Zombocalpse Contingency Plans



  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member



    Cardio - These zombies aren't going to chase themselves...
  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    Ah the old "rage zombie" verses "classic zombie"...just to throw the cat amongst the pigeons and get my head bitten off in the process I pitch you all the following question: Can you even really describe a "rage" zombie as a zombie?

    www.zombie.wikia.com says the following about the rage virus:

    "The Rage virus does not directly cause the death of its host, but because the host is solely focused on infecting or killing the uninfected it causes those infected to become disinterested in self-nourishment, which will eventually cause death by starvation. Since the virus causes those infected to act with no regard for self-preservation they will not act to evade mortal danger, such as fire or chemical gas."
  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    Well you know mine is fairly similar. I would let you guys all know about the danger and inform my family. I would release my cats (*CRY*) and take the dogs with me for protection.

    I would start out by raiding the health centre for Tim's medication and then head to Charlie's for the guns n' stuff!

    I would then find some where large enough to accommodate every one and TAKE OUT THE STAIRS! Zombie can't climb and providing it was high up enough they wouldn't pile up and get to us. So yeah that's it really, try to gather horses to ride (no fuel needed) and gather weapons that require no ammo and ammo always runs out.

    ALSO I would take my zombie survival handbook with me

    Finally...You need to get your butt to mine to watch more zombie films!!

    Indeed I do need to watch more zombie films.

    See, if we were nearer to Scotland I'd totally take an oil rig and take out the fixed ladders for retractable rope ones.

    Wouldn't the hoards get to know where you are and gather outside making supply trips dangerous though? I think, between us all we would have a good chance. Good call on the Health Centre raid for the wheezey twins medications, I overlooked that! I'd blatantly 'accidentally' shoot a couple of those receptionist though!

    Your knowledge, Charlies guns, Marys fishing, my driving...we just need a ruthless killer-type.

    I am always around if you want to watch films :)

    And yup medication is needed for wheezy one and wheezy two! Also LOLZ, the receptionists in there need shooting...I would totally be up for that!

    Maybe I am the ruthless killer based on the above glee at shooting the receptionist? <_<;
  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member



    Cardio - These zombies aren't going to chase themselves...

    These are just genius!
  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    Howie and I have planned for this, he's coming to my 80 acre spread in central Nebraska. We can use old shipping containers to build a compound. I have my own well, and livestock. There's no trees, so we can see them coming from about 3 miles out. I have solar panels, and a wind generator. I grow all my own produce.

    Oh, did i mention I have a pretty good arsenal and about 100,000 rounds of ammunition. 50,000 .22 cal, 50,000 asst 9mm, 5.56mm, & 7.62mm.

    I have a pretty stringent process for accepting people, but big boobs are a plus.
    I don't have any form of boobs, but I'll bring my own arsenal, it's just gonna be a heck of a drive from Jacksonville, FL to Nebraska. Feel confident that I will make it. I'll gather the hotties as I travel, so I can use them as a bartering chip. :-D (I kid, kinda.)
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    fro more information see "The Zombie Survival Guide" Max Brookes (or World War Z by same author)

    Ahhh they're making a world war Z film

    I dunno what it will be like, but I find it HILARIOUS that they filmed it in Glasgow..I think it was to save budget, since Glasgow already looks like a post apocalyptic city. And some of the population could pass for zombies.

    "since the smoking ban, all the pubs in Glasgow have started puttin out wee tables and chairs, it's lovely, it looks just like Paris!...after a Nuclear war!"
  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    fro more information see "The Zombie Survival Guide" Max Brookes (or World War Z by same author)

    Ahhh they're making a world war Z film

    I dunno what it will be like, but I find it HILARIOUS that they filmed it in Glasgow..I think it was to save budget, since Glasgow already looks like a post apocalyptic city. And some of the population could pass for zombies.

    "since the smoking ban, all the pubs in Glasgow have started puttin out wee tables and chairs, it's lovely, it looks just like Paris!...after a Nuclear war!"

