-)

    Why don't I have awesome neighbours like that?!

    My neighbour has a bumper sticker on his car that says: "Zombies just want hugs"

    Errr...right. While you are trying that, I'll be making my getaway. Serves you right for making so much goddamn noise on Saturday mornings. :grumble:

    Maybe you should try and keep Bob around? He might be useful if he's a planner for setting up the long-term part of your plan? Unless he's lame...in which case.....sorry Bob!

    Edited because I maked the typo'
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    I've been keeping an eye on Bob (my neighbor). Bob is retired and likes to plan a lot. He is also a prepper for all disasters.

    My plan is to take Bob out and loot all his goods.

    Naturally Bob doesn't know. He gives me updates on all the new supplies and resources he has in place. I think my plan is a good one but I will miss Bob!!:-)

    Stone cold

    True. But every good Zombie Survival Team needs a ruthless, cutthroat type. I think we've found her.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    The nail bats could be a problem I'm afraid.

    The positive is that they are silent and you not need to get withing grabbing distance of the Zombie to score a hit. But, they are not likely to take a Zombie down (you need to destroy most of the brain or remove the head) and they are likely to get stuck in the skull: What you then have is no weapon and a zombie with a lump of wood nailed to his/her head.

    Better would be spears made from (non serrated) knife and a long pole or a sharpened spade/hoe.

    Upgrading to guns? firing a gun in a populated area is basically like covering yourself in chocolate sauce, running out in the street and ringing a dinner bell. Every ghoul within earshot (apart from the ones who have degraded past the point of hearing) will head for the sound. Having a gun as a good idea but using in preference to your silent weapon is not.

    An isolated island is probably as good a place as any, although you can't rely on zombies not rising out of the waves you should be able to set up watches and defend relatively easily (especially if you can isolate an attack to one front). Fishing trips would need to be considered and planning for hauling up a live Zombie considered.

    Note that in the early days of an outbreak your biggest chance of injury or death is at the hands of you fellow humans, not a ghoul. Panic, desperation and lawlessness will claim many until the Zs built to be the largest threat.

    fro more information see "The Zombie Survival Guide" Max Brookes (or World War Z by same author)

    Best wishes
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Be careful about Bob. If he's a prepper you can bet your last water purification tablet that he's considered a local uprising and planned accordingly.
  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    Well you know mine is fairly similar. I would let you guys all know about the danger and inform my family. I would release my cats (*CRY*) and take the dogs with me for protection.

    I would start out by raiding the health centre for Tim's medication and then head to Charlie's for the guns n' stuff!

    I would then find some where large enough to accommodate every one and TAKE OUT THE STAIRS! Zombie can't climb and providing it was high up enough they wouldn't pile up and get to us. So yeah that's it really, try to gather horses to ride (no fuel needed) and gather weapons that require no ammo and ammo always runs out.

    ALSO I would take my zombie survival handbook with me

    Finally...You need to get your butt to mine to watch more zombie films!!
  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    The nail bats could be a problem I'm afraid.

    The positive is that they are silent and you not need to get withing grabbing distance of the Zombie to score a hit. But, they are not likely to take a Zombie down (you need to destroy most of the brain or remove the head) and they are likely to get stuck in the skull: What you then have is no weapon and a zombie with a lump of wood nailed to his/her head.

    Better would be spears made from (non serrated) knife and a long pole or a sharpened spade/hoe.

    Upgrading to guns? firing a gun in a populated area is basically like covering yourself in chocolate sauce, running out in the street and ringing a dinner bell. Every ghoul within earshot (apart from the ones who have degraded past the point of hearing) will head for the sound. Having a gun as a good idea but using in preference to your silent weapon is not.

    An isolated island is probably as good a place as any, although you can't rely on zombies not rising out of the waves you should be able to set up watches and defend relatively easily (especially if you can isolate an attack to one front). Fishing trips would need to be considered and planning for hauling up a live Zombie considered.

    Note that in the early days of an outbreak your biggest chance of injury or death is at the hands of you fellow humans, not a ghoul. Panic, desperation and lawlessness will claim many until the Zs built to be the largest threat.

    fro more information see "The Zombie Survival Guide" Max Brookes (or World War Z by same author)

    Best wishes

    See we read the same books :)
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    The nail bats could be a problem I'm afraid.

    The positive is that they are silent and you not need to get withing grabbing distance of the Zombie to score a hit. But, they are not likely to take a Zombie down (you need to destroy most of the brain or remove the head) and they are likely to get stuck in the skull: What you then have is no weapon and a zombie with a lump of wood nailed to his/her head.

    Better would be spears made from (non serrated) knife and a long pole or a sharpened spade/hoe.

    Upgrading to guns? firing a gun in a populated area is basically like covering yourself in chocolate sauce, running out in the street and ringing a dinner bell. Every ghoul within earshot (apart from the ones who have degraded past the point of hearing) will head for the sound. Having a gun as a good idea but using in preference to your silent weapon is not.

    An isolated island is probably as good a place as any, although you can't rely on zombies not rising out of the waves you should be able to set up watches and defend relatively easily (especially if you can isolate an attack to one front). Fishing trips would need to be considered and planning for hauling up a live Zombie considered.

    Note that in the early days of an outbreak your biggest chance of injury or death is at the hands of you fellow humans, not a ghoul. Panic, desperation and lawlessness will claim many until the Zs built to be the largest threat.

    fro more information see "The Zombie Survival Guide" Max Brookes (or World War Z by same author)

    Best wishes

    Buut..but....but......NAIL BATS!!

