08-01-2012 Wednesday's Mad Hatter Chatter



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    No one can make you feel inferior without your permission. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

    Ain't it the truth?? I think Eleanor must have been a Mad Hatter woman!!

    Happy Friday Hatters!

    Just wanted to wish everyone a great weekend; I know some of the Hatters are getting away for a little R&R, some of are just going to enjoy a few days off, and some are going to have to work.. but wherever and whatever we’re doing; we know we have a whole group of friends cheering us on in our journeys toward losing this weight. Weekends and holidays have always been a challenge for most of us; (heck every day is a challenge lol) so in our down times, let’s make sure we remember to enjoy every moment! Be kind to yourself, have fun with family and friends and celebrate your amazing selves!! And if we choose to make a choice to indulge in some treat just because we want to – remember it’s absolutely fine to make that choice! Our goal is to reach a place where we make our food choices consciously every day, to making the best choices for our bodies consistently, so that we can enjoy something indulgent without guilt or recriminations now and then, because we know it’s just that.. an occasional treat. We are working towards changing our previous relationship with food, so while we’re out and about and having a blast – don’t sweat the small stuff!! Let’s just maybe try to be aware of what we’re choosing, and why… and if the choice is yes, I DO want to enjoy this.. then you’ve succeeded in changing an old habit, and can freely enjoy!! Have a wonderful weekend Hatters; will pop in later for replies but as usual, I’m running a little late this morning – hmmm.. I wonder if “dashing for the door” is on the exercise list??
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    I have been MIA for a few days getting ready for vacation. I am leaving today for a week at the beach with my family. Kids and grandkids! What a great time we will have.

    I am going to be logging food and enjoying my trip and I want all of you to enjoy the time as well. I know we can make this time in our lives the best ever by making choices, taking a chance and making a change!

    Have a great week my dear friends and I will post soon!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Pearl good to see you and I hope all is going good your way.

    Snoozie as always great thoughts and glad you are taking care. I myself went for an eye check up this am. As I thought I needed some new reinforcements for these old eyes :noway: Oh well better than having to grow longer arms to be able to read or running over other cars on the road.

    Tonya hope you have a great holiday sounds wonderful. Our little one wanted to hit the beach this year but after 2 trips to New Orleans and 2 trips to Memphis we decided to try and do that next year. Of course being in the HOT south we all love swimming.

    Well I don't have much to report today other than I am board as my summer break ticks away. I am sad its ending and also excited to be starting the new school year.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful and restful weekend with lots of good choices :flowerforyou: take care
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Ho Hatters!!

    Had a tuff week at work as so busy and trying to make sure i didnt spend all day staring at the screens; so had to force myself not to come home and log on to see my hatters for more than 5 min... wah!! but have a few days off now which means my puter time allotment can be used to play here YAY!!

    My sister and I went down to the lake early and walked the trail for about an hour and a half; nice catch up yap and altho im still restricted to no more than a lesiurely stroll.. figured if i can't do fast i'll do longer! We went out for breakfast afterwards (hind sight.. next time eat first.. walk later lol) and I couldnt figure out the calories but am pretty sure I used up almost an entire day's worth on my choice, which was to have something I never make at home; it was a nice treat but in truth, I should have eaten only half and waited to see if I was still hungry... obbviously social eating is something I still have to work on but I'm okay with today's choice as being just that..a choice for today. I think dinner will have to be a green salad at most tho LOL!!

    Got a chance to catch up on some posts; a few replies to do then I'm going for a nap!! I was up about 4 times last nite and didn't sleep well when I was horizontal lol.. so it's bedtime for bonzo!! LOVE the weekend!

    -T2 hope you're getting a few days off from work and some down time..!

    Tonya – hope you’re having a great time with the family!

    Pearl! Lovely to see you; and thanks for the reminder that some of our Hatters are on different time zones! Great idea!

    1slim: We all feel for ya in the why isn’t that freaken scale moving moment!! It’s like you wanna stomp on it and say MOVE already! But hang in.. cause everything you’re doing is fixing things on the inside too; mentally and physically and it WILL show up on the little plastic box…which is no consolation for the moment I know; but it will! My mom and her sister wer both nurses so needless to say; all nurses rate high in our list of favourite people!!