    I am worried about upsetting our scottish friends by commenting on your post but I just had to say that your tattoo is just amazing. Genius work!
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    WWZ has been on hold for a while until June 2013 :sad:

    Im rocking a moat round wherever i hold up as zombies in cages are easier to poke in the noggin with sharp ****
    Travel alone, i was going to take the mrs but seeing as im zombie fodder to her that just saved me a snack pack and a few twinkies
    Tote a samurai sword, razor sharp, silent n easy to maintain
    Paintball guns with ball bearings for ammo, fairly quiet and retrievable ammo plus a clockwork air compressor is available
    Fishing nets to tangle them up in

    Oh and hang around guys in red shirts, they always die first

    If its the rage virus we're all ****ed i dont care how badass you are

    If its your Romero shuffle virus then let the fun begin

    Oh and like i said on my status id rock a giant hamster ball, and some windex
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    Who's to say if fishing is an option, or even water for that matter.

    Consider the kind of virus or 'zombie' we're talking about here.

    Should the outbreak be viral, you would need to stay clear from sources of water or maybe even air. The important part is how is it spread. If you have zombies hobbling like through the water system, then you run the risk of infection by drinking the virus. Talking water contamination. These walking pieces of rotting meat would infect most of the water systems should they find their way there, and whats worse, put them out in a lake or concentrated body of water, and it will spread. If we're talking about the ocean here, then its better because of the mass volume of water, but then you have to consider the possiblity of contaminated fish or snagging a zombie while fishing.

    How about rage zombies? Zombies that arent rotting but are just immune to everything except running and eating? 28 Days Later status? These guys can climb, swim, and the whole thing. If you're fighting these, then what do you expect to do when your island is bumrushed by several of them? It would be easy if you could build an atol of sorts like on 'Waterworld' but we're thinking more down to Earth options.

    I suppose the basis of my argument is how could you gaurentee uncontaminated food? Would you resort to rations? Bottled water? Would natural resources be available and if so how long after inital outbreak would they be? I personally would be very weary about taking from the land when I understand ltitle of the virus or type of zombie I'm dealing with.

    Aw, see, not to start the age old debate but I was going for the classic zombie scenario. The Rage virus has a slightly different plan.

    In that case the plan stays similar, except, I collect my friend who works in a local supermarket who will have gone into the cash office and obtained the address and passcodes for the nearest regional distribution warehouse. There is enough food and drink in there for years, and due to it's location on an out of town industrial estate with gates and passcode access we could stay holed up for ages. However, there happens to be a lab in the industrial estate where I work, free passage to the warehouse for the lab workers, their equipment and a good supply of gas masks should do the trick.
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    Aerosol hairspray and a lighter.

    "Eat flame, bozo!"

  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    fro more information see "The Zombie Survival Guide" Max Brookes (or World War Z by same author)

    Ahhh they're making a world war Z film

    I dunno what it will be like, but I find it HILARIOUS that they filmed it in Glasgow..I think it was to save budget, since Glasgow already looks like a post apocalyptic city. And some of the population could pass for zombies.

    "since the smoking ban, all the pubs in Glasgow have started puttin out wee tables and chairs, it's lovely, it looks just like Paris!...after a Nuclear war!"

    I am worried about upsetting our scottish friends by commenting on your post but I just had to say that your tattoo is just amazing. Genius work!

    Hehe ta.
    I am Scottish :P We Scottish poke fun at each other and take the piss out of ourselves quite a lot, so it's cool. And that quote is from Frankie Boyle, a glasweigan comedian :L
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    Follow Mruntidy. Eat his supplies. Run away when he sacrifices himself to save me.

    :noway: That is dark! I like it!
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    Howie and I have planned for this, he's coming to my 80 acre spread in central Nebraska. We can use old shipping containers to build a compound. I have my own well, and livestock. There's no trees, so we can see them coming from about 3 miles out. I have solar panels, and a wind generator. I grow all my own produce.

    Oh, did i mention I have a pretty good arsenal and about 100,000 rounds of ammunition. 50,000 .22 cal, 50,000 asst 9mm, 5.56mm, & 7.62mm.

    I have a pretty stringent process for accepting people, but big boobs are a plus.

    Well, hello there! :love:

    Shame you're on the wrong continent, if all it takes is a low cut top to gain safety, I'd be on that!
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    Ah the old "rage zombie" verses "classic zombie"...just to throw the cat amongst the pigeons and get my head bitten off in the process I pitch you all the following question: Can you even really describe a "rage" zombie as a zombie?

    www.zombie.wikia.com says the following about the rage virus:

    "The Rage virus does not directly cause the death of its host, but because the host is solely focused on infecting or killing the uninfected it causes those infected to become disinterested in self-nourishment, which will eventually cause death by starvation. Since the virus causes those infected to act with no regard for self-preservation they will not act to evade mortal danger, such as fire or chemical gas."
    Aw, see, not to start the age old debate but I was going for the classic zombie scenario. The Rage virus has a slightly different plan.

