Newbie, quick question:

When setting my custom settings, what do I enter for daily caloric goal:

BMR: 1362
TDEE: 2351
CUT: 1998


  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    Are you doing reset? Or straight to cut? (most do reset, first I believe)

    Do your TDEE if you are doing reset
    Do your cut if you ate going straight into the cut

    This is my knowledge
  • Thanks!!! I know I *should* probably do reset, but it scares me! lol
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    From what I've seen on these boards (I definitely recommend reading through some new and old topics) that more people have success when they reset. I also see a lot of hose who didn't at first just end up doing it later. :) everyone is different and I would talk to some others with more experience/knowledge as I joined this group only recently and already at my maintenance weight so I have no need for a cut :)

    Good luck to you!