Chick filla



  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    No argument. For most of the face-stuffers last Wednesday, free speech was a transparent fig leaf.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I just think the CEO was a huge moron for saying anything. As a businessman, this was the wrong move.
    I am all in favor of freedom of speech though, even if I don't like or agree with what someone has to say. I promise you there are more CEO's out there that feel the same way, and also donate money to groups similar to the one's chic-fil-a has, but we will never know because they will keep their mouth shut. So at least now we are aware of his stance and can choose to go or not to go to chic-fil-a.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    However... back to the original topic of Chic-fil-A...

    It would appear that some of our community are abusing staff @ Chick-Fil-A franchises even though those staff-members may themselves be gay (or straight) and not necessarily support the CEO's stance on gay marriage :cry:

    From Pink News: Gay employee says Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day was 'very depressing'

    As an "outsider" looking in, so to speak, surely I cannot be the only one who is concerned about the prominence of the Religious Right in US politics. Maybe it is just a vocal minority that is making the headlines, but given the outpouring of vitriol on Facebook in response to the Rainbow Oreo, not to mention what seems to pass as informed debate on the public message boards on MFP, it does seem to be a worrying trend. :frown:

    Its wrong for the employees to be harassed. My best friend up until very recently worked at a chic-fil-a and he is absolutely against what the ceo had to say, especially since he IS in fact, a homosexual man... I told him he should keep working there because of the sheer irony :) He did eventually quit, but only because he got a better job.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    It would appear that some of our community are abusing staff @ Chick-Fil-A franchises even though those staff-members may themselves be gay (or straight) and not necessarily support the CEO's stance on gay marriage cry

    From Pink News: Gay employee says Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day was 'very depressing'

    Most of the incidents cited in that article are Chick-Fil-A supporters saying anti-gay things to a couple of gay employees. There is only one incident cited of pro-gay people harassing a Chick-Fil-A employee.
    Conversely, he continued: “I was yelled at for being a god-loving, conservative, homophobic Christian while walking some food out to a guest in a mall dining room.

    One incident is too many, but I wouldn't make sweeping generalizations based on interviews with two employees, one of whom cites one incident.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Family members seem to be making it worse for me. My aunt and 5 cousins are very avid church goers..All of my cousins go to Christian schools/colleges and they are trying to justify their beliefs on facebook. I tend to ignore it but post my own opinion on my wall. :bigsmile:
  • jpcamden
    jpcamden Posts: 45 Member
    I'm super pro-gay, if that makes sense. I'm a straight guy but I think gays should be able to marry whoever the hell they want.

    At the same time though, people judging Chick Fila on their beliefs is just as bad as them judging other people. It's their opinion, who cares? They're not kicking gays out of their restaurant, but since they're a religious organization, they don't support it.

    If you don't like it, don't buy their food. It's very simple. This anti-gay stuff will go away eventually. I think it's stupid as hell. It's the same crap as 50 years ago when interracial couples were frowned upon. America will eventually become less ignorant. Hopefully it's just sooner than later.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I'm super pro-gay, if that makes sense. I'm a straight guy but I think gays should be able to marry whoever the hell they want.

    At the same time though, people judging Chick Fila on their beliefs is just as bad as them judging other people. It's their opinion, who cares? They're not kicking gays out of their restaurant, but since they're a religious organization, they don't support it.

    If you don't like it, don't buy their food. It's very simple. This anti-gay stuff will go away eventually. I think it's stupid as hell. It's the same crap as 50 years ago when interracial couples were frowned upon. America will eventually become less ignorant. Hopefully it's just sooner than later.

    I'm afraid you're incorrect. The "anti-gay stuff' doesn't go away on its own. It takes people speaking out against it. Staying silent on issues like this is very dangerous for the LGBT community. People who judge CFA for their beliefs (at least this one) aren't just as bad as the bigots who run the company. No one, apart from a few misguided officials, had any intent on infringing on the the rights of this man or his company. Yet he (Cathy) believes that his views should not only be shared but also that the law should restrict the rights of LGBT people.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm super pro-gay, if that makes sense. I'm a straight guy but I think gays should be able to marry whoever the hell they want.

    At the same time though, people judging Chick Fila on their beliefs is just as bad as them judging other people. It's their opinion, who cares? They're not kicking gays out of their restaurant, but since they're a religious organization, they don't support it.