    Points for writing that before I even saw your post, please!
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    Well you know mine is fairly similar. I would let you guys all know about the danger and inform my family. I would release my cats (*CRY*) and take the dogs with me for protection.

    I would start out by raiding the health centre for Tim's medication and then head to Charlie's for the guns n' stuff!

    I would then find some where large enough to accommodate every one and TAKE OUT THE STAIRS! Zombie can't climb and providing it was high up enough they wouldn't pile up and get to us. So yeah that's it really, try to gather horses to ride (no fuel needed) and gather weapons that require no ammo and ammo always runs out.

    ALSO I would take my zombie survival handbook with me

    Finally...You need to get your butt to mine to watch more zombie films!!

    Indeed I do need to watch more zombie films.

    See, if we were nearer to Scotland I'd totally take an oil rig and take out the fixed ladders for retractable rope ones.

    Wouldn't the hoards get to know where you are and gather outside making supply trips dangerous though? I think, between us all we would have a good chance. Good call on the Health Centre raid for the wheezey twins medications, I overlooked that! I'd blatantly 'accidentally' shoot a couple of those receptionist though!

    Your knowledge, Charlies guns, Marys fishing, my driving...we just need a ruthless killer-type.

    I am always around if you want to watch films :)

    And yup medication is needed for wheezy one and wheezy two! Also LOLZ, the receptionists in there need shooting...I would totally be up for that!

    Maybe I am the ruthless killer based on the above glee at shooting the receptionist? <_<;

    Maybe O_o
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member



    Cardio - These zombies aren't going to chase themselves...

    I would like to know where I can get that car please. :noway:
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    fro more information see "The Zombie Survival Guide" Max Brookes (or World War Z by same author)

    Ahhh they're making a world war Z film

    I dunno what it will be like, but I find it HILARIOUS that they filmed it in Glasgow..I think it was to save budget, since Glasgow already looks like a post apocalyptic city. And some of the population could pass for zombies.

    "since the smoking ban, all the pubs in Glasgow have started puttin out wee tables and chairs, it's lovely, it looks just like Paris!...after a Nuclear war!"

    'Mazin' :laugh:
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    WWZ has been on hold for a while until June 2013 :sad:

    Im rocking a moat round wherever i hold up as zombies in cages are easier to poke in the noggin with sharp ****
    Travel alone, i was going to take the mrs but seeing as im zombie fodder to her that just saved me a snack pack and a few twinkies
    Tote a samurai sword, razor sharp, silent n easy to maintain
    Paintball guns with ball bearings for ammo, fairly quiet and retrievable ammo plus a clockwork air compressor is available
    Fishing nets to tangle them up in

    Oh and hang around guys in red shirts, they always die first

    If its the rage virus we're all ****ed i dont care how badass you are

    If its your Romero shuffle virus then let the fun begin

    Oh and like i said on my status id rock a giant hamster ball, and some windex

    Uh oh, domestic in progress! :embarassed:
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    I don't know how I didn't figure this out before.

    On the weapon front, across the road from my work is an industrial air conditioning repair joint. I have seen them taking in metal cogs the size of dinner plates. We have a blade sharpening machine at my work.

    Lethal frisbees. Silent decapitation devices (Y)
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    WWZ has been on hold for a while until June 2013 :sad:

    Im rocking a moat round wherever i hold up as zombies in cages are easier to poke in the noggin with sharp ****
    Travel alone, i was going to take the mrs but seeing as im zombie fodder to her that just saved me a snack pack and a few twinkies
    Tote a samurai sword, razor sharp, silent n easy to maintain
    Paintball guns with ball bearings for ammo, fairly quiet and retrievable ammo plus a clockwork air compressor is available
    Fishing nets to tangle them up in

    Oh and hang around guys in red shirts, they always die first

    If its the rage virus we're all ****ed i dont care how badass you are

    If its your Romero shuffle virus then let the fun begin

    Oh and like i said on my status id rock a giant hamster ball, and some windex

    Uh oh, domestic in progress! :embarassed:

    Lol it's a good defence actually i dont even think zombies would interfere in a raging, finger pointing, he said she said you said we said, argument - that might be my new plan