Inconsistency is the devil. The scale is its minion.

JaimeNJ Posts: 51 Member
Summer sucks for me this year. I'm way too disorganized. When I started MFP it had me at that classic 1200 cal/day calculation. I only did that for a few weeks. I was losing weight, but working out was difficult. And I was hungry. Until I wasn't hungry anymore. Then just when I thought I could maintain that VLC level, I found this forum.

I started EM2WL a few months ago. Eating my range between my daily expenditure and BMR felt good. I started NROL4W. I had energy to workout. I was motivated. The scale and measurements didn't really go my way the first month or so, but I was feeling better.

Then I went to the beach. Then I came back from the beach and felt lazy. My workouts became sporadic, and my weight just blew up. For the last few weeks, I have felt like a sausage. My body feels sloppier than it's ever been. And I have never weighed this much NOT pregnant. (I'm not pregnant.)

I've realized that I just can't eat at TDEE and lose weight right now. My workouts are just not consistent enough. And until I am able to get more organized with that, I feel I need to go back to 1500-1600 because that's where I feel comfortable. Today, for the first time in a long time, I had the energy to go for a run when I woke up. I only did half of the NROL4W workout, but it's better than nothing. I'm just not disciplined enough to remain motivated on my own. I need a coach. I'm considering a personal trainer. I need to be reminded constantly how to be healthy.

Anyway, this is just a rant. If anyone thinks they have any advice for me, please share. Otherwise, I'm going to eat where I feel comfortable, make smarter choices about HOW I'm taking in those calories, and just try to focus on my health. I am not ready for protein shakes and routine.

Maybe this fall.

Best of luck to all of you.



  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    did you readjust your TDEE to account for your more sedentary lifestyle?
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    That sucks! I feel ya! Never have i been so consistant...I got a body bugg for mothers day, been really good logged everything everyday. No weight lOSS. Then June 1st found EMTWL , did a reset for 8 wks, we're talking 90 days of hard serious trying !!! Don't ever recall putting this much effort into losing weight & being healthy. I have gained 10 flipping pounds and since my cut, am yoyo ing 1 lb on & off. I feel ya!!!! Not to mention the cash I've put into healthy food & protein powder,Time I've spent working out/ calculating how many more tablespoons of peanut butter to eat at the end of the night to make sure I've eaten enough, etc. it's summer - I'm fatter - it sux !!! But, other than that I feel a little cheerier! Lol, for real tho! Don't give up, you might feel worse or gain more ! The main reason I'm staying with it, my doc said if I do, I can stay off antidepressants. I've tried many & none keep my stress in check. Good luck, I do understand :-)