What are your "Away From" motivations?

HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
How do you know you want to change? What unwanted behaviors do you have? What is it you are doing that you wish you weren't doing?



  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    The unwanted behaviors I have are:
    - I give into my chocolate cravings
    - I eat uncontrollably on "cheat days" (thousand or two over my limit)
    - I sneak food
    - I eat chocolate even when I'm not hungry, just because my taste buds want it
    - I binge way too often, I shouldn't binge at all

    The symptoms I have are:
    - My body fat percentage is dangerously high
    - I feel uncomfortable in my body, I feel like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
    - I barely have energy and I easily get sick
    - I have major brain fog
    - I have problems finding things to wear that I'm comfortable in
    - Guilt is a frequent emotion that I have

    The consequences of those behaviors are:
    - Visceral Fat
    - Increased risk of major disease
    - I need to wear clothing that covers my bulges
    - I avoid sex because I am uncomfortable with my body
    - I have a low libido
    - I have low energy

    How other people are affected by my problem is:
    - My husband doesn't get as much sex
    - I'm often grumpy
    - Everyone around me has to hear about my weight complaints

  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    My book version: Identify my Away-from Motivations:

    i want to move away from cellulite
    I want to move away from belly fat "visceral fat"
    I want to move away fro obsessively counting calories and exercising to exhaustion
    I want to move away from eating uncontrollably
    I want to move away from eating until I'm uncomfortable or even sick feeling
    I want to move away from eating when I'm tired
    I want to move away from eating when I'm stressed
    I want to move away from treating myself with unhealthy foods
    I want to move away from guilt and shame and cheat days
    I want to move away from being good through the week then bingeing on the weekends
    I want to move away from sneaking food
    I want to move away from bingeing uncontrollably on sweets and high fat food
    I want to move away from feeling compelled to finish my plate
    I want to move away from being out of control around food
    I want to move away from constantly thinking about food and my weight
    i want to move away from having a high body fat percentage
    I want to move away from being uncomfortable in my body
    I want to move away from continuously being bloated
    I want to move away from having to cover up bludges
    I want to move away from feeling self conscious
    I want to move away from avoiding sex and feeling uncomfortable during it
    I want to move away from lacking self confidence
    I want to move away from feeling tired and depressed
    I want to move away from never having energy
    I want to move away from being afraid of people seeing me in a bathing suit
    I want to move away from driving my husband crazy with my diet obsession
    I want to move away from avoiding sex
    I want to move away from a low libido
    I want to move away from brain fog
    I want to move away from getting sick often
    i want to move away from getting angry easily and accidentally taking it out on my husband
