Could eggs/ egg whites be causing stall/gain?

AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
I am doing Atkins, and I know that eggs are usually what is recommended for breakfast ( or in general) for meals. I've noticed a trend though that whenever I have my 2-3 egg whites with 1 whole egg ( or even 3 whole eggs) that I always stall or gain. Has anybody else experienced this? When i did Atkins a year ago for 2 months, I had eggs every day for breakfast, and never lost. I cut out the usual stall foods (cheese, cream, pork rinds) and still nothing. It never occurred to me that it could be eggs. Now, this time around, I am having second thoughts because I always lose on days that I DON'T have them.

Yesterday was horrible (worked 13 hours without any warning, and my food options were limited (was planning on coming home at usual time for a healthy dinner) I had more sodium than usual, but also WAY less total carbs. Today I am up a pound. I've had this much sodium in the past and lost...only difference being the eggs!


  • mdelcott
    mdelcott Posts: 529 Member
    Cut out the eggs for a week or two and see what happens.. I limit my eggs because if I eat too many they give me headaches
  • icanhaztp
    icanhaztp Posts: 23 Member
    Do you salt your eggs? Eggs have a very low carb count so it's unlikely to be the eggs themselves. It is more likely to be water gain that comes with salt intake.
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    Eggs have zero carbs. I've never heard of them stalling anyone. I would first blame any and all sugar, artificial or not, that has found its way in the diet. I've heard of too many sugar-free products stalling people. Then I may take a look at sodium but usually of you are drinking enough water, sodium is easily taken care of. Also, stress can cause you to stall or even gain.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I don't salt my eggs at all, and other than 1 splenda/truvia packet per day, no artificial sweeteners. My sugars are under 10g every day.
  • hiawathaperez
    hiawathaperez Posts: 71 Member
    Egg substitute, liquid 62.75 1/4 cup 111
    Egg, whole, cooked, hard-boiled 50 1 large 62
    Egg, whole, raw, fresh 44 1 medium 55
    Egg, whole, raw, fresh 50 1 large 63

    mg's of salt contained in an egg.

    hope this helps.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    Eggs have zero carbs.

    eggs have about 1 carb per. depends on the size of course! some are .3, some are .6 etc based on the size.

    eating 2 eggs at .6 is over 1 gram so yeah, be careful if you're strict about your counts.
    i count each egg at 1 gram to be on the safe side.

    to OP: yea i agree with not eating them for a week and see what happens.
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    I really think going back to induction can fix your problem. I would cut out canned pumpkin and creamer before I cut out eggs.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    After reviewing your diary's information, the one thing that sticks out like a very sore thumb is the fact you consume several high-sodium type foods.

    That Subway sub you had the other day is a nemesis for sodium and alternative preservatives.

    Kiebasa - a preserved meat with sodium and other nitrates and preservatives

    Here is some interesting info on "Average" canned pumpkin:

    Your half cup of an average is actually 9.9g carbohydrates, 3.6g fiber..... that yields 6.3g net carbs

    One egg-white from a large egg:

    This is only .2g of carbohydrates..

    Im sorry to say this but, eggs/egg whites are not the problem. The problem lies within the food-choices you are making that are notorious for preservatives, sodium, etc..

    Some of your entries do not contain accurate nutritional-information-related data.

    On August 2nd, you had grilled chicken - a 3oz portion. Your entry shows 90 calories, 1g fat, 20g protein.

    Here is the real nutritional data on Chicken breast:
    3oz portion -> 142 Calories, 3.1g fat, .9g sat fat, 26.7g protein,

    The reason for your stall is that you are not relying on accurate information for your daily intake. MFP does not always have accurate NI-related data. You are either selling yourself short with processed food which are considered poor choices, or you are not accounting enough for the food you are taking in because the data is completely wrong.

    Eggs are not part of the problem.

    A helpful suggestion would be to create your own list of foods and enter in the nutritional information manually.

    A great website to consider is - it is a free online tool to use if you want real nutritional information. This site also enables the viewer to change the portion by either the drop down box, or you can enter a quantity as well.

    True followers of Atkins do not rely on prepackaged foods at all. Its real foods that Dr. Atkins' program specifically states, with a very select few minor exceptions that involve extreme limitation. (artifical sugars). It does not involve Subway sandwiches or turkey-bacon, in fact nothing at all.

    Good meal planning ahead of time using fresh whole foods, as outlined on Dr. Atkins' website, and a breakdown of what each phase targets is the best way to go.

    Good luck,

  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    This meal here that we had for dinner tonight...

    This was only 7 net grams of carbohydrates.... just shy of 10oz of eye-round beef. Freshly steamed broccoli, zucchini, summer squash and a couple of baby carrots in a fresh dill/parmesan sauce that uses cream cheese... the sauce was created by using the natural steamy juices from the vegetables...

  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    oh yum...looks incredible! Steak is in my near future! haha :)