I eat too much!



  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    @JessLLoser: I felt the samee way!! It seemed everyone here is losing and since I started on MFP I have gained 10 lbs. WTF!!!!!!!!

    I dont know what to do....

    ^^exactly how i feel.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    idk...to me, this formula sounds somewhat reasonable. mainly due to the 'eating back your exercise calories'. i mean, you are trying to cut and lose. if you have a pretty decent workout and burn 300-400 cals, you are still eating 1700-1800 a day, correct? and that is to GET to your goal weight. i know there are many naysayers, but i think this seems reasonable with making sure to account for the (all) extra exercise.
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    I'm so sorry you are struggling. It's got to be so frustrating.

    I've been doing EM2WL, since 4/30 and am down 7.5 pounds. I even thought I was eating at my TDEE for 6 to 8 weeks and still lost 5.5, then cut lost 2 more. I am currently on a diet break and am eating 2380 (+300 for breastfeeding). I go back to a 10% cut on Monday because I am starting Stage 4 of NROLFW. I hardly do cardio, but will be adding that in. This has been a gold mine for me. I wish it was the same for you!
  • AmbitionStrong
    AmbitionStrong Posts: 46 Member
    It is frustrating. But for August, I put away the scale, put away the measuring tape, and Im just eating my set number every day, lifting heavy, walking fasted every morning, getting my SLEEP (930 bed time!), and getting my rest!

    I have been trying to lose for 2+ years



    i give up trying to post an image geez
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm so sorry you are struggling. It's got to be so frustrating.

    I've been doing EM2WL, since 4/30 and am down 7.5 pounds. I even thought I was eating at my TDEE for 6 to 8 weeks and still lost 5.5, then cut lost 2 more. I am currently on a diet break and am eating 2380 (+300 for breastfeeding). I go back to a 10% cut on Monday because I am starting Stage 4 of NROLFW. I hardly do cardio, but will be adding that in. This has been a gold mine for me. I wish it was the same for you!
    This is an important statement. It was a GOLDMINE for some, and that's fantastic! But all bodies work differently. I think my Bodymedia really over did my calories as I just gained and gained and gained. I've changed what I'm eating, I'm eating a lot less, but I'm not hungry because the food I'd eating is the right kind of food at the right kind of time. I have energy, I look SO much better, and I can fit into my clothes again. As much as I want to, hearing that it's going to work...it hasn't for me...but I just know it will! Just isn't enough for me. And I by no means mean that ugly. I guess I just don't have that much faith or strength...preseverance? Whatever you call it. Do whatever feels good for you. If you've done this for a long time and you're getting no where, which things up! I had my entire Bodypump class tell me that they could tell I lost weight and looked great....unprompted. It was fantastic! I totally support whatever you do! :-)