Weekly weigh in



  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    Just realised I've actually lost 3/4 of a lb and not 1/4.

    Also, I'm not 100% because I'm not at all regular, but I think I may be due for TOM. It's not imminent because I haven't got pains yet, but I suppose my body could be preparing already maybe?

    I was really depressed this morning and was really struggling to motivate myself to do the workout, but then I thought, we will I be more gutted if I do it and don't lose anything, or will I be more gutted if I just give up, and the answer was the latter, so I did it.

    I noticed I was able to work a lot harder than I was in the beginning, so although it didn't feel easier, I knew I was doing more work.

    I'll just have to keep at it and see what the end results are after 30 days.
  • ch00singlife
    ch00singlife Posts: 64 Member
    1. Losing 3/4 of a lb is GOOD. Consider that if you had totally gone off track, ate whatever you wanted and didn't workout, you might have gained, say, three pounds.....you are so far ahead of THAT game!!
    2. TOM is a factor...any hormonal changes will affect your water retention AND your mood.
    3. You were able to beat down the "what's the point, I might as well just give up" monster. Well done!!
    So I would say you had success today.........Laura
  • quietattheback
    quietattheback Posts: 84 Member
    Chezleigh, well done its so hard to keep going when the scales r disappointing!! keep going :happy: .....Jo
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    Thanks guys. I just to have keep reminding myself that if you exercise, and make sure you are operating at a calorie deficit, you will be getting smaller, and eventually you will see the fruits of your labour.
  • Charlene_91
    Well done Chezileigh, a loss is a loss just think its another 0.75lb gone :) From what i've read on here 30DS makes you lose inches more than lbs! I'm sure once we've reached day 30 we all will see changes somewhere whether there big or small its still a change.

    Keep up the gd work everyone :) Enjoy your weekend x
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    The other thing is, I've changed my weigh day, I'd forgotten that too. I last weighed and measured myself on Sunday, so it hasn't even been a week. What a dufus I am.
  • supermomtoo4
    supermomtoo4 Posts: 27 Member
    Just keep up the good work Chezileigh! I know how you feel. I started doing the Shred a few weeks ago about 3 days a week and watching what I ate and I gained 2 pounds. Then last week the 2 pounds came off finally. This week I worked out every day and no pounds lost. And my measurements are still the same too.

    I think if we are doing the right things we just have to stick with it. Some of our bodies are just slower to catch onto our plans.
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    Just keep up the good work Chezileigh! I know how you feel. I started doing the Shred a few weeks ago about 3 days a week and watching what I ate and I gained 2 pounds. Then last week the 2 pounds came off finally. This week I worked out every day and no pounds lost. And my measurements are still the same too.

    I think if we are doing the right things we just have to stick with it. Some of our bodies are just slower to catch onto our plans.

    Yes, "just keep swimming" x
  • Charlene_91
    Managed to lose 3lbs this week :)
    Hopefully manage to get Day 6 done 2mrw!
  • supermomtoo4
    supermomtoo4 Posts: 27 Member
    3 lbs is awsome!

    I weighed today exactly the same. But I did loose an inch off my waste and .5 inch off my bust.
  • quietattheback
    quietattheback Posts: 84 Member
    Managed to lose 3lbs this week :)
    Hopefully manage to get Day 6 done 2mrw!
    3lb!! amazing. well done!
  • Charlene_91
    3 lbs is awsome!

    I weighed today exactly the same. But I did loose an inch off my waste and .5 inch off my bust.

    WTG - keep it up...
  • sian_1989
    sian_1989 Posts: 33 Member
    My start weight on Monday was 159lbs, today when I weighed I was 155.6lbs! Have only managed 30DS 4 times this including today, and body combat on Thursday. Might do it again tonight...does that count as day5??
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    Yes that will be day 5. Well done on the weight loss!
  • quietattheback
    quietattheback Posts: 84 Member
    lost another 2lb this week...
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    Well done Jo x
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    I cheated. Sorry I know I'm always going on about not weighing etc. more than once a week, but I've been doing just that tonight.

    I am due to weigh Friday morning, so when I got on at 7.30pm tonight, I was thinking that if I was up around 2lbs at least I know I've maintained, because that's around what I put on during the day. I was down 1.6lb, so I did my measurements, I am down an inch under my bust, half an inch wait, half an inch hips. Bicep 1 inch, thigh 2 inches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although I've realised I was measuring bicep and thigh in the wrong place, so not taking credit for the changes at the moment, but will monitor future changes.

    Crikey bloody nora!! and other excited profanities!! Off for my run now, have been putting it off sitting here in my shorts, but hell it's definitely worth it!
  • sian_1989
    sian_1989 Posts: 33 Member
    Well done Chezileigh!! Even though you've cheated and weighed early =p it's sneaky little things like that that keep you going =]
  • ch00singlife
    ch00singlife Posts: 64 Member
    Hi... been at it for 9 days and lost 3.5 inches!!! BUT, gained two pounds. I tell myself that the number on the scale doesn't matter, it's how the clothes fit and how I feel but it is discouraging when I work so hard with what I think are good food choices and then gain two pounds. bummed.
  • supermomtoo4
    supermomtoo4 Posts: 27 Member
    I think you are doing great Choosing! That is a lot of inches lost for just over a week. I gained weight in the beginning too. But now it is starting to come off. Keep doing the right things and the results will follow.