Has anyone ever.....

Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
Cut out gluten? And has it helped? Just finished reading "wheat belly" wow!


  • lafresita
    lafresita Posts: 27
    I have just recently cut out Gluten (2 weeks ago) as well as gone on a low Fodmap diet... too early to tell yet, but I will keep you updated..
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Please do and good luck!
  • mjboswell
    mjboswell Posts: 114 Member
    I completely eliminated gluten for a month. It was great, I hadn't felt that good for over a year. I think the results will be individual though. Recently I started to add small amounts of wheat back into my diet. With that said, I can do wheat in small amounts occassionally without side effects. However if I have too much I certainly feel it for a day or two. I say give it a try, it might work for you. I would cut out all gluten for a month and then if you miss it add it back in small amounts. I may go weeks without having it or I may go days, sometimes you just really need a cheeseburger. Keep us posted.
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    I went gluten free for a good few months a few years ago but honesty made no difference to me. Anythings worth a try tho right, as long as your still eating a balanced diet.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I did the specific carb diet for two full yrs. Probably helped 60%.
  • for me its almost opposite. The only thing that helps when my ulcer acts up is to only eat refined wheat products like white bread, biscuits etc...
  • angelfish257
    angelfish257 Posts: 81 Member
    I would agree, when things get really bad and everything seems to irritate or upset my UC, porridge is my go-to food. There's something about oats cooked in milk which has a really soothing effect, for me anyway. It's one of those things though, you might find that going gluten-free totally works for you - best of luck!
  • AKbluedragonfly
    AKbluedragonfly Posts: 79 Member
    It definitely is worth a try! I've read Wheat Belly too and try to eat as little grains and processed foods at possible. Not just wheat, not just gluten, but all grains. Once you stop eating them you realize how little taste they have and how much you can still enjoy food without them.

    I've noticed a significant difference in my level of inflammation. I used to wake up with back aches from my stomach being so inflamed. I would literally look 5 months pregnant. Now though, as long as I eat right I rarely have that trouble. Usually if my stomach bloats up now it's because we went out to eat and I ate something out of the ordinary. I've also been able to identify a few other things that irritate my gut, like coconut flakes (but not coconut milk). High-sugar foods like a latte from Starbucks will hurt my stomach too. It's a trial and error process but worth it.

    My diet now consists of meat, healthy fats, veggies, nuts, fruit, and some dairy.