Weird feeling

chezmama Posts: 396 Member
Sometimes at night when I am "spooning" my husband, I feel like I am snuggling up to a little boy, because I am so much wider than him. I hate that. It's one of the many benefits I see to losing make that weird feeling go away. Am I the only one who feels this way?


  • abbyaxiom
    Lol no you are not alone. I feel like im smothering my fiance. I feel like im constantly holding him because im too big to be held =(
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    It's funny, because I don't really feel funny when he spoons me, but sometimes I am struck by how tiny he feels in my arms. He's quite thin, but not tiny. But sometimes it just feels that way.
  • TheNewBlair
    This may be a little personal, but I HATE to be on top, even though he says I'm not hurting him I always feel like I am just smothering him, and it makes it uncomfortable for me.
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    LOL...Imma take him at his word on that one!:wink:
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    This may be a little personal, but I HATE to be on top, even though he says I'm not hurting him I always feel like I am just smothering him, and it makes it uncomfortable for me.

    HAHA! This made me laugh. I hate it. I "refuse" baha, unless it's special. Seriously. I'm always afraid I'm gonna kill my boyfriend. My boyfriend was a foot taller than me and weighed more in general and I STILL felt the same. Ugh. I hope it will eventually go away later.
  • JessePaige90
    JessePaige90 Posts: 47 Member
    I feel weird when I'm on top too but my husband never says anything either. This may also be a little personal but I really feel awkward when we're in bed and I catch a glimpse of us in the mirror.
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    Yes! Me too!
  • WinniDePoux
    My hubby is 5'4" and 130lbs. I am 5'8" and 265lbs.

    We both have changed since we married, but we went in opposite directions. He has recently lost about 20 lbs, at his current weight from 150lbs. I really dislike his weight loss- for the first time ever I now *feel* the discrepancy between our sizes. It seriously never bothered me before; he was always 'hefty' enough to hold. Now, as one of you mentioned, I feel like I am holding a boy.

    I can't say anything about it, as he accepts (though is unhappy about) my own weight gain.