Well done to everyone on doing Day 1 on our challenge. I want to give a big shout out to everyone who commented yesterday on what they done, I loved reading all of your comments. I really want everyone to do their best this month on achieving your goals no matter how small they may be and to know with a little bit of motivation and support from everyone we will all get there and will keep us going to the end.

Don’t forget that I am also on this life change with you so I am here for the long haul too. I know yesterday I set a 500cal burn but to be honest as long as we are moving that’s the main objective. So anyone can join in. Don’t feel that because you are unable that you can’t join in. Some of us have disabilities that may make this harder for us. All I am asking is that you MOVE!!

So this is DAY 2, whoop, whoop give yourselves a wee pat on the back there!!

The challenge I set for you today is “Why do you really want to lose weight?”

I want you to think long and hard about this so that no matter what life throws at you, (those curve balls come out of the blue you know) you can look back upon this day and say these are the reasons I want to lose weight. Be TRUE to yourself and ensuring you end this challenge feeling magnificent.

Your WHY needs to be bigger than your BUT! Ok we may have some where fantastic to go to at the weekend or we may just have to eat so much at that barbecue. Seriously though is it worth it ruining what you have put in so far? Believe me I have fallen off the wagon before and it has taken me days, months even to get back to myself. Can you commit to a month for yourself?


Remember that a lot of the time we can get very good at masking how we really feel. This is your opportunity to be really honest with yourself, no one ever has to see this, so be totally honest, and get your feelings and emotions down onto paper.
The idea of this exercise to help you get really clear on how being overweight is impacting the different areas of your life and holding you back.
If you are feeling frustrated with your weight, then it is likely that you will feel upset when you think about some of these areas of your life. This a good thing, if you have strong emotions about certain areas then these will be the areas that will drive you to make the real change for long lasting success.
Spend some time just feeling the emotions and thinking about situations or examples of how your weight has had a negative impact on each area of your life.


Fun / Social Life



Personal Development

Friends / Family



I want you to give each emotion a mark out of 10 on how each emotion has impacted your life.

• 10 being the most positive and 1 being a negative

Good luck to everyone on your challenge today and I hope in some way that it helps you to succeed. Don’t forget to do your exercise and drink your water also. Log those calories and keep yourself accountable.


Stop thinking about what you need to give up and start thinking about what you will gain when you get to your goal.

Love to you all


  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    This is one of the BEST Thread's Ever and it really got to me...But I don't want to reply just for the sake
    of replying because I want to think about the 8 emotions envolved... I'm a deep person and that's prob
    part of where I am today..Thanks D...luv u...x
  • archgeo
    archgeo Posts: 13 Member
    Well it looks like I will be the first one to respond. Hope this is what was expected.
    Why do I really want to lose weight? - listed under the subheadings as given:

    Romance 7/10
    Feeling sexy is important to me in the romantic sense. If I like the way I look then my SO will too. Self consciously at the moment I have a bit to improve, intimacy with the lights on is truely being open with your partner without self confidence getting in the way. I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT TO FEEL SEXY!

    Fun/Social 3/10
    Not so important to me but when it does raise its head my concern is that I am wearing the right thing, acting the right way and saying the right thing - my weight has little to do with it other than how my clothes look on me. I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT TO LOOK GOOD.

    Health 8/10
    I have room for improvement. I guess my health concerns are more the ones that can't be seen (i.e. cholesterol, teeth - too much sugar???, pre-disposition to cancers), I want to ensure that I reduce the likelihood of me suffering as many in my immediate family have. I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT TO PREVENT / REDUCE THE LIKELIHOOD OF DISEASE

    Personal Development / Friends & Family 10/10
    I've linked these two together more for ease of writting than anything else. They relate closely. Knowing that I can implement change gives me the belief that friends / family and society can implement change. One step at a time. I want to help others but first and foremost I have to help myself to determine if it is a reasonable expectation. I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT TO BE ABLE TO HELP OTHERS TO DO THE SAME.

    Environment 8/10
    This is linked also with the society comment under Friends and Family above. Yes I belief environment has a lot to do with body image and health. Yes I think if we change our environment so that healthy options are always available are are at the forefront of our minds then we can change our own health and the health of others. Healthy food does not cost any more than unhealthy food however there is the time and convience factor where the majority of convience foods (i.e. takeaways) are unhealthy - yes I know fruit is cheap but not that filling. I WANT TO HELP CHANGE THE ENVIRONMENT TO HELP OTHERS TO BE HEALTHY

    Finance 7/10
    Healthy people spend less on medical bills and time off work than unhealthy people. I don't want to have to rely on financial assistance (anytime in my life) due to health. I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT TO SAVE MONEY IN THE FUTURE.

    I look forward to reading other peoples responses.