The Last Cookie Club by Gary Mahoney.

I started to read this book yesterday, and haven't gotten far. Usually by now, I'd be halfway through and dreading the end of whatever I was reading. This time, I got stuck on page three. It says:

"...that crossroads identified as the "Cookie Moment," that defining choice at 3 a.m., when despite all your vows and willpower and learning and diets and twelve-step programs, your world has fallen apartment and you're standing in the kitchen, already filled with self-loathing, holding a cookie (or a slice of pizza or a bag of chips or whatever). You know that you're alone and nothing's stopping you, and you also know full well that one cookie leads to another--leads to ten--leads to a four-week binge--and you've been down that road a zillion times before and promised yourself you'd never do it again. Yet there you are and the Cookie Momeent is asking you simply--what are you going to do?"

I know that moment! And I know it well! And, unfortunately, I've been in that several-week binge... for months. I feel like the only girl in the world who could manage to gain weight on a work-sponsored weight-loss challenge.

Two years ago, almost to the day, I weighed just over 380 pounds. I started MFP and by December I was down to 306, and so excited to go below 300! And then? Then I started gaining it all back. So that today, when I weighed myself, and DECIDED this binge was over thankyouverymuch, I weigh 363.8.

Time to dust myself off and start again.


  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    And I am so glad you have. :flowerforyou:
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    I'm so glad too! Boy can I identify with what you wrote....except that instead of being at 3am, it's 3pm for me. And cookies are my biggest binge food.

    I'm so sick of the rut I'm stuck in that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to not binge. One day at a time. One moment at a time if need be.