Calling all 40+ Turbo Hotties

chargers8709 Posts: 103 Member
Just wondering how many other 40+ fitness ladies are
out there doing Turbo Fire and seeing results.


  • iluvlabbies
    iluvlabbies Posts: 8 Member
    Hey there - I have been doing TF for the past 3+ months and have gotten great results and super increased cardio endurance:heart: . So far, I'm done 14 pounds and about 13+ inches overall. I love these workouts and follow the schedule pretty consistently - even taking the DVDs and bands with me on trips. I also have been logging food here on MFP and that has also helped. I'm 52 :tongue: and this is my soulmate workout. :smile:
  • chargers8709
    chargers8709 Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks for responding. I am also 52 and have had great
    results with Turbo Fire. I just finished the first 90 days. I didn't lose a lot of weight but definitely
    lost inches. I also log my food and it definitely helps keep
    you on track. Are you doing the Advanced TF DVDs?