    Adiane!!!! IPOUUUUU TOO!! Look at you GO – as TA said how awesome is it that you are changing the mindset and turning good choices in HABIT!! I’m hitching my wagon to your star LOL…. Cause that’s zackly where I wanna be.. well done and congrats!

    TA: I know you’re not going to log until your official day, so I should prolly just whisper this.. but I CAN’T!! WOO HOO on the 2lbs!! That is so great!!!! (1slim…notice TA was in a stall for a few weeks too before this so our own little Hatter is living proof for us LOL!

    Mazie… just still in awe over kicking up your month long challenge byh 10 miles… still in awe.. IPOU!!

    Leslye: so sorry to hear work sucks…..! It is brutal having all that tension and stress going on and worrying about when/if the axe is gonna fall.. omg! Add in all the home changes (wonderful as they are, still stressfull when things change around) and can just imagine you’re struggling all around!! Know we’re here for ya and thinking about you and if you need to vent anytime or rage or need a little hug to help ya thru, we’re here for ya!! And no worries about not being able to post (I’m in the same boat!) Hopefully you can pop in and get a read now and then just to be able to hear that we’re thinking of ya and are here…. So no worries!

    HSH: HOPE you’re having a fab time in NYC!!!

    Merobi: not sure if you’re home yet (and if the rest of the family survived the trip LOL) but hope you had a good time while you were gone, and that you got enuf of your “own” type of exercising to keep you sane before joining the family! Hope the tandem bike came back in one piece too lol.. I tried to get to the huffington site for the boredom eating read but it wont take me; im gonna try googling it..

    Cbm: sounds like you’re heading for a lovely vacation!! Make sure you use the buddy system in the ocean so those undertows don’t grab one of our hatters!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Hey All, I know I have been MIA for a few days, have been logging my food but a bit out of it. I could almost cry.:cry: As you know I have been running since January & have been very successful up to this point, but now it seems I have hit a brick wall. I have had right heal pain since Tuesday. I think it is plantar faciatis. I have managed to walk a bit, and have been trying to strech it out, but am so afraid of loosing the fitness I have gained. Tomorrow I am going to try to do some cycling instead of running & see how that works out.

    Snooozie, Glad to hear you are doing well & listening to Dr's orders about limiting puter time. You are definatly in our thoughts.

    Tony a beach vacation...Enjoy. I live 5 minutes from the ocean and tend to go during the off season. As a kid we would often bring a picnic to the beach on a hot summer evening to enjoy the cool breezes. This is something I shared with my son as well. Sandcastles with the grand children what fun you will have.

    Tarnold. Glad to hear you and Pearl are well. Enjoy your time off.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    so tired tonight, so much has happend in the last 48 hours but I am here at the beach with my whole family and for that I am truly thankful....much more tomorrow when I am not so tired. Have a good one everybody.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Been a great day of relaxing and putting up more veggies for the winter.

    Now as I said in an earlier post I have reset some things in the last couple of weeks and have seen much better results. I know a few of my fellow hatters are going through some of the same and thought I would post the link to the blog of the mfp poster. The blog has all the same info

    Hope everyone else is having a great weekend.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good morning Hatters!

    It's a long weekend here, but today is calling for rain so I'm heading in to catch up on some backlog at work for a few hours so I can enjoy the lovely weather tomorrow and hopefully head off some eye strain Tuesday morning lol. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and will pop on tonite to catch up!

    Tonya - hope you get loads of R&R on vacation; enjoy!!

    TA: I figured out how to bookmark that spreadsheet but will have to sit and read thru the thread again as I'm a little confoosed (nothing new there lol) thanks for sharing it! Did you see there's a recipe thread for teachers who are struggling to figure out lunches they can take in?

