interesting TDEE numbers

bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
so I'm feeling a bit stuck. I'm completing my 8th week of reset at 5-6 hours of strenuous activity and a full TDEE of 2655. i currently do all cardio and am getting pretty burnt out by it, so i was going to switch down to moderate, eat at full moderate TDEE for a couple weeks to stabilize, and then cut from there. i was all ready and gung-ho to do this.....until i ran my numbers :(

with a 10% cut of strenuous activity, my TDEE is 2389. full TDEE at moderate activity is 2385. 10% cut from moderate is 2146.

i can't believe i'm freaking out that 2150 is too low, but.....! it's been 2 months of eating 2655+ and i've basically maintained (haven't weighed myself on my own scale, just my parent's, but it's always been consistent in the past. i'll weigh myself on my scale monday when i get home, but i've taken this week as a rest week from exercise, and i'm drinking saturday night with friends from college, so the scale will probably be skewed)

i don't know. now i feel trapped into working out 5-6 hours just so i can keep eating!! although i know that isn't the right way to go. i will hopefully be brave enough to start NROLFW and not just get sucked back into excessive cardio. one thing that makes me feel a little better is that it's pretty in line with the NROLFW nutrition calculations - i got 2100some on non-workout days and 2335 on workout days, which is about in line with my cut/maintenance values (assuming NROLFW falls into moderate activity). still, though... man. can't believe i ever survived on 1500 cals. thinking of 2150 has already sent me panicking :)


  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    just realized the NROLFW nutrition numbers are for maintenance, though. so the nonworkout day level is appoximately my cut value, and the workout day level is my TDEE. so i guess eating cut value that whole time would still work? but eating TDEE everyday might make me gain. i'm not sure. anyone else do NROLFW and EMTWL - what numbers did you use?
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I'm using TDEE-300 daily because of this:

    also not weighing/measuring 'till the end of stage 1 (that's September for me)
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I lift heavy and follow some of the workouts in NROLFW and NROLFA. I eat about 2500 calories which is about 300 cal less than my calculated TDEE. I haven't lost any weight in 3-4 months but I have lost inches. I gave up on the scale when it told me I had gained 6 lbs but at that same time I had gone down a pants size. I monitor my BF% now more closely than the scale.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    Oh and if you workout less you won't want to eat as much. You won't feel hungry and the food won't taste as great.
  • DaysFlyBy
    DaysFlyBy Posts: 243 Member
    Oh and if you workout less yo u won't want to eat as much. You won't feel hungry and the food won't taste as great.

    Pffft not me. I went from working out 2+ hrs/day to an hour or less once I found EM2LM because I wanted to reign it into the realm of 'sustainable'. My TDEE avoiding to my Fitbit is 1933 and God help me it took everything I had to keep my eating under 3000 cal/day once I started eating more lol. My appetite could care less if I workout or not anymore, it just wants food and lots of it. :grumble:
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Due to an injury I didn't work out last week so I lowered my cals. I didn't notice it since without such high cal burns I had no problem limiting my eating. I usually am more hungry the day after a big burn than the day of so don't get stressed if the first day of cutting back exercise you are still hungry, just eat enough you aren't hungry then the next day it will probably settle down.