    Lol, no, I totally take your point. Unfortunately, that's all I have access to at that point. I work in an Art and Framing place. I did consider the possibility of taking the pneumatic nail gun. However, I'd need the compressor for it to work, and then a genny to power it. Too heavy for my little fester (Ford Fiesta). The guns are mostly for the humans for threatening prior to the hijacking and looting. Grenades thrown out of the car for any hoards, but I plan on driving.....so shouldn't be a problem to outrun them.

    I drive fast. Although, I may need to upgrade to a rally car, not a problem, I live in Cornwall - there are plenty of second home owners around here with decent cars ripe for the taking. Fortunately fishing around these parts is a stable line of industry, we'll be able to nick a fishing boat from the coast, I reckon. And one of my friends enjoys leisure fishing, so he'll be useful.

    I think, based on your suggestions, I made need to look into silent weapons for the smaller hoards. And fortifications for the island base. Hmmmm.

    You are a thinker. I like you. I hope you live!
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    Well you know mine is fairly similar. I would let you guys all know about the danger and inform my family. I would release my cats (*CRY*) and take the dogs with me for protection.

    I would start out by raiding the health centre for Tim's medication and then head to Charlie's for the guns n' stuff!

    I would then find some where large enough to accommodate every one and TAKE OUT THE STAIRS! Zombie can't climb and providing it was high up enough they wouldn't pile up and get to us. So yeah that's it really, try to gather horses to ride (no fuel needed) and gather weapons that require no ammo and ammo always runs out.

    ALSO I would take my zombie survival handbook with me

    Finally...You need to get your butt to mine to watch more zombie films!!

    Indeed I do need to watch more zombie films.

    See, if we were nearer to Scotland I'd totally take an oil rig and take out the fixed ladders for retractable rope ones.

    Wouldn't the hoards get to know where you are and gather outside making supply trips dangerous though? I think, between us all we would have a good chance. Good call on the Health Centre raid for the wheezey twins medications, I overlooked that! I'd blatantly 'accidentally' shoot a couple of those receptionist though!

    Your knowledge, Charlies guns, Marys fishing, my driving...we just need a ruthless killer-type.
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    Be careful about Bob. If he's a prepper you can bet your last water purification tablet that he's considered a local uprising and planned accordingly.

    Yay! I have to admit...I'm kinda rooting for Bob to survive!
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Who's to say if fishing is an option, or even water for that matter.

    Consider the kind of virus or 'zombie' we're talking about here.

    Should the outbreak be viral, you would need to stay clear from sources of water or maybe even air. The important part is how is it spread. If you have zombies hobbling like through the water system, then you run the risk of infection by drinking the virus. Talking water contamination. These walking pieces of rotting meat would infect most of the water systems should they find their way there, and whats worse, put them out in a lake or concentrated body of water, and it will spread. If we're talking about the ocean here, then its better because of the mass volume of water, but then you have to consider the possiblity of contaminated fish or snagging a zombie while fishing.

    How about rage zombies? Zombies that arent rotting but are just immune to everything except running and eating? 28 Days Later status? These guys can climb, swim, and the whole thing. If you're fighting these, then what do you expect to do when your island is bumrushed by several of them? It would be easy if you could build an atol of sorts like on 'Waterworld' but we're thinking more down to Earth options.

    I suppose the basis of my argument is how could you gaurentee uncontaminated food? Would you resort to rations? Bottled water? Would natural resources be available and if so how long after inital outbreak would they be? I personally would be very weary about taking from the land when I understand ltitle of the virus or type of zombie I'm dealing with.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Mr Cape make good point here. Rage virus versus your classic Solanum infection are different and not just in the speed of the infected. Rage infecteds may well have the ability to unite and plan. Classic zombies do not.

    Early days the plan would need to be the same. Gather what you need, stay out of the way of other people, hole up.

    I'll be in the old underground research facility testing. For the sake of all of us*

    *except the ones who are dead.
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Mr Cape make good point here. Rage virus versus your classic Solanum infection are different and not just in the speed of the infected. Rage infecteds may well have the ability to unite and plan. Classic zombies do not.

    Early days the plan would need to be the same. Gather what you need, stay out of the way of other people, hole up.

    I'll be in the old underground research facility testing. For the sake of all of us*

    *except the ones who are dead.

    but those that are dead..seem very alive. They're still alive.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Aerosol hairspray and a lighter.

    "Eat flame, bozo!"
  • FadedFreckles
    FadedFreckles Posts: 81 Member
    Follow Mruntidy. Eat his supplies. Run away when he sacrifices himself to save me.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    Howie and I have planned for this, he's coming to my 80 acre spread in central Nebraska. We can use old shipping containers to build a compound. I have my own well, and livestock. There's no trees, so we can see them coming from about 3 miles out. I have solar panels, and a wind generator. I grow all my own produce.

    Oh, did i mention I have a pretty good arsenal and about 100,000 rounds of ammunition. 50,000 .22 cal, 50,000 asst 9mm, 5.56mm, & 7.62mm.

    I have a pretty stringent process for accepting people, but big boobs are a plus.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Howie and I have planned for this, he's coming to my 80 acre spread in central Nebraska. We can use old shipping containers to build a compound. I have my own well, and livestock. There's no trees, so we can see them coming from about 3 miles out. I have solar panels, and a wind generator. I grow all my own produce.

    Oh, did i mention I have a pretty good arsenal and about 100,000 rounds of ammunition. 50,000 .22 cal, 50,000 asst 9mm, 5.56mm, & 7.62mm.

    I have a pretty stringent process for accepting people, but big boobs are a plus.

    Well HELLO there new best friend. Not sure how I will get to Nebraska though.

    Not gonna lie guys. If it happens... I'm probably screwed. I don't even keep a basic survival kit on hand - my mom keeps trying to get me to make one but so far all I have is a solar powered light and a heavy duty tub to keep supplies in. We don't even own so much as a baseball bat or crowbar.