CHEST/TITS.... LEGS/HIPS can they b shrunked???? :(

Hey guys so i'm totally clueless about weight training,,, i've recently started running and although i'm not in any gym i really want to reshape my body.... been reading loads so i'm well aware of the fact that its impossible to lose weight in certain areas of your body... fair enough.... my question is this... i'm doing my best to eat healthier so i expect to shed weight running... my cousin has a bench and tons of hand weights at home so i figured i may aswell make use of them.... i desperately want to drop at least a bra size as i dont like my boobs that much anymore and i'd really love to tone my legs.... should i be lifting very heavy weight doing small amounts of reps or the other way round??? also should i lift weights on the days i run?? i'm trying to run at least 3 times weekly.... i'm sorry if my post is confusing but i'll really appreciate any kind of advice....

thanks in advance xox


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you cant spot reduce so how you lose, where you lose and the rate at which you lose i will depend on your genes and body type. so basically whatever your body shape is now (apple, ruler, hourglass, pear) then that's the shape you're going to have once you're done.
    although you cant shape fat, you can shape muscle by doing weight training.
    i run as well but i do it on different days than when i lift.
  • wannarunmali
    ahh i understand... thanks for responding x
  • Shannonpurple
    Shannonpurple Posts: 268 Member

    I would say lift heavy on your chest if you want to lose, do a heavy weight with less reps with at least 4sets, for your legs to tone I would do heavy weights with less reps one day and then the following days do a lighter weight with more reps, you might not want to do legs on days you run but you could do chest. I also always do a lower back workout when I do chest to keep my body balanced.

    example of heavy weights a weight you can only lift 5-8 times for 4 sets
    example of light weight a weight you can lift at least 20 times for 4 sets ( i do 5 sets)
    the more muscle you have the fat you will burn

  • jpratt44
    jpratt44 Posts: 16 Member
    I would agree that muscle burns more calories than fat, however I think since you want to drop a bra size you should look at toning muscle rather than building muscle in the chest area. So a low weight with more repetitions would be helpful for doing that. Heavier weights would be better for the hip, butt, and leg workouts but bring down the weight and up the reps on the upper body. One site that has really helped me is called They have a TON of free online exercise videos that can help target the areas you are trying to work on. I really like the inner-thigh toning workout and their upper body sets totally kill!
  • Knoxvilla5
    Knoxvilla5 Posts: 74 Member
    I'd say spend the money and get a personal trainer for a month.

    Personally, when I really dedicated myself to strength training, I found that what little breast tissue I have started to disappear when I began seriously bench pressing. Maybe it wasn't the bench press that truly ate them away--could have been all the push ups and pull ups, etc--but I really think it was the bench that did me in. Good thing I was never to attached!

    Keep reading up on this stuff--a lot of people quit when they take other people's advice and find it doesn't work for them. Make up your own mind after you've ingested a massive amount of info. No one can tell you better than you can, and if you commit, you can succeed!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member

    it was probably the fact that breast area isn't one of the areas that your body likes to store fat which means it's not going to care too much about saving fat.

    the general rule of thumb is first place you gain is last place you lose. last place you gain is first place you lose.

    so for me, my body type (hourglass) abs are the last place i gain so this is where the majority of my fat loss has been. i dont do any ab exercises, so obviously the fat hasnt been spot reduced.

    on the other hand, i work my upper body and thighs like crazy. although i have lost i's nowhere near the same ratio as i lost on my core, especially considering the amount of work i put in.

    also breasts are the first place i gain weight. i've been doing pull ups, push ups, BB rows, chest flys etc and the only place i've lost is along the rib cage, but i've lost absolutely nothing in actual breast tissue.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    As you lose body fat they should decrease in size.