aprrae JMBR Round 2

aprrae Posts: 172 Member
Hi All! Now that I have successfully completed my 90 Day Body Revolution, I thought I start a new thread to track my progress through a second round of the program. I feel that one of the most valuable success factors of JMBR is the 30 minute workouts that fit well into my daily life. I am not ready to move to another program until I find something that will work as well in such a short time.

My Strategy:
I have decided to only go back to workouts in Phase 2 & 3. Since I have already built up the strength to do all the workouts, I am only going to do each set of workouts for a week. I am hoping this will keep me from getting bored. So my workouts will work like this:

Week 1 - Workout 5 & 6 : Cardio 2
Week 2 - Workout 7 & 8 : Cardio 2
Week 3 - Workout 9 & 10 : Cardio 3
Week 4 - Workout 11 & 12 : Cardio 4

With this strategy, I will complete all the phase 2 & 3 workouts in 1 month. I can then repeat the cycle each month until I am inspired to try something new.

I also plan to do a Kickstart Eating week to get back to clean eating following my vacation. After that I will continue my previous eating plan using my own recipes, while using my fitnesspal to track calories and nutrition and "following" Jillians NEVER foods list which I have made a LIMIT list.

I began my second round on Wednesday of this past week ( Aug 1st ). So I have completed Workout 5, Workout 6 and Cardio 2. The workouts are not as challenging as 11 & 12, but they still give me a great workout. I also find myself adding higher weight and a faster pace to modify up the exercises. (A nice change from always having to modify down). Due to my travel home from vacation today, I have added an extra rest day this week, but will continue tomorrow.

I haven't weighed myself yet after vacation. I did all my JMBR workouts while there; walked and was quite active, but I also had lots of beach and evening cocktails along with great food. I'm just hoping the gain is under 5 pounds.


  • LeslePG
    LeslePG Posts: 105 Member
    I think you have done so well, and this sounds like a great idea! I love that the workouts are 30 minutes....who has time for more? Sounds like you have it planned out really well, I think once I finish, I will just revamp it to work for me! Go girl!
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    JMBR - 2nd Round : Day 3

    Hi all!

    Have to admit that I have been having some post completion laziness. I am blaming it on post vacation hangover. I haven't been able to get my behind out of bed in the morning this week and have not gotten back on track with my eating. I have been getting in some of my workouts, but I am realizing how important it is to get my the workouts in before my daughters wake up in the morning. Just too many excuses during the day for why I get go get it done.

    Admission aside, I officially started (again) my round 2 of workouts on Wednesday with Workout 5. I missed my workout yesterday, so I pushed through and did workout 6 and cardio 2 this morning. The good news is that I am strong enough to do both workouts back to back, but I know that getting up that extra 30 minutes earlier is not something I want to do on a regular basis. I will be back to my 30 minutes at 6:30am from now on.

    I have also gotten on the scale and I have gained 4 pounds with vacation and my lazy week. Normally, that would bother me, but I know that I enjoyed my vacation and have enjoyed a bit of a break. Those pounds will come off quickly once I am back to my regular eating and workout program.

    I have new resolve and a new goal to make it through another 28 days in my speed JMBR program.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    JMBR - 2nd Round : Day 5

    Workout 6 again this morning. Even with this being my second time through the program, I still can't do the windmills with my legs extended. Everything else I can do with good form. I am so much stronger now, and my balance is so much better. I don't feel like I am getting the same level of a workout as I was getting in workouts 11 & 12, but since I move to workout 7 on Wednesday, I'm not concerned. It is the mother of all the JMBR workouts.

    My shoulder is still bothering me, so I have been very careful with the moves that tax it in any way. I'm hoping it recovers quickly.
  • princess2boys
    princess2boys Posts: 11 Member
    I'm also starting my second round (lost 12 lbs and 21 inches) after coming back from vacation. I gained 5 lbs (ugh!) but have the same feelings as you do. I'm not beating myself up over it. It has been hard to get back into the routine of getting up at 5:30 to get it in, especially now that my evenings have freed up with no more baseball games for the boys. I did workout 5 tonight and forgot how awesome BR is! Before vacation I did 4 weeks of KB&T and 6W6P. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I could do and "stepped it up." Now I need to step up the eating and get back on track! Good luck!

  • mheightchew
    Just started round 2 as well!!
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Well, my round 2 of revolution has not gone well. I continue to be a bit lost since my 90 day goal was accomplished. I have not been committed to eating well and I allowed a broken DVD player to be an excuse for missing 4 days of workouts this week. Talk about crashing hard!!

    I have learned 2 things from this detour:

    1. I need to complete my workouts in the morning before my girls wake up and I must make it a priority. It worked for 90 days, why am I not keeping the progress going?? If allow myself to sleep in and there are just too many reasons to delay getting my workout in, and then it's the end of the day and it still isn't done.

    2. I must track my food. I didn't track on vacation and haven't gotten back to it since I have been back. Not tracking leads to excess and bad choices. Tracking with Myfitnesspal is key to my success.

    So I am restarting my Round 2 with a Kickstart week starting tomorrow. I need to cut the processed carbs, sugar and alcohol. Workouts will follow the plan I laid out originally, but I will restart with Workout 5 now that I purchased a new DVD player.

    I have a renewed sense of commitment today, and plan to prepare for success.
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that you're having a rough time, but it sounds like you know what you need to do to get back on track. I've completed BR and moved onto Brazilian Butt Lift (God, I hate that name!) But, as a supplement to that today, I did Cardio 1 for the first time since I finished Phase 1. I couldn't get over how much more in shape I am now! I killed all of it, and even did some of it with weights in my hands. Amazing! This program really does work!