    Bis sent a PM but just wanted to offer a hug .... I know you're super stressed and worried that the PF might set you back and that you'll lose all the progress you've made with running.. but just look how far you've come with it now.. it's already a habit and part of your lifestyle.. you've succeeded at what many of us are still trying to do.. making walking/running a part of your every day.. even if you have to back off on it for a while til the PF can get treated, you won't lose your momentum or the habit.. you really won't! And look at you.. instead of saying wah i can't do it.. you're already thinking what ELSE can i do if I can't do that for a while.. hmm maybe cycling?? THAT is the thinking of someone who has changed and embraces moving as part of their every day life, so there's no way you have to worry at all about sliding back sweetie... huge IPOU on trying the cycling, and if that is still too painful for you... we'll put our hatter heads together - there are lots of ST exercises u can do sitting down to burn calories, but don't push yourself and get injured... you will be fine because your head and heart are already in the right place!! And this is just a boulder in the road; you got a room full of hatters who will help you go around it, over it, under it, and through it, we promise!! Big hug and a huge IPOU!!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks for the support Snooozie & do not work to hard today. I know summer sandles certainly do not help the PF & just found an old pair if Teva sandles in the back of the closet. They seem to have a good arch support. I will try them today & see how they work for me. Not the best style for church, but if they make my foot happier all is good. Have a wonderfull day all & catch up with you tonight.
  • charip
    charip Posts: 55 Member
    Good Morning Hatters!
    Sorry I haven't been here much lately ( although I have been popping in and reading all the wonderful posts), but I've had company from out west for the past week, which has meant a week of all you can eat food and booze......and a SEVEN pound weight gain!!! I would normally assume that it's mostly water gain, but this time, I think it is actually real weight- the eating has taken over, from morning till night, and of course it all has to be great quantities and home made... from cakes, pies, cookies, etc., to homemade fish and chips, barbeques, pizza, spaghetti/meatballs, etc.,....and the snacks in between,...and did I mention the booze???
    I don't even feel like climbing back on the weight loss train.......HELP!!!!!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Hi everyone!!!!

    Did I have fun yesterday. It's been so long since I've done anything fun.......but it came right back to me!

    My cousin called and said "lunch" So I got dressed and we went to Red Lobster. Then went shopping. Then stopped by the local ice cream stand. Going home we passed the "Splash Pad" It's a little water park for the kiddies in my neighborhood. Water jets, hoops, Pipes shaped like sunflowers with shower heads...that kind of thing. It was running and kids were playing so I says, Hey Paula....Wanna? So we did. Yes, I was wearing a skirt and cami but did not make a bit of difference to me. It was SO much fun!!!! Soaking wet we sat on the bench to dry off a bit.

    I will say one thing though......don't wear cotton skirts if you are gonna play in the water. Yeah, it went see though....and we were getting some strange looks. Or should I say I was getting the looks? Paula had on capris and a teeshirt.

    I believe that it is Good to act silly now and then....keeps one feeling young!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member

    TA: I figured out how to bookmark that spreadsheet but will have to sit and read thru the thread again as I'm a little confoosed (nothing new there lol) thanks for sharing it! Did you see there's a recipe thread for teachers who are struggling to figure out lunches they can take in?

    Hey Lady, no I didn't see that I haven't had much time this weekend. We had a great service today at church and then I went to PIZZA HUT with my sister and brother in law. I made GOOD choices and ate ONLY SALAD. There was a weee bit of I want pizza but when I thought of the fat and sodium that changed my mind :happy: After that I walked, shopped, and came home and shelled butter beans and peas for the rest of the day !!! I will be looking the thread up :drinker:

    It's going to be a busy week this week. I am heading to the classroom tomorrow to work on getting it ready. Mainly going to make a list of needs and then head out to do some shopping. Hoping to get it done Tuesday. Then the hubby and I are heading out for some us time Wednesday to Memphis before school starts. Of course he has class while there but we are taking a couple of extra days so won't be returning until Sunday.

    So as you can read I am not sure how much I will be able to post this week but my thoughts will be here and I will be reading !!!
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    TA have a safe trip and enjoy yourself.

    mem5o that sound like fun. I could see myself doing something like that.
    Kathy take care of yourself, I know about feet problem. My husband has made fun of my shoes for years.
    Snoozie you are the greatest cheerleader we have. take care of your eyes.

    I am like a lot of other people on here. I have been MIA. I would read what people have posted. but not take time to post myself.

