Have the book - starting tomorrow but need some advice!!

charliebird Posts: 168 Member
Hi Ladies (I assuming we're all ladies here as its for Women right?!!)

But I have some questions ?!?

Firstly I am a large lady (obese) - and I am aiming to follow this program to help with weight loss/ inch loss - by building larger muscles increase my metabolism and therefore be more efficient at burning fat - Are my expectations right??

Should I stick with the MFP calories and eat my exercise cals or should I work out the calories based on the book?

I love Zumba and Body Combat and Body Attack and still plan to continue with these on my days off - are there any considerations or issues with this?

Protein Shakes - I don't like them!! Is there anything else I can use instead??

I would like to do some of these workouts at home but only have "barbie" weights and a little 8KG kettlebell! What would you suggest I invest in??? Also how do you do some of the exercises at home like the woodchop??

I know I am jumping the gun a bit - but am I right in thinking the interval training can be anything (i.e. on the treadmill, on the bike, skipping, stepping?!!!)

I am sorry if some of these are buried in the thread but there is a lot to search though.

Thank you all so much.

Charlie x


  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    bump. I'd to see what advice you get, my book is in the mail!
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    Should I stick with the MFP calories and eat my exercise cals or should I work out the calories based on the book?

    I would calculate your TDEE based on the Scoobyworkshop website. I think there is a link in the sticky. When you do that, do not eat back exercise calories but just eat the same amount every day. Currently i'm eating 1800 (between a 15-20% cut).

    I love Zumba and Body Combat and Body Attack and still plan to continue with these on my days off - are there any considerations or issues with this?

    You need to give your body ample rest time to build muscle. I would not overdo it, especially in the beginning.

    Protein Shakes - I don't like them!! Is there anything else I can use instead??

    Why would you need to eat something you don't like? Eat whatever you like to get your protein in. I personally eat Think Thin bars (Tangerine Creamsicle and Lemon Pie are my favs) but do whatever you want, even if you eat chicken 3x a day.

    I would like to do some of these workouts at home but only have "barbie" weights and a little 8KG kettlebell! What would you suggest I invest in??? Also how do you do some of the exercises at home like the woodchop??

    I would use a weighted medicine ball for wood chops at home. You will need heavier weights to be able to do some of the exercises at home. You could try yard sales or whatnot to find something cheap.

    I know I am jumping the gun a bit - but am I right in thinking the interval training can be anything (i.e. on the treadmill, on the bike, skipping, stepping?!!!)

    I would say not exactly, you need to be able to do a heavy burst of speed with a recovery period. The easiest, cheapest would just be walking along the road for 2 mins, then running for 1 min. Free and easy.
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    Brilliant - thanks for the advice. Charliex
  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    I only like protein shakes if I do them in the blender with ice, not very gym friendly! So I made my own protein bars from a recipe from Oxygen magazine. It can be customized to what ever flavors you like too!

    The basic recipe:

    No bake Peanut Butter Protein bars

    2 cups oats
    1/2 c natural peanut butter
    4 scoops vanilla protein powder
    1/3- 1/2 c water
    What ever sweetner you like (I used splenda)

    Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Spread in a loaf pan covered in wax paper and freeze. Then slice into 8 bars. Keep refirgerated.

    I added: 1/4 c chopped cashews, 1/4 sunflower seed, and 1/4 c shredded coconut they came out to be 262 calories with 20g protein.

    You could change the flavor of the by changing the flavor of the protein powder, adding extracts, different nuts, raisins, chocoalte chips, whatever!

    Hope that helps!

    For the intervals: I do spin classes, which is basically interval training in and of itself. I probably overdo them though because I love them!