    If you don't like it, don't buy their food. It's very simple. This anti-gay stuff will go away eventually. I think it's stupid as hell. It's the same crap as 50 years ago when interracial couples were frowned upon. America will eventually become less ignorant. Hopefully it's just sooner than later.

    Its not just "their opinion" though - a portion of the money that is spent there goes to anti-gay rights efforts. If the guy had just said "I don't like gay people personally but I don't plan to do anything about it" that's one thing, or paid part of his OWN income to such causes, but a portion of the COMPANY'S proceeds go directly to non-profit activities that are fighting gay rights. (and other kinds of things that Christians care about, I think).

    So I mean, its a bigger deal than just words, in my opinion, but I agree that in response to things you don't like its important to ALSO respond by putting your money where your mouth is. And that's why the blow up over this has been so depressing, a bunch of people have gone out and said "I support the rights of gays to marry (and other things) but I see no problem with giving money to an organization that will then take some of that money and fight against something I claim to support"

    The above is, for me at least, a big reason to care. A lot of people made this a freedom of speech issue and it has nothing ot do with freedom of speech. You will notice that no one got arrested for speaking out either way.
  • jpcamden
    jpcamden Posts: 45 Member
    That's a good point Tameko. I didn't realize that he spent the company's profits to fund that. Thought he just did it with his own money. Which I guess would really be their profits anyway with him being CEO.

    I agree with you too Evan to some degree This "issue" is so ridiculous that I think it WILL go away on its own. I don't think any person in their right mind should be against gay marriage. A gay dude marrying another gay dude has nothing to do with me, so I look at it like why should I care? More power to em. I have no right to interfere. Obviously I do think that people should speak out if they're against it (free speech and all), but i think even if they didn't, it would go away eventually. Not as fast but I do think it'd stop. I think people would eventually realize that they're being bigots.

    Maybe I'm having too much faith in humanity though.
    Oh and I found a picture you guys might be interested in.


    The picture got cut off so I'll just link it without the IMG tag as well.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I appreciate your optimism, but it doesn't quite work that way. And it's mostly because there are millions of bigots out there. Left to their own devices, with no one speaking out when crap like this comes to light, we'd have a Constitutional amendment banning SSM by now. DADT sure as heck wouldn't have been dropped if it hadn't been for continued activism by the lgbt community. So long as the law continues to marginalize us, we have to continue to make a big deal out of issues that affect us.

    It would be nice if it would go away on its own, though.
  • BillyPinky
    BillyPinky Posts: 104 Member
    I just defriended a girl on MFP because she was boasting how she eating at CFA and proud of it. I don't want people like that on my friends list. I told her I was defriending her. She was shocked that someone could be upset by her posting.

    Sent a long reply but she never got back to me. Funny that !
  • wait_loss
    wait_loss Posts: 117 Member
    I just defriended a girl on MFP because she was boasting how she eating at CFA and proud of it. I don't want people like that on my friends list. I told her I was defriending her. She was shocked that someone could be upset by her posting.

    Sent a long reply but she never got back to me. Funny that !

    Seems some people the messages fly over their heads. it is okay to hate but when you take a stance then they are" I don't know how to act civilized. " Had a friend like that for 23 years and it was best in the end to call her on it and sever the ties. Hate when litterlists get caught that they have no mind of their own. Seems like a brain washing cult. But who am I to speak. Not being a christian because of the hipocracy!
  • jpcamden
    jpcamden Posts: 45 Member
    I appreciate your optimism, but it doesn't quite work that way. And it's mostly because there are millions of bigots out there. Left to their own devices, with no one speaking out when crap like this comes to light, we'd have a Constitutional amendment banning SSM by now. DADT sure as heck wouldn't have been dropped if it hadn't been for continued activism by the lgbt community. So long as the law continues to marginalize us, we have to continue to make a big deal out of issues that affect us.

    It would be nice if it would go away on its own, though.

    My optimism is actually pretty rare. I'm a pessimist at heart. You're probably right. It probably won't go away if people don't rally against it. I think I may have been having too much faith in our race. I should know better, seeing as how when we murder each other all the time for no reason.

    I hope it goes away, and if there's ever a rally here I'll go to it. I just think church and state should be separate. Why should there be a LAW that forbids marriage when the bible is what people quote when asked why it's wrong.. Not everyone believes in that so to push your belief on someone and tell them they can't do something because of what YOU believe just seems so ****ed up to me. Ugh making myself angry, haha.

    Anyway, good luck guys. At least know that you have supporters everywhere.
    Off topic: Sweet beard.