Dealing with everyone's questions



  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Even on this site, I've noticed that "we" get attacked for our food choices. It's the only complaint that I have here. We are supposed to be tolerant and supportive of everyone.

    The people that have issue with how I eat know a heck of a lot less about health and nutrition than I do. So I need to learn to shut my mouth, smile, and stop trying to defend myself. No matter how hard one tries, you can't educate people who don't make any attempt to educate themselves.

    Also, I live with Inuit. I can see first-hand, in real-time, the health problems that arise from switching from the natural food that humans were meant to eat, to eating the modern diet. Yup, keep eating those 12 servings of grain; it's good for you!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    When I saw the modern recipe for akutaq was based on crisco, it was instantly apparent why Inuit are being destroyed by the 'white man's diet'. When it was made with caribou or seal fat, it was a healthy snack, but not anymore.

    To respond to the OP, like most here it gets dumbed down to eating real, unprocessed food; mainstream media, Dr Oz, and Big Food/Pharma have more money to push back against a diet that doesn't include stuff in a box, bottle or bag. They haven't figured out how to make money from paleo yet--no 'Pemmican Crunchy cereal' in the product pipeline yet, and no need for a drugstore in one's medicine cabinet. Thus the 'it's unhealthy' rote response.

    For those who try to tell me bread/grains are a food group, I suggest that's like saying hamburger is a food group. Grains and legumes are part of the plant food group, not a group unto themselves. I eat lots of other plants; but not those.

    And yes, a bagel IS a *processed* food: read the label!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I love when I tell people I've eliminated grains from my diet. Usually they'll get a shocked look and ask "Don't we NEED grains?"

    I'll respond with "For...?" and watch as the wheels in their heads start turning. Umm, carbs? Fiber? Nutrients? Nope! I'm getting all of those things from fruits and veggies and unprocessed foods. Good try, though.

    Lol, I'll have to remember that! It came up once around my husband's grandparents that I quit eating grains, and that was pretty much his grandmother's response (though I think it was more along the lines of "aren't grains good for you?"). I couldn't really come up with anything (because I'm not a fast-on-my-feet type of thinker, and was looking for an actual explanation for why grains are bad).
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    I usually said something like that, "Are you ready to hear my answer and be amazed?"
    Them:"Yes, please?"
    Me:"Okay, I eat bacons and all those nasty fats everyday. I don't eat carbs such as grains, sugars, and processed foods because they are silent killers. 80% of what you eat will have the impact on your body. Now is it too much for you to understand it?"
    Them:"Wow! You are crazy! You will have a heart-attack fo sho!"
    Me: "Let's see who will have the heart-attack first in 50 years from now."
    Them: "You are crazy!!!"

    I usually don't explain everything to them, unless they have the will to understand it. It save my and their time.
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    I did make sure to get my blood work done - so when people say I'm going to die of a heart attack, I show them my numbers and ask them to share theirs.
  • greenlj77
    I say I eat an anti-inflammatory diet which primarily excludes grains/carbs. Which is essentially true. I they question me further I tell the truth again, that I have an autoimmune disease. It's all in the wording.