Am I doing this right?

tynekaH Posts: 5 Member
Hi everyone, I'm new to this group and just wanted to make sure I was doing this right as I'm a bit confused still. I am a SAHM to 3 kiddo"s (age 5 & 3 yo twins). I guess I'll start with my stats?

age - 32
height - 5'9
current weight - 136.8
goal weight - 130 (ish)
BMR - 1417
TDEE- 2196

I currently have my cals set to 1700?

I work out 6 days a week. Spend 30mins on the elliptical daily, and lift heavy 5 times a week (mon/wed/fri upper body, tues/thurs lower body) I just work out at home as I don't have a gym membership - but have a full weight bench with lat pull down etc. I'm only on week 2 of lifting so I'm still really new to this, but have been doing it with my DH.

I am VERY close to my goal, I have a layer of fat over my abs still and a bit of a tire around my belly button that is being stubborn so I'm really not sure where to go from here? up my cals? keep them the same?

Hope I gave all information needed looking forward to feedback (and yes, I do realize that my diary isn't all that "clean" but with 3 kids, I need my luxeries lol)


  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member

    I would recommend, with such heavy burns and workouts, that you eat close to your TDEE. You should aim for a 5- 10% cut at this point, as you are consistently putting your body well below your TDEE with the heavy burns.

    Also, what activity level did you set yourself at on the calculator?


  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    The cut is usually recommended at 15% of your TDEE or less which would make your calories 1875 or more. You might try eating at that level for 4 weeks then see if you get positive results.

    Also, please read the stickies about what to expect. I don't know if you have been eating at 1700 for a while or not but, especially with heavy lifting, you might find your body shrinks but the scale doesn't drop. So please take pictures and measure for more tangible measurements of success than the numbers on the scale.

    Best of luck!!
  • tynekaH
    tynekaH Posts: 5 Member

    I would recommend, with such heavy burns and workouts, that you eat close to your TDEE. You should aim for a 5- 10% cut at this point, as you are consistently putting your body well below your TDEE with the heavy burns.

    Also, what activity level did you set yourself at on the calculator?



    Thanks for the quick reply, The activity level I used was moderate activity 3-5 hours a week. I also chose TDEE - 20% and the reason for that is because I don't have a food scale and just eyeball alot of my foods so I wanted to give a little wiggle room lol, I have no problem upping that though.

    edit - to also add I only spend about 30 mins per lifting session.