HELP! AGAIN! Stalled a month into cut

caseyj6206 Posts: 20 Member
I've posted before about lack of results after eating at TDEE. After a week at a 10-15% cut I lost nothing, not one ounce. My clothes were also fitting the same as before. I gained about 6 pounds during my reset, went on vacation 2 weeks after starting my 10-15% cut with TONS of walking and no calorie counting (though as I kept track in my mind, I was sticking to around 1800-1900 per day) and lost 2 pounds. When I weighed at home after vacation I was at 168 pounds with my clothes fitting no looser than before.

Here I am 3 weeks into cut, 1 week after weighing in after vacation and I am sitting at 169 and my clothes are just the same. I know that we are not supposed to focus on weight, I've been really trying to focus on how my clothes fit and my measurements and there has been no movement. I am starting a 20% cut today, maybe this will do some good.

I gained at TDEE then stayed at the same weight for about 2 weeks (this is why I started my cut) I don't see eating more as benefiting my weight loss. If I'm not losing at a 10% cut shouldn't fewer calories cause some movement? 3 weeks at a 10-15% cut still produced no results.

I have 10 pounds to lose to get to my original weight goal, but the more I look into it, I think 150 should be my ultimate goal. For right now though, I would be happy at 160 (or feeling like 160 again) and that will be the end for me.

Am I doing something wrong? Everyone else seems to have these results of losing 5 inches off their body within a month of cut, feeling better, looking leaner... I look and feel as pudgy as I did when I finished TDEE.

My diet is not high in sodium, I'm getting my macros right on target. I don't eat a ton of processed food and my fruit and veggie intake is really good.

I don't get it ---help??? I know this isn't a quick fix, but SOME result (any result) would be fantastic!


  • Honestly, three weeks isn't a long time at all. I'd give it more time (at least two months).
  • caseyj6206
    caseyj6206 Posts: 20 Member
    I was re-reading my post and thought the same thing. I was thinking another month or 2 at 15% cut... does that sounds right or should I go 10%? I know the last 10 pounds are the slowest to come off too, so that SUCKS!
  • Oh yeah, definitely not long enough time to notice change, in my opinion. Those last 10 lbs are going to be STUBBORN, if it gets you to a healthy BMI (or if you're already at one). The closer you are to your goal, the slower you want to take it. You don't want to end up eating too little again.

    I'd give it two-three months, and take tape measurements and not worry about the scale, especially if you weight lift. A 15% cut is fine, just try to not venture off into 20% so fast! Patience (I know it's easier said than done, good luck to you, you've got this)!
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    I've posted before about lack of results after eating at TDEE. After a week at a 10-15% cut I lost nothing, not one ounce. My clothes were also fitting the same as before. I gained about 6 pounds during my reset, went on vacation 2 weeks after starting my 10-15% cut with TONS of walking and no calorie counting (though as I kept track in my mind, I was sticking to around 1800-1900 per day) and lost 2 pounds. When I weighed at home after vacation I was at 168 pounds with my clothes fitting no looser than before.

    Here I am 3 weeks into cut, 1 week after weighing in after vacation and I am sitting at 169 and my clothes are just the same. I know that we are not supposed to focus on weight, I've been really trying to focus on how my clothes fit and my measurements and there has been no movement. I am starting a 20% cut today, maybe this will do some good.

    I gained at TDEE then stayed at the same weight for about 2 weeks (this is why I started my cut) I don't see eating more as benefiting my weight loss. If I'm not losing at a 10% cut shouldn't fewer calories cause some movement? 3 weeks at a 10-15% cut still produced no results.

    I have 10 pounds to lose to get to my original weight goal, but the more I look into it, I think 150 should be my ultimate goal. For right now though, I would be happy at 160 (or feeling like 160 again) and that will be the end for me.

    Am I doing something wrong? Everyone else seems to have these results of losing 5 inches off their body within a month of cut, feeling better, looking leaner... I look and feel as pudgy as I did when I finished TDEE.

    My diet is not high in sodium, I'm getting my macros right on target. I don't eat a ton of processed food and my fruit and veggie intake is really good.

    I don't get it ---help??? I know this isn't a quick fix, but SOME result (any result) would be "

    *******Exactly my numbers! I feel ya girl! Don't have much to say other than I am in the same boat with ya! :-/
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    TBH I see a lot of people saying they gain on their reset.

    If you eat at TDEE you should be fluctuating a few pounds up and down.
    If you are gaining steadily then something has changed.
    Either your activity level has changed or you are missing something and possibly not logging properly.

    My body fluctuates up to 5lbs depending on my routine that week but on a monthly spreadsheet I can see a steady decline in weight.

    Also when cutting while already lean youll notice that this process is quite slower than when we were heavy.

    Your best tool in a cut is patience!
    The day after you quit could be your 6lb whoosh.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    bumping to read Dan's links later:flowerforyou:
  • Honestly, three weeks isn't a long time at all. I'd give it more time (at least two months).

    This ^ The amount of time that you need to 'reset' will vary from person to person depending on the amount of damage you did to your body. For me, I reset for 6 weeks (only making it to full TDEE for half of that) and then began my cut. The first week of cut I didn't lose anything, but I am now in week 5 of my cut and have lost about 5 lbs and can see a difference! It DOES work. Luckily for me it was quicker than for some. I have 2 more weeks to cut then I will do one week of eating at TDEE again before cutting for another 7 weeks. I never want my body to get stuck in that rut again!

    In short, try your reset again and be consistant, you got this :) Friend me if you like.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    I'm in the same boat... I've been at this since March and after initial success.. nothing has moved in 2 months..

    Check my blog post for details... any help is appreciated:
  • caseyj6206
    caseyj6206 Posts: 20 Member
    I would have loved to have done my reset for longer than 6 weeks (who doesn't love to eat that amount of food?!) But from what everyone was saying, when you stop gaining and maintain your weight for a couple of weeks, that's when you should try your cut. For a week I couldn't eat below 10% cut because I was ravenous! I'm comfortably eating my 15% cut of 2,060 so we'll see if this does it! I was just hoping that after cutting for 3 weeks I would see maybe at least a quarter of an inch drop off, but so far I have seen no results.

    It's frustrating!!!

    But, I'm not gaining on cut - just maintaining my weight and inches, so I have nothing to worry about I guess. If I were gaining I would be freaking out a little more.

    Just want to see some inches come off by fall or else I'm going to have to go buy some jeans that fit!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    If you like eating then place your big feeds around your lifting schedule.

    So if you lift M/W/F then hit carbs hard on M/W/F and enjoy it.
    Just keep fats low on those days and cut deeper on rest days.
    All said and done its the cals on a weekly basis that really count.