    Everyone have a healthy week.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Missing all the mad hatters so much – am trying so hard to only be on puter for logging and quick reads; until the final checkup next week… specially because of having to be on puter so much at work; I’ve been very good about wearing a patch there but it’s a bit of a struggle to get things done, even with kicking up the zoom. Even harder not to be glued to the Hatters though!

    So instead of yapping, I want to spend my time catching up and get a few replies in to all the wonderful Hatters:

    Charip: sounds like you had a really rough week … I hope you’re feeling a little better by now? I know you may be disappointed about having gained a little back, but we’re trying to change a lifetime of habit, it isntt going to happen overnight…we’re all going to have our moments…but remember this time you have the Hatters to help pick you up, dust you off and walk right alongside you on the path back.. its just a bump – you WILL get through it!

    Mem – loved your post.. yes absolutely a great idea!! I got soaked by a sprinkler one day on my walk.. and went back under it just for the heck of it.. course I wasn’t wearing a cotton skirt LOL! I’m also a big fan of puddle jumping after a rain storm!

    TA: huge IPOU on the PH choices!!! Woo hoo! So glad to hear about date night.. or days lol.. hope you and hubby have an awesome time in Memphis – and burn a few calories somehow.. (evil grin)

    Cheryl! Was lovely to see you… we’re happy to have lurkers (laughing at Tonya saying she did that for a few before joining in) but always so much better to hear from everyone when they can.. so thanks for taking the time! Love hearing from ya!

    Merobi: thought of you this morning at the lake as there were a lot of individual cyclists out early this morning… all happy looking campers they were and as each one went by I thought “betcha Merobi would be cycling her little heart out here if she could lol”

    I’m not sure where to post this right now, I think I actually missed a thread so going to pop back to the group and see what’s up.. hoping Tonya is having a great time on vacation and everyone else is doing okay… I can’t WAIT to be able to get back to chatting.. miss you guys so much!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    I didn't wanna post a regular thing on Fishburn's get well thread... but now I'm a little lost lol.... is everyone okay if I start a new topic page for tomorrow morning?
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Hey everyone It looks like everyone has been busy enjoying the summer.

    T what fun you will have organizing for next year. I allways find it fun doing something like that.

    mem 50 what fun & look at the price less memory you have. Did you take any pictures?

    Charpi, back in the game & that's what counts. You will be surprised at how quickly you will loose it. I gained 2 lb back in June when I went on a cruise, but then took 3 off within a week of being back on track.

    Snooozie, as allways glad to hear from you & see you are following Dr's orders about puter time.

    My foot seems to be feeling a little better I have been doing lots of streching, taking Aleve & got some orthodics for my sneakers. ( I do have good propperly fit sneakers, but notice a diffrence with the extra padding and support) I have not run on it yet, but went for a gentle 2.4 mile walk this AM (not my usual jog or power walk) and tonight a 5 mile bike ride. I want to keep moving, but do not want to risk any major injury.

    Well have a fabulous evening everyone.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    WAY to turn things around Bis!!! and so smart to be starting off easy again - glad to hear you're feeling better and IPOU for being such a smart HATTER!!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Three NSV in one day !!!

    #1 First when leaving to work in my classroom this morning I got in the van this morning my daughter looked at me and said "I think you're going to have to buy some new clothes" Me"Why" Daughter " Cause that shirt is so baggie and you look like you are wearing parachute pants your pants are so big " :laugh:

    #2 Today I met with a lady to try on some used clothing she had for sale on a local swap shop page on fb. I purchased lots of jackets and tops to get me through the next months. BUT the most amazing thing happened the first jacket I had ask about did not fit it was toooooooooooooooooooooo BIG !!! I can not remember the last time I couldn't buy something b/c it was to larger rather than to small. ( I got about $500 worth for $95 !!! yeah me, I didn't figure there was any need to spend big money when these are just passing through sizes !!!!) :heart: :heart: :heart:

    #3 Now while trying the tops and jackets on my sister said well that would probably look good but you really are going to have to buy some new bras for the girls, your bra is to big to do the job !!!:bigsmile:

    Now just 2 more pounds and I am smaller than that ex !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehe
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Great NSV's TA! I bet you feel great!