New to the group

newcs Posts: 717 Member
Hello! I just joined after seeing this group on janeyg49's news. I've been eating more to weigh less for a couple weeks now, since I started working out and started feeling weak.

Here's my current stats
26 years old and 5'2" (on a good day)
Current weight fluctuates between 121 and 123
Goal is maintenance of weight, loss of fat
BMR is 1442 according to scooby
TDEE is 1983 according to scooby and assuming 1-3hrs exercise per week
I work a desk job but walk to the train and try to walk during lunch. I take the stairs 5 flights up and back. I have a habit of parking in the boonies of parking lots to make myself walk further (my friends love that...not really).
I work out doing circuit training/HIIT about 20min almost every morning and do about 30min of light yoga or stretching at night
My calories in fluctuate between about 1700 and 2000 most days

Since joining MFP, I've lost 13 pounds and many inches (see my profile for actual measurements/progress)

I started out on 1200 calories, no exercise. I felt dizzy and cranky. I upped it to 1300 no exercise and stuck to that until I got skinny-fat. I started working out and even with eating back my exercise calories, I felt like death so I upped it to 1570 plus exercise calories. I now eat 1670 plus exercise calories and my weight has been pretty steady but I have dropped a lot of inches and built some muscle.