Blood Type Diet

Daphnemomof9 Posts: 113 Member
I read the Cathe newsletter yesterday and saw something about eating for your blood type, so I took a closer notice. Does anyone else cater their eating to this plan?


    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    No, but it's was first published years ago...Eat Right For Your Type~
  • Lynettesloseit
    Lynettesloseit Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Daphne. I did this diet when I went to a naturopath. She believed in eliminating possible food allergies. The book explains that certain components of some foods don't agree with certain blood types. Therefore the body reacts trying to deal with it. You can see am improvement in digestion or respitory issues. A lot of people have intolerance of wheat and dairy. Personally, I try to eat whole foods, organic mostly, and get lots of fresh vegetables and fruits in my diet. I tend to avoid some foods that the blood type diet suggests. If I eat beef, which I shouldn't per this diet, I may feel a bit sluggish until it passes through my system. One can always eliminate certainfoods and introduce them back into their diets after a couple of weeks to see if they feel a reaction. A reaction could include gas, bloating, headache, mucous production, etc.

    Let me know if you decide to try it. I did feel good while doing this, and I have since, picked up better eating habits.
  • Daphnemomof9
    Daphnemomof9 Posts: 113 Member
    Well Lynnette, you're giving me more encouragement to try some of this. Today I had a couple of peanut butter cookies that were dairy and gluten free and I felt even more closed up, peanuts are on my 'avoid' list. I would love to get clearer passageways. So we'll see how it goes.